Personality V: I will save everything

Chapter 56 Going to the Mine

The sky has gradually darkened.

Qiu Ke felt like his soul was about to fly out.

Qiu Ke himself was missing one leg, so it was more difficult to walk. After walking on the uneven ground for a whole day, he couldn't even find a place to sit down and rest.

Qiu Ke felt that the connection between his right leg and the prosthetic limb might have become red, because he now felt a clear sting with every step he took.

Luchino naturally noticed that Qiu Ke was limping. He squatted down and carried Qiu Ke on his back.

"If you're tired, take a rest. It's starting to get dark. Do you think we should find a place to spend the night?" Luchino said to Jiuke on his back.

To be honest, Luchino didn't want to find a place to rest in this mining area at all.

First of all, this place is really dirty. There are dirty, thin and hairless apes everywhere. In Luchino's eyes, they are not even the lowest-quality experimental subjects.

Secondly, the environment here is so bad and dirty that if you have to spend the night here, Luchino feels that a person who is not mysophobic is about to become mysophobic.

The most important thing is that on the way today, Luchino could always feel the malicious eyes of the people around him. If he wanted to spend the night here, Luchino was very confident in his fighting power. Luchino could guarantee his complete escape. And out.

But don't forget, he also brought two people with him. Qiu Ke is a disabled person who is lame in one leg, and Natasha is a girl. Luchino is not sure whether he can completely protect the two of them in the hands of so many miners. personal.

So leaving the mining area and finding a place to stay in a nearby town is the best decision.

But this decision also has drawbacks. The nearest town is at least two hours away. In this way, the sun would have already set before they reached the township, and they would probably have to find their way to the township in the dark, which was also dangerous.

Juke and Natasha were thinking about the same problem as Luchino.

They also noticed that the mining area was not safe and it was dangerous to spend the night here. However, if they had to walk to the nearest town, it would already be dark before they reached the town. It was equally dangerous to walk in the dark on a completely unfamiliar road.

So the three of them stuck together closely. After a short discussion, the three of them finally decided to continue looking for the person who dared to take them to find the "fallen star". If they couldn't find it, they would be in the forest outside the mining area. Just spend the night. Juke and Natasha were sleeping in the tree, and Luchino was responsible for keeping vigil.

Luchino had no objection to this, because as an "evolved" person, Luchino didn't sleep for one night, which was nothing to him.

As for why the three of them would rather spend the night in the forest than in the mining area?

Oh, ill-intentioned humans are more dangerous than wild beasts.

After deciding where to stay tonight, the three of them continued to search for their new "family" in the mining area.

But it's still the same, as long as they mention that they need to find the "fallen star", no one is willing to take them no matter how much the price is.

"How about we go rest first and look for you tomorrow." Qiu Ke really started to think about giving up. He finally understood the meaningful smile of the manor owner before leaving.


Luchino and Natasha also agreed with Jiuke's idea. They could see that Jiuke was really too tired. If he continued walking, he might fall to the ground.

Don't talk about why Qiu Ke's physical strength is not as good as Natasha's, a girl? Think about it, if you tie an iron block weighing about ten pounds to your right leg and walk on the mountain road for a day, you will be as tired as Qiu Ke.

Just when everyone was about to leave the mining area and go to the nearby forest, a person stopped them from behind.

"Please wait a moment, these noble gentlemen, are you going to look for the 'fallen stars'? I can take you there." The voice sounded young, but the voice was hoarse, and it seemed that the man was not breathing well. .

Of course, this is not the point. The point is that this man is actually willing to take them to find the 'fallen star'. Could it be that he is the new "family" that the manor owner asked them to find? !

Luchino, Juke and Natasha quickly turned their heads to look.

The person who came looked like a young miner. He had strange burns on his face and arms, but this should be very common in mining areas. After all, the miners at the bottom had to deal with all kinds of things in the mine tunnels. Danger.

"What's your name?" Luchino asked, praying in his heart that it must be the name the manor owner told them, so that their mission would be 80% completed.

"Oh, good evening, noble gentlemen and ladies, my name is Norton Campbell." Norton gave a gentleman's salute to the three nobles opposite, although he looked a little lame in doing it.

"Are you sure you are willing to take us to find the 'fallen stars'? You must know that every miner we meet in this mining area is not willing to take us to find it."

The name of the man I heard was Norton Campbell. The three of them were really going crazy with joy, that was the name, and he was our new "family", but Natasha still asked him questions because she wanted to be sure.

"Oh, of course, dear madam, of course I am willing to take you to find the 'fallen stars'. The miners here are not willing to take you to find them because they are not skilled enough, but I am different. The only prospector in this mining area, I will be happy to take you in to look for fallen stars." Norton said respectfully, are you kidding? It’s been a long time since I’ve seen so many fat and oily sheep.

"That's great, let's go now." Luchino said immediately. He really wanted to leave this mining area. He just wanted to complete the mission of the manor owner quickly so that he could return to the manor.

"Oh, I'm very sorry, noble gentleman, but... are you really sure? It's getting very late now, and it's very dangerous to go down the mine tunnel at this time." Norton reminded him, but in fact, he wanted to do this. Several noble ghosts hurried down the mine tunnel so that he could implement his plan immediately.

That's right, in fact, Norton didn't want to take them to find those "fallen stars" from the beginning. He actually just wanted to trick these noble ghosts into the mine, kill them in the mine, and then take them away. Everything valuable on you.

Norton is very confident that he will not be discovered by others. You must know that many people have died in the abandoned mine tunnel because of the "falling star". Oh, my God, think about it. At night when I couldn't see my fingers, I took a few nobles who had never done heavy work before down the mine tunnel. Due to some accident, they disappeared in the mine tunnel. It seemed normal.

What's more, the prospector who led them into the mine tunnel also disappeared into the mine tunnel, which further convinced them that this incident was an accident, wasn't it?

Yes, Norton was very familiar with the abandoned mine tunnel. He killed these noble ghosts, escaped from other exits, took all the money they had, and left the mining area forever. This was Norton's plan.

Norton couldn't help but think to himself. He even started to look at the gems on the three noble ghosts in front of him. How much were they worth?

If you were to ask Norton, does he feel guilty about this? oh? God, how could he feel guilty? When he used explosives to kill a dozen fellow miners, and when he made up his mind to light the fuse, he knew there was no turning back.

The lives of those dozen or so fellow miners helped him transform from a miner at the lowest level to a commoner, so let’s use the lives of these aristocratic ghosts to make him a rich man!

"We're pretty sure, Mr. Campbell, please take us down the mine tunnel."

Hearing the answers from the noble ghosts, Norton obediently led them to the entrance of the abandoned mine tunnel.

"This is it. Dear noble gentleman, please forgive me, I would like to ask, how much can you give me for this set of things?" Of course Norton wanted to ask this question, after all, he had to know this group of nobles. How much money the ghosts carry with them is related to the rest of their lives.

"I have a bag of gold coins and a bag of diamonds. This bag of gold coins is your reward for taking me down the mine tunnel and finding the 'fallen star'. I will give you half the bag of gems. After we all come up, I will I'll give you the last gem." Luchino said as he showed the gold coins and gems. Even at night, they still glowed under the moonlight.

Norton originally thought that these three noble ghosts only brought gold coins, but he didn't expect that they actually brought a bag of gems. Oh, my God, look at those beautiful gems. Norton even saw that he would become a rich man in the future. Looks like it.

"Oh, of course, dear sir and madam, let's get started now." Norton couldn't even wait.

"Oh, wait, Mr. Campbell, you may have misunderstood. I am the only one who will go down the mine tunnel with you. As for Jack and Natasha, they will stay above the mine tunnel." Lucchino corrected Norton's misunderstanding.

Of course Luchino knew why the manor owner asked him to come here to find a new "family", because this was an experiment agreed upon between him and the manor owner.

Luchino wanted to test how strong the healing ability of this "evolved" body was. You must know that the healing ability of reptiles is very strong, but there is no accurate value for how strong it is. Normally Luchino Using a knife or something like that to cut your own body in the manor is too weak an experiment.

Therefore, when the owner of the manor told him that this time his "family members" would have a particularly strong character and would probably do something that would hurt him.

Luchino agreed without hesitation, especially when Luchino heard from the manor owner that this time his "family" lived in a dangerous place like the mining area. Such a place would definitely improve his experimental report, so Luchino couldn't wait. So I agreed.

As for Qiu Ke and Natasha who were traveling together, in fact, to put it bluntly, they were covering for Luchino. After all, it would be a bit strange for a nobleman to walk alone in the mining area, and anyone with a little more brains would think it was strange.

Therefore, when Norton proposed that four people go down the mine tunnel together, Lucchino directly said that he could do it alone. After all, the next scene was a bit bloody...

Hearing what one of the noble ghosts said, Norton immediately began to think, what should he do next? Originally, he wanted to deal with the three noble ghosts together in the mine tunnel, but if only one went down, the two above had not come up after watching for so long, and they would probably call the police.

No, it doesn't matter even if the police are called. By the time these two noble ghosts find out something is wrong, they will have already left.

That's right, the plan remains as usual, and with only one going down, it will be more convenient to handle it by yourself.

So Norton prepared the tools and entered the mine tunnel with Luchino.

Ridiculous, Norton thought he was the hunter, but in fact he was the prey.

The mine tunnel is getting deeper and deeper. Fortunately, an oil lamp has been prepared for the road section in advance, but the oil lamp can only illuminate the road around them at best, and the mine tunnel is still bottomless.

As we were walking, suddenly a deep pit appeared in the mine tunnel in front of us.

In fact, this is not an ordinary big pit, but a channel that the miners drilled straight down in order to dig deeper.

It's a pity that this mine tunnel has been abandoned for a long time, and the soft ladders prepared for the miners on the tunnel have long since rotted and broken.

"How should we get down now?" Luchino deliberately said this to Norton. In fact, Luchino had already sensed that the hunter's prey was about to take action.

Of course Norton is familiar with this passage.

Huh, if you fall onto a hard rock from a height of more than ten meters, you will definitely be killed in one blow!

"Oh, dear noble gentleman, don't worry, I have prepared a rope for you. You go down first and I will help you hold the rope." Norton said as he took out the rope that had been prepared for you. .

Luchino took the rope from his hand and pulled it out hard. It was very strong, but it could be broken by cutting it with a knife...

"No problem, then Mr. Campbell, you have to hold on to the rope," Lucchino said to Norton calmly while pressing down the corners of his mouth that wanted to raise.

The show is about to begin.

So Luchino climbed down the rope first, and just as Luchino thought, the rope was cut.

Norton watched the aristocratic ghost in front of him disappear from his sight little by little, and confirmed that his whole body was now supported by this rope, so he cut the rope without hesitation.


There was a huge crash, accompanied by the sound of bones breaking, and Norton was sure that he had succeeded.

Norton quickly took out another longer and stronger rope he had prepared and slid down the passage in the mine.

Norton held the oil lamp high and quickly found Lucchino who had fallen.

But to Norton's surprise, after falling from such a high place, this noble ghost could still breathe.

That's right, after Norton came down, he saw Luchino lying on the ground, covered in blood and twitching. It was obvious that Luchino was still alive.

"What do you want... to do..." (too deep into the drama) Luchino said weakly, but in fact, in his eyes, it was more like teasing a kitten that scratched its owner.

Seeing that Luchino was still alive, Norton silently put down the oil lamp in his hand and lifted a stone from the side.

"I'm sorry, noble gentleman, I just want money."

After saying that, Norton hit the noble ghost in front of him on the head hard.


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