Personality V: I will save everything

Chapter 5 Winner’s Prize

it's getting dark.

Joseph, who had been sitting by the window, thought so.

From the end of the game to now, Joseph has been sitting in front of the window, silently watching the sun set.

He has been thinking about the bizarre things that happened between when he received this letter and now.

Maybe this so-called "manor owner" has fallen out of the category of human beings.

What does that inhuman guy think of us? Toys?

Forget it, we have reached this point, and there is no turning back with confidence.

Hearing the urging of the maid outside the door, Joseph stopped speculating about the owner of the manor. I packed up my dress and went to the banquet.

Arriving at the banquet hall, Joseph admitted that he was a little amazed at the magnificent building. Even during his time as a noble, he had never seen a more luxurious scene than this.

But there didn't seem to be many people attending the banquet, except for the housekeeper and maid who had already been seen in the manor.

And...wait a minute, aren't these people...the same people you killed in the game? !

How is this going? ! I'm pretty sure I've taken care of them, so why are they still here? !

It's so strange. What is this manor hiding?

"Manor Lord, here"

The butler's voice reporting the arrival of the manor owner interrupted Joseph's thinking. Following the voice, Joseph looked back.

Joseph never thought that he would use such words to describe a creature that...should...can be called a human being.

But this was really what Joseph had in mind when he first saw the so-called owner of the manor.

"Weird and holy", please forgive Joseph for thinking this way, but the real owner of the manor made him feel like he was the product of demons and angels.

The manor owner didn't seem to notice, or maybe he didn't care about Joseph's eyes.

The manor owner said minding his own business.

"Let us congratulate the winner of this game -" Mr. Joseph de Lathornes"

After saying that, the manor owner clapped his hands. The people around him seemed not to realize what had happened, and they all applauded Joseph together.

Congratulations to the winner of this game, congratulations to him for getting "happiness".

Something is wrong, everything is really wrong.

He didn't pay attention to the applause and congratulations around him. Joseph only felt that the current scene was very strange. Especially the owner of the manor, he is simply the source of weirdness, and he exudes a very uncomfortable contradiction.

She has a holy and beautiful appearance, strange sapphire eyes, silver hair that exudes a faint white light, a dress that doesn't tell if it is a man or a woman, and a voice that keeps changing when speaking. It's chilling.

"Mr. Joseph de Lathornes" the manor owner interrupted Joseph's thinking.

Joseph put away his divergent thoughts and looked up at the manor owner.

"Mr. Delasones, you have two choices now. One is to choose this blue envelope. I will give you a large bonus and you can leave this manor. The other is to choose With this red envelope, you will never be allowed to leave this manor, but I will give you the prize you desire most in your life."

The owner of the manor always smiled and said this paragraph, not caring how much the words he said would shock Joseph.

What does this manor owner mean? ! These two choices seem to give me two different paths. But the owner of the manor actually knew very well, what other choice could I make?

"I choose the red envelope." Yes, I have no way out.

The owner of the manor didn't make any further reaction, just clapped his hands, and two servants behind him brought a huge black coffin.

The manor owner smiled and handed me the red envelope.

"Congratulations on finding your happiness, Mr. Delasones."

Joseph suppressed the fear and questions that kept rising in his heart and opened the red envelope. There was only one key inside. Look again, isn’t there a keyhole on the lid of this coffin? It seems that this key is used to open the coffin.


Joseph swore that he had never been so shocked before, as if the blood in his body had stopped flowing. He himself can no longer think so much now, he has completely fallen into a huge shock.

In the coffin is his long-dead brother, Claude de Lathornes! !

Claude, he still looked like he did when he died, still looked like he was 16 years old, with his eyes tightly closed.

"Claude, Claude, wake up. It's me, Joseph. Open your eyes and look at me!"

The owner of the manor watched Joseph with cold eyes, hugging and calling his brother, but Claude still did not respond. There must be no reaction, after all, Claude's soul is now in his hands.

"Oh, dear Mr. Joseph de la Thornes, please calm down. Don't forget that if you choose the red envelope, you will be making a deal that you must never leave the manor to complete. .”

"I do, I will never leave here. Please, please." Joseph can be said to have entered a state of madness. As long as he can wake up Claude, he is willing to do anything. .

"No, no, no, verbal promises don't count." The manor team took a delicate box from the maid next to them.

The owner of the manor slowly opened the box. Inside the box were two blue eyes carved in crystal.

"The soul of an old friend can only be exchanged for the flesh and blood of blood relatives. ... So, Joseph, give me your eyes. Give me your eyes and replace them with this pair. I will help you polish the crystal eyes with my own hands. This way You will never be able to leave the manor. In exchange, how about I return Claude's soul to you?" The owner of the manor said elegantly, as if a priest was reciting the Bible in a church.


Host, does it really not matter how you look like this?

Looking at the whole system from the side, do you think this is really no problem?

However, the next second, Joseph made a move that no one present expected.

He took the knife prepared on the table in the banquet hall and gouged out his right eye.

! ! ! ! The system and I were shocked by his crazy behavior.

Just when Joseph was about to dig out his left eye, I reached out to stop him.

"That's enough. What a pity Joseph, I hope you can do something more cute." I seemed to be a stable person, but in fact I was a panicked person.

Joseph looked at the manor owner and stopped his next action. And the owner of the manor silently covered his right eye with only a dark socket left.

Slowly an eye made of sapphire crystal formed there. And with that eye as the center, cracks slowly appeared on his face, arms, and body. Now he looks like a broken porcelain doll.

But it didn't affect my actions, it just looked a bit scary.

It seems that I have changed from a human to a monster.

It doesn't matter, as long as Claude can wake up.

After doing all this, the manor owner just walked to the coffin silently. He picked up the eye dug out by Joseph and stuffed it into Claude's mouth.

"Ugh..." Claude let out an uncomfortable whimper.

"Hey, can't you be gentler?"

"elder brother."

...I haven’t heard this title for how many years.

"Brother, where are we? Where are father and mother? Have we arrived in England?" Claude opened his eyes and had doubts about the place he was in now. His first reaction was to ask his twin brother Joseph.


Joseph could no longer bear it and rushed forward, hugging this brother he had not seen for more than 40 years.

"Claude, Claude, I miss you so much."

Claude was obviously frightened by his brother's exaggerated action. When he took a closer look at his brother's eyes and face, what was going on? !

"Brother, I'm fine. What's going on with your face and your right eye?"

"It's okay, Claude, it's okay, I just...just...made a deal with the devil, it's nothing."

Claude was shocked when he heard Joseph's answer.

"Did that demon take your soul? Don't cry, brother, I will give you my soul."

"No, I'm fine, Claude. He just took away one of my eyes. It's nothing."

Joseph dispelled Claude's doubts. He really didn't want to worry Claude anymore. He hadn't been able to see this brother again for decades.

And from now on, Joseph finally understood why since he won the game, everyone he met was congratulating him and congratulating him on finding happiness.

Joseph hugged his brother tightly in his arms, fearing that this moment was an illusion, but Claude's firm heartbeat and body temperature made him understand that none of this was an illusion, it was real.

"Congratulations, you found happiness."

"Thank you, I'm really happy now."

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