Personality V: I will save everything

Chapter 23 The Demon King of Confusion

A month has passed since the first mate's ship successfully landed.

During this month, Gabriel and Jack stayed in the palace.

It has to be said that since the two of them came to the palace, the banquet in the palace seemed to have never stopped.

Countless nobles worked hard to get a place at the banquet, just to leave an impression in front of Gabriel and Jack.

Countless noble ladies were lingering around Juke and Gabriel, hoping to attract their attention.

In this regard, Gabriel shuttled among the noble ladies with ease, but if you observe carefully, you will find that he always keeps a distance from them.

And Jack, oh, he still feels scared and uncomfortable about it.

The straightforward words of the noble girls really frightened him.

But fortunately, Gabriel has been paying attention to Qiu Ke. To be honest, he helped Qiu Ke block many invitations from noble girls.

The banquet always started in the evening. When he had nothing to do, Qiu Ke would stay in the room prepared for him in the palace. He would stay there all day long and read a book.

Usually these are the times when the maids try to get close to Jack. They will put notes under the trays of tea and snacks prepared for Jack.

Qiu Ke always pretended not to see this. Of course, he would not look at it. He would notice the notes every time and then throw them away without even looking at the content on them.

In addition, the princesses in the palace often come to contact him.

The princesses always strive for the opportunity to be alone with him in the name of reading books together and visiting the garden together.

Qiu Ke did not refuse, but the distance between him and the princesses was always more than one meter.

They can communicate with each other without appearing ambiguous.

Of course, in addition to this, there are countless love letters stuffed in from all over the place.

Likewise, Qiu Ke found a place to secretly dispose of the love letter without even looking at it.

But after a long time, it got really annoying, but Qiu Ke couldn't say it directly, as that would hurt the girls' hearts, and he would also look very embarrassed.

So, Qiu Ke secretly thought of a way.

So, on a dark and windy night for a month, Qiu Ke, who was disguised and dressed in black, finally bypassed all the guards in the palace, climbed over the palace wall, and ran outside after many hardships.

Well, none of the above.

In fact, what actually happened was that Qiu Ke greeted the palace guards and walked out without hesitation. After all, no one dared to stop him.

Juke just walked aimlessly on the nearby streets.

Although people around him would cast inquiring glances at him from time to time, it was really much better than in the palace.

As he walked, Qiu Ke suddenly realized that the two children in front of him looked familiar.

The two children also noticed Qiu Ke standing here and ran towards Qiu Ke quickly.


"Brother Qiuke, I miss you so much."

When the two children came closer, Qiu Ke finally saw clearly that they were Andrew and Carl.

Qiu Ke was very shocked, but still followed the body instinct that had been formed after doing this countless times, squatting down and holding the two children in his arms.

Why did these two children come outside the manor?

why? Let me answer your questions.

In fact, Carl and Andrew have been missing Jack very much since he sailed away with the ship.

They chased me all day and night, always asking when Juke would come back.

Every time I tell them that Jack has gone on a long voyage and it will take some time before he can come back.

But the problem is, every time they asked in the morning, I answered, and they asked again in the afternoon.

In order not to worry the children, every time Gabriel sent a video, I asked Carl and Andrew to watch it with me.

So when the two children discovered that the boat on which Jack was riding had docked, they couldn't wait to sneak out of the manor to find Jack.

Yes, the two of them sneaked out secretly.

It is true that the right to leave the manor has always been with the manor owner, but you all seem to have overlooked one thing.

It is the envelope with which the manor owner invites the character.

That's right, as long as you hold the envelope, you can enter and exit the manor.

It's just that most people have ignored this.

After all, when Joseph and Jack entered the manor before, they had already returned the envelope inviting them from the manor owner to the butler. This was also one of the etiquettes, proving that they had been invited to enter the manor.

However, this seemingly simple or even subconscious move has a hidden mystery.

So these two unlucky kids secretly stole the envelope I was going to give to the next character from the study room, took the envelope and left the manor.

But of course, the above are actually the speculations of these two children.

The envelope is not a key that allows you to enter and leave the manor at will. On the contrary, it is only a GPS at best.

It can let me know where the characters are currently, and if they want to enter or leave the manor, I can use my power to bring them into the manor or take them out of the manor.

I have always had the right to enter and exit the estate.

So how did they manage to leave the manor while holding the envelope?

Of course I secretly opened the back door for them.

They thought they had managed to hide it from me quietly, but in fact I knew all of their plans from the beginning.

I asked Joseph to follow them secretly and give him the envelope for the next role.

Looking at the two little guys who were secretly celebrating because they thought they had succeeded, I thought to myself,

They are really two naughty children. When they come back, I will not spank their butts.

"Tch, host, you say this every time, but when have you really been able to take action?" the system complained beside him.

The host said this every time, but each time he did not really punish the children. As a result, Carl and Andrew can now be said to be becoming more and more lawless.

"Huh? Say it again, system, I didn't hear you clearly." I shook my fist.

"I was wrong, host." The system said that you should be cowardly when you should be cowardly.

Humph, you know what you are doing with the stinky system, otherwise I will definitely give you a shot this time. (I would really do this)

at the same time.

From the chattering conversation between Carl and Andrew, Qiu Ke gradually understood the ins and outs of the matter.

Qiu Ke felt like his whole body was about to burst.

These two children are so courageous. Don’t they know that it will be very dangerous for them to act like this? !

Oh, well, if they have lived in the manor since childhood, they may not really know.

But look at the way these two children are dressed, they are obviously dressed like nobles and rich people. The two children are so young, they can easily be spotted by bad guys when they walk on the street.

It was really a blessing from God that they both came to me intact.

Ah, that doesn't seem right. The owner of the manor is God. If you think about it this seems that God really bless them.

Just like that, Qiu Ke stood there and pulled himself for a while,

Finally came to the conclusion,

Go back and complain to the manor owner, and be sure to teach them a lesson.

At the same time, Andrew seemed to have discovered that Jack was afraid of them sneaking out of the manor.

So he comforted Qiu Ke and said,

"Brother Jiuke, don't worry. We were very successful and slipped out of the manor. Dad won't be angry."

"Mom is very good, mom is not angry." Karl also clapped his hands beside him and echoed in a sweet voice.

However, after hearing what they said, Qiu Ke felt like he was about to explode.

Is this a question of whether the manor owner is angry or not? !

You two don't realize the seriousness of the problem at all! !

Do you know how terrible your end will be if you meet a bad person on the street? !

Qiu Ke's chest heaved violently, and he could no longer suppress the anger in his heart.

Qiu Ke took a deep breath and decided to teach these two bastards a lesson on the street.

At this moment, the appearance of a person interrupted Qiu Ke's anger.

"Andrew, Carl, don't worry. The Lord of the Manor has long known that you sneaked out, but he said that you must be taught a lesson when you go back."

Joseph suddenly appeared from the side because he noticed that if he didn't stop Carl and Andrew and let the two children continue talking, Jack would explode with anger.

But please note that Joseph did not just naturally emerge from the shadows of the nearby street.

He was sent directly from the world in the picture,

So much so that he startled everyone on the street who was paying attention.

But what scared Carl and Andrew was not Joseph's sudden appearance, but what Joseph said.

"Is Dad/Mom really angry?" Andrew and Carl asked at the same time.

"Yes, your Excellency the Lord of the Manor is very angry. Not only did you sneak into the study to steal things, but you also sneaked out of the manor without saying a word. Regarding this, Your Excellency the Lord of the Manor said that when you go back, he will definitely teach you a lesson. You guys have a meal." Joseph said solemnly, with a calm face, but he was always gloating in his heart.

To say why, oh, of course it's because these two children have grown up and are really becoming more and more lawless.

In this regard, all the adults in the manor expressed their real headache.

after all,

No one wants to have the documents they have worked hard to sort out all morning to be disrupted by two children coming in.

The painting I worked so hard on in the garden of the manor was painted by two children.

The originally clean kitchen was transformed into a battlefield by two children.

The originally beautiful garden was almost turned into wasteland by these two children.

Oh, it would take three days and three nights to talk about the good things these two demon kings did in the manor.

Therefore, when the manor owner finally decided to teach these two children a lesson, everyone in the manor was happy to see it happen.

Of course, in this regard, I, the owner of the manor, said privately that these two children were just old enough to be considered dogs.

But looking back carefully, I found that I really indulged them a little too much, and it was really time to teach them a lesson.

Therefore, I asked Joseph to help me convey to the two children that I would definitely teach them a lesson.

However, after hearing what Joseph said, both children were visibly depressed.

Not happy, dad/mom is actually really angry.

We make dad/mom angry and we are not good kids.

Thinking about it, Karl actually started crying.

Helpless, Qiu Ke had no choice but to hold Carl while patting his body and coaxing him softly.

Andrew also stood on the ground, holding back the tears in his eyes.

Seeing this, Joseph felt that the two of them should have really learned a lesson.

Since the two of them already knew that they had done something wrong, they should go back and help themselves and beg for mercy in front of the manor owner.

Hey, Joseph, aren't you just like the owner of the manor, spoiling these two children? What qualifications do you have to say that you are the owner of the manor?

At this time, Joseph suddenly remembered another thing that the manor owner told him.

So, he asked Karl and Andrew if the envelope they brought out of the manor together was on them.

Of course he and Andrew were honest and said the envelope was still with them.

Andrew turned through his pockets, took out the envelope they had stolen from the study, and gave it back to Joseph.

Joseph picked up the envelope and thought carefully about where the manor owner asked him to send the envelope.

As he thought about it, he rubbed the envelope in his hand with his fingers.

Well, looks like I'm going to have to take a trip to jail.

Joseph thought in his mind,

At the same time, he also looked at the two children in front of him. Before that, he would play with the two children on the street.

At this time, Qiu Ke had already coaxed the two children. Both children said that they were deeply aware of their mistakes and they would accept any punishment from the owner of the manor when they returned.

Seeing that the two children had realized their mistake, Joseph no longer needed to stay angry.

So he said he could take the children to play on the street for a while and then take them back to the manor.

Upon hearing these two children, they burst into laughter immediately. After all, they are still at the age where they love to play.

At the same time, while the two children were jumping and playing in front, Joseph whispered to Juke.

"I came out this time mainly because the owner of the manor needs me to help him deliver a letter. In the meantime, I will ask you to play with the two children for a while. Be careful and don't let them do anything outrageous again. If you haven't been in the manor for the past six months, you don't know that these two children are really close to digging a hole in the sky."

Joseph decided to tell Juke a little bit about what the two children were like now, and he must keep an eye on them.

In this regard, Qiu Ke said that he would definitely keep his eyes on them. After all, two such young children sneaking out of the manor quietly was enough to shock him.

Seeing that Juke promised that he would keep an eye on these two children, Joseph felt relieved and turned around to deliver the message to the manor owner.

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