Personality V: I will save everything

Chapter 14 Ignorance, Knowledge and Gifts

After a morning of fluttering explanations.

Joseph finally believed that nothing happened to Jack and me.

But this does not prevent Carl and Andrew from being hostile to Jack.

It can be seen from the fact that Carl and Andrew hugged me tightly and stared at Jack very angrily during the explanation.

Oh my god, can I go back in time and strangle me to death when I slept last night?

And Andrew, who hugged my waist tightly and glared at Jack angrily, was almost mad to death.

Damn it, I have only been away for two days, and my father is about to be snatched away by others.

Thinking of this, Andrew hugged his father harder.

Karl also followed Andrew's example and hugged his mother's thigh tightly.

Karl didn't know what happened specifically. He only knew that the man named Jack in front of him embarrassed his mother and made his brother angry. He was a bad guy.

I looked at the two children who wanted to cling to me, and I couldn't help but think about what evil I had done.

Helpless, I had to pick them up, explain carefully in my arms, and comfort them softly.

Finally, the two children knew that their father/mother would not be snatched away by Jack.

But that doesn't stop them from hating Jack.

Seeing the two of them like this, I couldn't help it. Forget it, let's get along slowly in the future.

As for Claude, well, he is not interested in my personal life. He simply thinks that this scene requires covering his eyes.

Then it'll be fine.

As for this red-haired clown...

Ok? !

and many more……

this person…

Why does it look so familiar...

what the hell! Crying Clown Jack!

Forgive me for not noticing him until now. After all, something like this happened in the morning, so I turned my attention to him.

I lowered my head and asked Carl and Andrew, where did this red-haired clown come from?

"Dad, we bought him from the circus." Andrew replied, "I like him."

"Clown, I like clowns." Carl also echoed.

Andrew was a little worried that his dad wouldn't like the red-haired clown.

But Carl didn't understand this. He only knew that he liked this clown, and his mother would also like it.

The two children kept telling me what happened.

I also pieced together the general direction of the incident from their few words.

Unexpectedly, I just wanted the children to go out to avoid the limelight, but I didn't expect that another character would be brought back.

The children and I are having a lively discussion here.

Qiu Ke, who had been standing by him, was really scared to death.

Juke was really scared. Nothing good had happened since he entered the manor.

He was first told that Master Joseph was not the real owner of the manor, he was just the assistant of the manor owner.

In other words, Joseph could not influence the manor owner's decision.

Then his deliberate efforts to please him in the past two days would appear to be of no use at all.

As for Claude, he is Joseph's younger brother, and he also cannot influence the manor owner's decision.

As for the two children, Carl and Andrew, they are indeed the children of the manor owner, but after all, they are too young. If the manor owner really wants them to get out of his manor, then these two children have no choice.

What should I do? I really have nowhere to go. You have to think of a way... you have to think of a way to make yourself stay.

Qiu Ke has been thinking wildly here and has not heard the discussion between me and the children. Of course, he did not dare to eavesdrop.

I told the children that I also liked this clown very much and could let him stay, and the children were naturally very happy.

It wasn't until Carl and Andrew grabbed Juke's hand at the same time that Juke recovered from his divergent thoughts.

"Great, Qiu Ke, dad/mom agrees with you. You can stay." The two children said in unison.

Juke couldn't believe his ears, so much so that he didn't notice that the two children called the manor owner differently.

He couldn't believe he stayed so easily.

He couldn't believe that the owner of the manor was so kind and generous and agreed to let him, a dirty thing like a sewer rat, stay in the manor.

Seeing Juke's ecstatic expression on the side, I didn't think much and directly asked the maid to take him down so that he could have a good rest.

Joseph and Claude also left. The two brothers preferred to be alone than with everyone.

Jack also left. He needed to pack his things. After all, he followed my advice and planned to move to the manor.

But Carl and Andrew did not leave. Although it was only for two days, it was the first time that they had been away from their father/mother for such a long time.

I also know that the two of them are children after all, and it will be scary to leave home for the first time.

So I stayed with them all afternoon.

I asked the maids to arrange delicious and exquisite pastries and freshly brewed black tea in the garden, and spent the afternoon with the children in the garden.

Andrew and Carl kept telling me about the outside world, saying that they saw a lot of strange things on the streets, but they were not as good as those in the manor.

They also said they had eaten black bread, to which Carl held his cheek and looked aggrieved.

Seeing this, I also hugged Karl into my arms.

Andrew also got into my arms.

Rather than talking and chatting, the two children prefer me to hold them quietly.

The whole afternoon passed peacefully. It was not until the sun set that the children yawned and went back to their rooms to sleep.

I sent the two children back to their rooms and, as usual, kissed each other goodnight on their foreheads.

After everything was done, I returned to the study.

Unexpectedly, the children went out and brought back Jack the Crying Clown. It seems that some of my plans need to be advanced.

"Host, what are you going to do next?" The system's voice suddenly sounded next to my ears.

I was deep in thought when I was startled by the system's sudden voice.

"You damn system, you want to scare me to death!!"


The system has a big shiny package on its head.

Wuwuwu, the system covered the big bump on its head and cried silently. The host is so violent.

I'm so mad at this damn system. I usually don't do anything, but I'm always being nagged by others.

The system is sad, the system is sad, the system just wants to remind the host with good intentions.

Alas, forget it, I am too lazy to deal with this dead system.

Keke, get back to business.

The thing I planned before really needs to be moved forward.

In this regard, the system is also curious, what exactly do I want to do?

"Host, do you have any plans?"

"Of course, system. Do you know where the tragedies of most characters in the game come from?"

After hearing the host's words, the system also fell into thinking.

right? status?, no, no...

The environment? It seems...can't completely explain it...

I really can't stand looking at the stupidity of the system.

"It's this system." I pointed to my temple. "It's thought, it's knowledge, it's vision."

"System, this is like a gorilla that has not evolved before. They would never have imagined that people can fly into the sky or dive into the deep sea. Why? Because now we have learned to think."

I slowly explained to the system.

"So do you know how the tragedies of most of the characters are formed? It's because of ignorance. Of course, when I say ignorance, I don't mean stupidity. Most of them are trapped in the tragedies of the times, and what they see is also There is only a tiny inch of the world. Just like people in ancient times, they could never know what outer space was like. They blindly thought that the gods lived in the sky, but in fact, there was nothing more than the unknown beyond the sky. That’s all.”

After hearing this, the system also fell into deep thought.

"But like I said, the human soul is like a bird and can never be trapped in a cage. The reason why they were confused by the tragedy of the society in the past was because they thought the world was only so big. That’s it. But when they truly see the world as it is, and know that over the mountains in front of them, there is a world of birds singing and flowers fragrant, will they still be willing to stay where they are?"

The system was shocked, and the system seemed to understand.

"So host, you want... Host, are you sure nothing terrible will happen? What you do may bring chaos and destruction to this world." The system is a little worried about the host's actions.

"You have the wrong system, and it is ignorance, not knowledge, that brings chaos and destruction."

The system was silent because what the host said was right.

Seeing that the system accepted my idea by default, I stopped talking a lot.

So I started drawing on paper and drawing the blueprint of my imagination.

Just when the system and I were discussing who to choose as management.


There was a knock on the study door.

I thought it was the maid who brought me coffee, since it was a bit late now.

"Please come in."

I replied casually and continued discussing with the system.

But I didn't expect that the study door opened. It was not the maid outside, but Juke.

I was a little surprised. It was so late. What was he doing here?

I saw Juke fidgeting and said directly.

"If you have anything to say, just tell me. My time is limited."

"So, is there anything you can do for me?" Qiu Ke finally plucked up the courage and told me the purpose of his visit. "I'm really scared. I'm really scared that all of this is just a dream. Ever since I was bought by two young masters from the circus, I've been afraid that all of this is just a dream. "

Juke said to me while crying.

"For the first time, I was treated as a human being. There were no reprimands or terrible whippings, but only gentle care. I ate white bread for the first time, and tasted candy for the first time. There are only warm quilts and gentle treatment from everyone. Is all this really real? Can I really be happy?"

Juke cried and said in front of me. The way I looked at him was like seeing Andrew in the garden.

I sighed, they are all poor people...

I had to stand up and walk to Jack to comfort him.

In fact, there is a reason why Qiu Ke came to the study.

Because since he came to the manor, everyone he met in the manor told him that the owner of the manor was the Creator.

Mr. Joseph, Mr. Claude, Mr. Jack, and Andrew and Carl, who he just met in the corridor, all said so. and the maids and housekeepers at the estate.

They all said that they would find happiness after coming to the manor.

So can you do it yourself?

They all say that the owner of the manor is the Creator, so will he come to the manor and pray to God every night? Will God finally respond to him?

The doubts in his heart drove him to the manor owner's study.

However, for some reason, when he saw the manor owner for the first time, all the drafts he had made in his mind on the road were overturned by him.

He couldn't hold it back any longer, tears kept flowing down.

Even he didn't know why he burst into tears, but he just couldn't help it. It was as if at the first sight of the manor owner, all the grievances he had suffered over the years were like a flash flood, all pouring down.

He originally thought that the manor owner would get angry and throw him out.

But what he didn't expect was that the manor owner just came over and comforted him softly.

That night, Jack stayed in the manor owner's study all night.

Jack swore that he would never forget this night.

He did not expect that, as others in the manor said, the manor owner was actually God, the Creator.

In this regard, I only said that I really couldn't bear to watch Qiu Ke cry so loudly in front of me, so I used a little bit of magical power.

To be precise, it only used a little bit of the Creator's power, but just such a small amount of divine power was enough to make Juke's soul tremble.

That night, Qiu Ke knew that he had been watched by God all along.

It turns out that God has always been watching him and loving him.

His tragic experience finally ushered in God's sympathy, and God sent his own child to save him.

Oh, great God, I will always be your most devout believer.

I saw that Juke was almost going crazy, and he didn't want to care about it at all.

Although I don’t know what this child had in mind, the result is good after all.

In the days that followed, Qiu Ke gradually began to integrate into the life of the manor.

He began hanging out with Carl and Andrew, learning how to take care of the estate from Joseph, and discussing painting with Jack.

Seeing that everything is developing for the better, I am also very happy.

So I prepared a gift for Juke.

"You said this was prepared for me by the manor owner."

Qiu Ke reached out and took the gift box handed over by the maid and asked.

"Yes, the manor owner said you will definitely like it."

After saying that, the maid left.

Qiu Ke opened the gift box. Inside was a beautifully made prosthetic leg. There was also a card in the gift box.

The card reads:

Juke, my child, this is my gift to you.

I'm sorry that I can't help you restore this leg, because this is a hardship you have to go through, but I can help you make a more exquisite prosthetic leg.

I've had someone test this prosthetic leg, and it looks just like a real leg when I put it on.

I hope you can understand that what determines our status is not our appearance and origin, but our firm heart.

Tears wet the card.

Strange, why am I crying again? I clearly promised the manor owner that I would not cry again.

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