Elevator Dimension Line

Chapter 39 Assassination

As the elevator door opened, Tantaiye carefully opened the small door of the warehouse and listened carefully, but there was no movement.

There were still flickering lights outside, and it was a bit strange in the dim interior. Although Tantai Ye briefly tidied up the small convenience store last time when he left, he only lifted up a few shelves that had overturned and blocked the road. However, the large amount of garbage scattered around and the smell of various corruption are still there, and it is still nauseating.

Yaozi stared at the messy room in front of him, which seemed to be dressed in a doomsday atmosphere.

Coming to the dropped rolling shutter door, through the crack on the ground, one can see the color of the sunset outside during the day.

Gently pull out the ground plug that originally blocked the rolling shutter door from opening, and pull the rolling shutter door halfway open.

As soon as he leaned over, Tantaiye had already pulled Yaozi out of the convenience store.

The unique mess of the apocalypse came into view, and coupled with the afterglow of the setting sun, a lifeless city full of corruption and death appeared before our eyes.

Several figures swayed not far away, squirming aimlessly on the street, their mutilated limbs exuding the stench of decay.

Yaozi covered his mouth and nose with one hand, frowning and looking at this apocalyptic city.

At this time, Tantaiye still remembered the system prompts when Yaozi walked out of the elevator space. Because Yaozi was not from this world, he could not stay for more than 6 hours. If he exceeded this time, he would be killed by the world. Rules force return.

"Let's go, let's take you for a walk around, and we'll go back later." Tantai Ye said with relief after seeing that there weren't many zombies around.

There happens to be a shopping mall not far away, and going to the mall in these last days is a unique experience.

He held Yaozi with his left hand, and with a wave of his right hand, a three-meter-long sword appeared, almost blinding Yaozi's eyes. The shape of the Tang-style straight knife was strong and domineering, not to mention men, even women would be shocked to see it. Eyes gleaming. It is definitely a representative of strength and bravery.

After easily killing several zombies blocking the way, the two entered the mall. Broken glass, overturned mannequins, and various merchandise scattered on the ground were everywhere, showing the desolation of the doomsday.

"What's wrong with this world? What are those? They look like dead bodies?" Yaozi asked in a low voice in Tantaiye's ear.

"A virus broke out in this world, which turned humans into zombie-like things. As long as they are bitten or scratched, they will be infected and become like them..." Tantai Ye briefly introduced biochemistry. The context of a world in crisis.

At this time, the two of them walked through a famous watch shop and looked at the various famous watches inside. Tantaiye also felt something. He even spent money to buy a watch. Compared with this moment, he really bought a lonely one. Thinking of the desk Tantaiye shook his head at the piece of green water ghost. He didn't need to buy luxury jewelry in the future.

Pulling Yaozi into the store, he switched his machete to a dagger, broke the glass on the counter, and casually took out a few million-dollar Patek Philippe, picked one for easy viewing, and put it directly on Yaozi's wrist. The latter blinked.

"What's wrong? You don't want it! You don't have to pay, let's buy it for zero yuan today!" Tantaiye said with a smile.

Hearing what he said was interesting, Yaozi covered her mouth and smiled. Then she enthusiastically picked out a number of watches, some for men and women for more than a dozen dollars, and finally pushed them all in front of Tantaiye. She had already seen that Tantaiye had special abilities. Putting the items away in an unknown place, but she chose not to ask. This is where Yaozi is smart, when should he trust his man?

Tantaiye smiled and tapped the wristband on his left wrist with his right index finger, and then the watches disappeared. Although he didn't say it clearly, Yaozi also knew that it was the strange wristband that could hold things.

Next, the two of them walked around the store again. Although they encountered a few zombies in corners along the way, none of them survived Tantai Ye's sword.

Yaozi also tried to dance with the Zhanma Dao, but the weight of more than 40 kilograms was not suitable for her at all. It was a bit difficult to lift it with both hands, let alone wave it like a willow branch like a Tantai Ye.

After walking around the doomsday shopping mall, in addition to picking out a bunch of clothes and clothing, I picked up some high-end tableware, high-end supplies, etc., as long as they were frequently used on weekdays. When passing through the jewelry area, they even ransacked the inside. Empty.

In the end, the two of them returned to Tantaiye's bedroom with a full harvest.

At this time, Yaozi obviously still felt a little unfinished, but it was a pity that Tantaiye told her that she could only stay in that world for 6 hours. It was a pity, but compared with the gains, she was satisfied. After all, she had grown so big. It was my first time to do zero-yuan shopping, which was very exciting.

While happily arranging a bunch of zero-yuan shopping items that Tantaiye placed in the bedroom, Yaozi asked casually: "Do you think our world will be like that in the future? It's scary to think about it!"

Yazi's unintentional words silenced Tantaiye. Yes, this world is the world of Campus Apocalypse. It is also a zombie apocalypse world, and there will definitely be the same scene in the future.

Seeing Tantai Ye who fell silent, Yaozi felt something was wrong. The next moment his face changed and turned pale and he asked: "Isn't this the same in our world..."

Tantaiye seemed to confirm Yaozi's guess and nodded.

"Yazi, you have to listen to me. From the information I know, this world will indeed become an apocalyptic world in the future, but you have to remember that I will be by your side no matter what."

Seeing that Yaozi was still in a daze, Tantaiye stepped forward, grabbed her and shook her.

"Listen clearly, I will not give up on you, and you will not become like that. I have a way. If the world suddenly changes that day, I will find you as soon as possible!"

Tantaiye's affirmation made Yaozi recover, and then nodded seriously.

"I believe in you, no matter what, I have you."

When Yaozi returned to his home with the things he bought in Mingshi and the items he picked for zero yuan, Tantaiye did not take any time off. Instead, he bought another air ticket to and from the capital city. He took the train last time It was to experience the trip, and this time it was purely for business. Yes, Tantaiye was making preparations in advance to deal with Tatsuno Imoto in the future.

Taking the nearest flight to Kokuto City, after leaving the airport, Tantai Ye went straight to the wealthy community where Imoto Tatsuno lived. This community was in a wetland park on the outskirts of Kokuto City, and every home was in a separate courtyard. The multi-story retro-style building looks both historical and high-end. The residents in the entire community are either rich or powerful. It can be said to be the most awesome community in the whole community.

However, such a community may seem heavily guarded to outsiders, but for Tantaiye, it is like walking on plain ground. Although it is daytime, there are almost no people around in the quiet location. It is easy to find Imoto Tatsuno's villa. That's the benefit of having someone provide information.

Tantaiye didn't do anything else, he just established a space-time anchor on the entrance door of Imoto Tatsuno's house, and then left.

I flew back and forth that day, rushed back in the evening, and ate three bowls of ramen at a noodle shop near my home.

Tantaiye didn't find it too troublesome. Maybe these space anchors could come in handy in the future. But unfortunately, a main world can only establish a maximum of five time and space anchors. If there were no restrictions, Then build wherever you go, and then you can travel to any corner of the world at will.

Tantaiye spent the next three days at home, making things in the elevator space. When he had nothing to do, he would call Yazi a few times, or Yazi would come to play with him and watch him make things.

Tantaiye also took the time to strengthen the small wakizashi he bought for Yaozi. Even if he didn't dare to strengthen it to 2+, it was already far beyond ordinary cold weapons. After all, it was a handicraft, not a real combat knife, but even so , when Yaozi drew his sword and chopped it lightly, he also cut off a corner of the small coffee table of Ye's family in Tantai.

Of course, the former has a black line on his face, while the latter just sticks out his tongue cutely.

Three days later, when the reminder that the space-time anchor point was successfully established rang in his mind, Tantaiye knew it was time to take action.

That night, Tantaiye, who was dressed in black and had a black mask, transformed into an armor-breaking identity that had not been used for a long time and walked into the elevator space.

When he pushed open the red-lacquered entrance door of Imoto's house, the empty living room was pitch black, with only faint voices coming from a room upstairs.

Go up the stairs to the second floor. In the corridor directly opposite, a bedroom door is ajar, but the sound of a woman humming comes from inside. From the closed door on the other side, a man's voice comes. They should be Yuji's damn parents.


Under the mask, Tantai Ye rolled his eyes at Ren'er and made a meaningless gasping sound. He was afraid that he would kill innocent people today, but if he ignored his mother, would he cause trouble again later?

do not care! I suddenly made up my mind not to leave any trouble in the future.

Tantaiye walked towards the bedroom. The thick carpet fell to the ground silently. He leaned to his side and put his right hand on the door, slowly pushing it open...

A slim woman was facing the bed and standing beside the bed with her back to the door, folding clothes. She only had an almost transparent long gauze nightgown, and she was wearing nothing except a pair of underwear. It was so irritating. Already...

"Huh? Isn't that right?"

Tantaiye was confused in his heart. The figure in front of him was too young, and he couldn't relate to that damn Yuer's mother. Could it be that he was well-maintained? But how is it possible? No matter how well-maintained it is, you can still see the traces of time. The body in front of you looks like it is twenty-seven or eight years old at most, which is when it can be built and built.

Just at this hesitation, the woman folding clothes seemed to feel the door being pushed open behind her. She thought it was Tatsuno Imoto, but when she turned around, she saw a figure dressed in black. She was about to open her mouth and scream in shock.

However, Tantai Ye was quick. When he saw the woman's reaction, he pinched her mouth and blocked the sound that had not yet come out.

He pressed the woman on the bed, flipped a black silenced pistol with his left hand and put it against the woman's temple.

The woman in front of me is definitely not Yuji's mother. She is at most four or five years older than him, and she is about the same age as his sister. I didn't expect that Imoto Tatsuno would turn out to be an old cow eating young grass...

To kill or not to kill?

After much hesitation, Tantaiye still did not make a move. For ordinary people who were not hostile to him, Tantaiye could not kill anyone. This was his principle and the bottom line of his life. If he breaks it easily, he doesn't know what he will become in the end?

The woman stared in horror, looking at the black metal mask in front of her. There was an armor-piercing engraved mark on the left side of her face, which was cold and full of death.

Tantaiye, unable to kill under the mask, reached out and pressed down on the carotid artery of the woman's neck. The blood supply to the brain was cut off, and the woman's head shook and she fainted.

Exhaling softly under the mask, Tantaiye stood up and walked to another room.

Tantaiye, who was standing outside the door, was already sure that Tatsuno Imoto was inside, and he should be having a video conference with someone.

Pushing open the study door, under the surprised gaze of Imoto Tatsuno, Tantaiye raised his gun and raised his eyebrows solemnly.

Then he turned around and left without even looking. On the other side of Tatsuno Imoto's computer and in the video conference, people were in a mess. People were on the phone, leaving the meeting, and calling people around.

Here Tantaiye has returned to his home, but from beginning to end, the door of Imoto Tatsuno's house has not been opened. Of course, this was all discovered by the police later in the investigation. It’s also an incredible place.

As for the news the next day that a congressman was shot dead at home, everyone was filled with joy and sorrow!

Compared with these, the most surprising thing was the Qianju siblings. They almost didn't need to think about it. They knew who did it when they saw the news. The other party's magical skills and mysterious methods were really shocking. It is beyond human imagination.

In this regard, Tantaiye has become a person that Senju Ruriko believes must be pleased with and must not be an enemy. Senju Eiji naturally agrees with both hands.

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