Elevator Dimension Line

Chapter 21: Club Challenge

A day spent between people in love always passes very quickly, and can be described as blinking and passing. When we part, it is always you and me, reluctant to leave, wishing that the two of them were stuck together and could never be torn apart. .

At this time, Tantaiye and Yaozi were like this in front of the Kendo Hall. After catching small fish for a while, it was not enough. They also had to hold each other and pull and tug. If people who were familiar with Yaozi saw this, they would be shocked. , that sassy and capable deputy kendo master, actually has such a caring side, and is still so gentle, it feels like a steel rail in front of him could be wrapped around his fingers.

In the end, the two of them said goodbye in the sunset.

The next day, Tantaiye went to school as usual.

From the moment he walked into the school, he attracted countless eyes. Tantaiye has become accustomed to it, because this situation has been going on for two weeks. It is estimated that it will continue as long as he is still in this school, but no one is going too far. Harassing him, although those nymphomaniac sisters wanted to eat him, they still politely kept a certain distance from him and just cheered and shouted behind him. The reason was that no one dared to get too close to him because of his too strong aura.

Of course, in addition to those who admire him, there are also some people who openly harass him every day, including various clubs in the school, such as the basketball club, football club, kendo club, spearmanship club, archery club, karate club, etc. Taekwondo club, etc., people from large and small clubs come to visit him every day, asking him to join their club, and even students from the life department come to him. Don't you think it's ridiculous, do you want him to learn cooking? The tall man, 185cm tall, stood in front of the kitchen counter...it was embarrassing just thinking about it.

However, for the above-mentioned societies, Tantaiye replied with one word, "Don't join," he refused them all. He didn't want to play house, but there were still some stronger societies that didn't give up. They still sent people to ask him to join every day. With those force, There were many clubs, and Tantaiye, who was finally annoyed, proposed that as long as there was someone in these clubs who could defeat him, he would join.

This is good. It can be said that this news swept the entire school. Needless to say, those little fans naturally stood on Tantaiye's side without thinking. However, there were also many people who thought that Tantaiye was a bit arrogant. After all, although he is tall, his sunny and handsome appearance makes it difficult for people to associate him with strong force, especially some seniors who even say they want to make that arrogant guy look good.

For a time, many clubs issued letters of challenge to Tantai Ye. Of course, the so-called letters of challenge must be approved by the school. They were not fights, but formal competitions held in the school gymnasium. The school also Very encouraging. It can promote everyone’s sports competitive spirit.

But how could Tantai Ye agree to go from house to house and compete in each house? He didn't have the spare time. If he had the extra time, he might as well go shopping with Yaozi. Even competing in the gym was better than that.

So Tantai Ye responded in unison and set the time together.

The day after tomorrow, that is, Wednesday, there will be an event to make friends through martial arts in the school gymnasium. All clubs that have issued a challenge to him can come, and he will solve it all at once.

It's simply crazy. Of course, in the eyes of those little fans, this is domineering.

"Hey~ Mr. Tantai, is it okay for you to do that? I heard that many clubs have strong opinions on you!"

During class, a boy with brown hair said to him in the seat next to Tantai Ye.

"I didn't expect you, Xiaomu-kun, to be quite well-informed. It's only been more than two weeks since school started, and you're already so familiar with the school club!" Tantaiye turned around and smiled. His personality is naturally optimistic, although he has a bit of a sinister streak. But making friends is still very smooth. Moreover, it is quite simple for a young man with a soul of 25 to sincerely make friends with these high school students. As long as your topics are on the same frequency, you can become friends quickly. This is youth and short-sightedness.

"No matter where I am, I just like to run around. I visited a lot of clubs, but they didn't accept me, so I asked a few more questions, hehe~" The boy named Xiaomu looks a bit honest and has thick lips, but He is a really nice person, and he is the first friend Tantaiye met in the class.

"Speaking of which, are you really okay? Tell me, if you really can't do it, then join the spear club. There are many beauties there, or the karate club is also good. I heard that their director is a third-year guy who is very powerful. He has participated in In the national competition, the adult category is still played, and the rankings are very high!" Kazuo Kogi crawled closer and whispered.

"It's no problem. Although I don't dare to say how powerful he is, I can still pick up a few raw melon eggs easily." Tantaiye patted Xiaomu on the shoulder and said.

"What the hell is raw melon egg?"

Just when Ogi Kazuo was using up all the vocabulary he had learned to understand, the classroom door was suddenly opened with a bang, and then a girl with short ear-length hair, who looked like a boy, ran away in a hurry. He came in and went straight to Tantai Ye.

Don't be afraid, this tomboy girl Tantaiye knows is the female classmate sitting in the front row of him, Sumiko Hatani. She is quite generous and nosy. She is a rich second generation with a mine in her family.

"Tantai-kun, you said yesterday that you wanted to challenge the entire school club the day after tomorrow? You...you are crazy. Do you know how many people there are, and one person can beat you with one punch!" Sumiko Yatani looked at Tantai Yeyi The face was exaggerated, and there was also a bit of worry in it.

"That's all! I'm just talking about the societies that have issued a challenge to me!" Tantai Ye corrected.

"That's the whole club. Now there are crazy rumors outside, saying that you challenge everyone by yourself. When I first came in, people were still talking about it!" Sumiko Hatani said anxiously.

"For the sake of safety, you'd better not fight... just join any club."

"Look... I'll just say it, it's the same opinion as mine." Kazuo Kogi hurriedly added.

Tantai Ye didn't say anything, just smiled and picked up a pencil on the table. Under the puzzled gazes of the two people, he turned it with his index finger and thumb, then clasped it with his middle finger, and flicked it. The next moment he just listened There was a sound at the back door of the classroom about seven or eight meters away. There was so much noise during get out of class that no one noticed here.

The two turned around and saw a pencil stuck in the wooden door. It had penetrated and was stuck in the middle of their wooden door.

Hatani Sumiko trotted away with eyes wide open, and pulled out the pencil, leaving a round hole in the door, while Kogi Kazuo stood there stupidly, looking at the pencil, and then at the Tantai leaves. This was absolutely unique. The rhythm of masters on campus~~Absolutely.

After this trick was exposed, the attitude of the two classmates changed completely. On the one hand, they were eager to start gambling together, and on the other hand, they pestered Tantaiye to seek apprenticeship. Of course, Tantaiye took it all as a joke, but instead enhanced their friendship. The relationship between three people.

Wednesday, Sunday, is a sunny day with no wind. It is suitable for competitions, starting work, worshiping ancestors, and paying homage to gods. It is a very auspicious day.

On this day, the whole school gave people a feeling of undercurrents, hidden waves, and storms waiting to come. It seemed that everyone was looking forward to something.

Of course, only those who know him well know that there is an influential figure among the freshmen of this class of high school who wants to challenge the entire school club in the school gymnasium after school today.

This kind of plot only appears in novels and comics. How can we not make people look forward to it? Whether the challenger will be beaten into a pig's head, or whether the challenger will become famous in one fell swoop, all the teachers and students are waiting to see.

Yes, you read that right, even many teachers stayed to watch.

The time came to three o'clock in the afternoon, and the school ended on time, but almost all the students did not leave, but flocked to the school gymnasium.

The basketball court in the middle of the gymnasium has already been paved with thick game pads. Students from various clubs in the school are sitting in separate areas around it, and they all have the clothes of their respective clubs. It looks very formal. Outside, there are three floors inside and outside. Students on the third floor.

Tantaiye didn't do anything to show off. He just walked at his usual pace, after class and school, packed up his things, and then walked over. His two friends, Bagu and Xiaomu, were so anxious that they kept urging him, making it look like they were competing. Same.

This time, it was rare for students to spontaneously organize a whole-school event. The school leaders were very active and specially appointed two physical education teachers to serve as referees for the competition. In addition to the teachers, teachers from the school health room were also present, just to prevent students from getting injured. Can be handled immediately.

But the teacher in the school health room... Well~~~~~ is very big!

At least when Tantai Ye saw it, he could hardly believe his eyes. It was definitely the existence of G++, an existence that suppressed all good things in the world. It was a demon that stayed in the world and tempted people to commit crimes!

At least when I compared it with the D+ Yaozi in my mind, I shook my head with regret, a total defeat!

This health teacher is really good! ! !

Seeing the main competition people gathered, a physical education teacher blew the whistle in his hand to ask everyone to be quiet, and then talked about some precautions for various clubs to pay attention to when competing. Safety is still the first priority, and then announced the start of the competition.

Tantai Ye walked into the center of the field first. Of course, he was the protagonist of his challenge. Why didn't he just go on stage and wait for the opponent to shout? He was pretending to be on stage. It was childish!

"Which club comes first, or should everyone come together?"

Isn’t this pretentious? This sentence is just pretentious.

The little fans at the scene cheered and cheered when they saw Tantai Ye coming on stage! It was like watching a star in a concert, which made several teachers look depressed. This was star chasing! Not that much.

"I come!"

Following Tantai Ye's words, a student stood up from the Taekwondo club area and walked to the field. This student looked not tall, but he was very strong. It could be seen that he had some foundation when walking and stepping.

Tantai Ye nodded politely, and then stood there without any hesitation, facing the boy.


As the teacher fell down, the stout boy stepped forward in two steps and launched a side whip kick towards Tantai Ye.

Tantaiye didn't play any tricks like an eagle catching a chicken. He bent his body slightly and kicked the opponent in the air. Then he directly grabbed the opponent's ankle with his left hand and lifted it up hard. The opponent screamed and crossed his legs in the air. Turned around twice and slapped it on the ground.

The crisp sound made the scene quiet for a moment.

"What just happened?

"too fast"


A few slight inquiries were heard very clearly, and the next moment the whole venue was filled with the screams of girls.

"Are you okay? Let's find someone else!" Tantaiye said with a smile.

The boy got up and was about to continue, but was called back by a voice from behind.

"I'd better come and meet you!"

"Grade 2, Class C, Kyutaro Kenzan, the leader of the Taekwondo club."

"Tantaiye, please enlighten me"

Another start came, and Kutaro was worthy of being the leader. He was obviously much calmer than the boy just now. He bounced on the spot, his steps were light and nimble, and he was a slender player, so he looked quite the same.

Kutaro tried to kick twice, but they were easily blocked by the opponent's hands. The force was a bit painful. He was a master. It seemed that he had underestimated the opponent. He could not attack easily and had to find flaws.

On his side, he kept changing positions and jumping around without taking action. Tantaiye couldn't wait any longer. He was in a hurry to go to Yaozi's house to get some food. Everyone was like this, so when would he get it?

Tantaiye took the initiative and saw the moment when the opponent's footsteps changed, and suddenly accelerated, relying on the iron mountain,

Kenzan Kyutarou felt his eyes blurred, and his face was almost touched. He felt as if he was hit head-on by an oil tanker. His chest felt tight and he flew five or six meters away.

At this time, Tantaiye had reduced his strength and just pressed against the opponent's chest to send him out. If he really used Baji to exert force, Jiutaro would have been torn apart on the spot, and the scene would have been terrible.

He lay on the ground stunned for a while before feeling pain in his chest. Adding to the feeling of shortness of breath, Kutaro could cough up his lungs.

It wasn't until the health teacher came on the scene and checked to confirm that it was just a gas leak that everyone breathed a sigh of relief, but the next moment there was another scream of the roof being ripped off.

This guy is so powerful that the Taekwondo master is no match for him.

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