

It's what you get for what you put it into.

I really admire Andrew.

Didn't I say that before? Andrew Yizhong dug out the key to his previous candy incident again, and then he restarted that world again.

So basically every time after riding a horse, he would run to the candy world to eat ice cream. Over time, his voice became very hoarse.

"Dad......." (Super hoarse voice)

You deserve it.

Seeing Andrew's painful expression, I couldn't help but laugh. Who told him not to listen to me? Now he is suffering!

However, I felt sorry for Andrew because he was just a kid and didn't know much. So I decided to teach him a lesson and let him know that he would have to bear the consequences if he did something wrong.

"Andrew, do you know you are wrong now?" I asked seriously.

Andrew nodded and looked at me pitifully: "Dad, I know I was wrong......"

"Will you dare to eat so much ice cream secretly again in the future?" I continued to ask.

Andrew quickly shook his head: "I dare not, Dad, I will never dare to do it again..."

"Okay, since you know you are wrong, I will punish you by not allowing you to eat any sweets or cold drinks for a week. If you can do this, I will forgive your behavior this time." I said seriously.

Although Andrew was a little reluctant, he still agreed: "Okay, Dad, I will do it..."

I hope that after this lesson, Andrew will understand that he should control his desires and not hurt his body for the sake of momentary happiness. At the same time, he should also learn to listen to other people's advice and stop doing things that make people laugh and cry.

Andrew had a blank expression on his face, but in fact he walked away in tears.

In fact, the reason why he went to find the owner of the manor was that he hoped that the owner could find a way to change his voice back. I saw that the owner of the manor was like, he would definitely not take action before he got taught a lesson.

But then again.......

Andrew reached out and touched his throat which was a little uncomfortable.

I was obviously not so out of control when I was a child. It was impossible for me to eat so much ice cream. Why did I become so out of control now that I have grown up?

Andrew thought as he returned to his room.

"I told you, it's useless for you to go to the owner of the manor." Antonio looked at Andrew's appearance and knew that the owner of the manor did not help him recover his voice.

“Shut… up…” Andrew’s throat was sore now, which made him not want to talk at all, otherwise he would have cursed long ago.

Antonio looked at Andrew with a smile and had no intention of shutting up at all.

"I have a good idea, Andrew. I heard that a sweaty workout is more convenient for recovery from illness."


Andrew stared at Antonio, his eyes full of anger and dissatisfaction. Although his throat was still sore, he still tried to express his dissatisfaction in a low and hoarse voice.

Antonio could tell without Andrew's rebuttal that he was not in the mood.

Antonio smiled and patted Andrew on the shoulder to show his understanding. Then he turned and left the room, leaving Andrew sitting there alone, feeling irritated.

But not long after, Antonio came back.

"Drink some hot tea, it might make your throat feel better." Antonio was rarely serious and went to the kitchen to bring a pot of hot tea and brought it to Andrew.

Andrew really didn't want to talk anymore, he could only nod to show his agreement.

Andrew drank some hot tea and felt his throat relieved. He looked at Antonio gratefully but still didn't want to speak.

Antonio saw what he was thinking and said with a smile: "You're welcome, but you need to have a good rest. Maybe your throat will be better tomorrow."

Andrew thought, if only it was true as Antonio said. He decided to listen to his father and stop eating sweets and cold drinks this week, hoping that his throat would recover as soon as possible.


Antonio left Andrew's room after serving the hot tea. On his way back to the kitchen, he couldn't help but sigh in his heart: "The owner of the manor really dotes on his children." This sentence seemed to be a soliloquy, but it was clearly heard by everyone.

"So what? He is willing." Jack's voice suddenly came from the shadow of the corridor, like a ghost.

Antonio stopped and turned to look in that direction. He saw Jack slowly walking out of the darkness, his figure looking a little ghostly. Antonio looked Jack up and down, with a hint of disdain and helplessness in his eyes.

"I don't want to discourage you, but I advise you to give up as soon as possible." Antonio's tone was full of sarcasm.

Jack frowned slightly, his eyes firm and determined, "So what? I'm happy to do it."

Antonio sighed, shook his head and said, "How is it possible for a human to be with God?" His words were full of pessimism and doubt.

However, Jack was not shaken by Antonio's words. He smiled slightly, his eyes revealing a kind of confidence and determination, "Maybe it's impossible in your eyes, but for me, nothing is impossible." After that, he turned and left, leaving Antonio standing alone, thinking about this seemingly absurd love story.

Antonio shrugged boredly. It didn't matter. He was already with Andrew anyway. Well... then again, what happened between him and Andrew was so incredible, so what happened between Jack and the owner of the manor was just a slightly upgraded version.

Antonio thought about it and felt that there was no point in thinking about it any further, so he decided not to think about it anymore.


The next morning, Andrew cleared his throat after getting up and was surprised to find that his throat had completely returned to normal, no longer painful or hoarse. He cheered excitedly: "Wow! My throat is really better!"

e?(?> ? <)? 3

Andrew went downstairs in a happy mood, ready to go to the restaurant to have a hearty breakfast to celebrate his recovery.

However, when he walked into the restaurant, he immediately felt a strange atmosphere. The whole room was filled with a solemn atmosphere, as if an invisible pressure was shrouding everyone. There seemed to be a faint smell of blood in the air, which made Andrew frown.

His eyes fell on Norton, who was sitting quietly on a chair in the restaurant, his face as pale as paper. Lydia stood beside him anxiously, pressing Norton's injured arm tightly with both hands, trying to stop the blood from flowing. Andrew stared at the scene in shock with his eyes wide open.

Norton's blood flowed down his arm and dripped onto the floor, forming a pool of bright red blood. His wound looked extremely horrible, as if he had been attacked by some ferocious beast. The torn muscles and damaged skin were shocking, and Andrew couldn't help but gasp.

Andrew walked forward nervously and asked with concern: "What happened? Why was Norton so seriously injured?"

Lydia raised her head, her eyes full of anxiety and worry. She replied in a trembling voice: "We don't know either. When I came to the restaurant this morning, I saw Norton lying on the ground covered in blood..."

Although Norton gradually regained consciousness after Lydia's emergency treatment, he was still extremely weak and unable to even speak.

"Uncle Norton!" Andrew rushed forward anxiously, "What happened? How did you become like this?"

"It looks like it was scratched by a wolf."

The voice of the manor owner suddenly sounded from behind. Andrew turned around and was surprised to find that his father had arrived here without him noticing.

In any case, the most important thing right now is to treat Norton's wound.

I carefully extended my fingers and gently touched Norton's wound, which was still bleeding. Miraculously, under my touch, the wound began to heal at a speed visible to the naked eye, and soon it was back to normal. Except for the bloodstains on his arm, there was no trace of the severe injury.

Although the wound had been treated, Norton was still very weak, so Lydia found a few people to help Norton back to the room.

After everything was settled, everyone gathered together to discuss what had just happened.

"How could there be wolves in town?"

Leo didn't disbelieve what the owner of the manor said, but he couldn't believe how wolves could suddenly appear in the town? Where did these wolves come from?

Leo frowned as he looked at the mysterious manor owner in front of him. He knew that the manor owner would never do anything without a purpose, but he really couldn't understand why such a ferocious animal as a wolf would appear in the town.

"It's impossible that someone brought a wolf in here thinking it was a dog?" Alva said this with a tone full of sarcasm. After all, who would have thought that there would be wolves in the town? And they were wild wolves that specialized in attacking humans!

"Maybe there are not only wolves, but also lions!"

Everyone turned their heads to look in the direction of the voice and found that Kreacher had arrived here at some point.

Everyone was not surprised that Kreacher could come to the manor. After all, Kreacher had already proved to everyone that he had turned over a new leaf, so he was qualified to enter and leave the manor at any time. However, most of the time, Kreacher still thought of himself as a sinner and felt that he was not qualified to enter this "paradise"-like place, so he never took the initiative to come to the manor. Today, this was the first time he took the initiative to step into the manor.

"What did you just say? Lion?!" Naib widened his eyes, suspecting there was something wrong with his ears.

"You heard it right. A lion appeared in front of my orphanage yesterday morning." Kreacher repeated, with a hint of fear and uneasiness in his tone.

Kreacher had expected that the police might not be able to help, but when he saw the ferocious lion with his own eyes, he was filled with fear.

He really couldn't understand why such a thing happened to him, and he didn't know what would happen next.

Although he was lucky enough to drive the lion away this time, he was not sure if he would be so lucky next time. Every time he thought of this, Kreacher felt a chill.

So he thought about it and decided that he could not sit there and wait for death, and he had to do something. Finally, he decided to come to the manor to seek help. Although he knew he was still a sinner, he was willing to pay any price for those children.

Kreacher told everyone exactly what happened yesterday. Of course, he omitted the part between him and Servi because it was too embarrassing.

"First it was a wolf, then a lion, what's next?! A vulture?! Or a python?!" Naib was obviously a little nervous about this series of events. After all, those were real wolves and lions!

Moreover, Norton was also injured. If Servi had not rushed over to help Kreacher, Kreacher might have been in the lion's stomach now! ! ! ! Thinking of this, Naib couldn't help but feel scared.

Suddenly, Natasha thought of a possibility. She frowned, a hint of doubt flashed in her eyes: "Is it a zoo?" The only place that could have so many wild animals and enter the city so openly could be a zoo. After all, other than a zoo, it would be difficult to explain why there were so many wild animals anywhere else.

"Yes, if that's the case, then the circus is also a possibility." Annie clapped her hands excitedly, as if she had discovered some important clue. Her eyes were shining, full of curiosity and anticipation.

However, Natasha shook her head in disapproval. She explained in a serious and solemn tone: "I don't think the circus is likely."

Then she continued, "Because even though there are animal performances in circuses, there aren't usually so many ferocious beasts. One or two might be okay, but if there are too many, the circus can't afford it."

What Natasha said was true. When she was in the Hustle and Bustle Circus, she was not only a dancer, but also an animal trainer.

At that time, there was only one lion in the circus, and the reason was simple: there were too many lions to keep. So, from this point of view, the zoo is more likely.

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