Card Master in Fairy Tail

Chapter 49 Chimera Fortress Dragon

The huge muzzle stretched out from the mechanical fortress to take aim, and a huge steady stream of magic power was drawn from the energy room into the giant cannon, accompanied by a vague howl of pain.

The magic power was compressed in the cannon, producing astonishing energy and fired towards the forest not far away.


The magical cannonballs fell, the trees turned into powder, and a huge depression evaporated on the ground.

"Why is there still a mechanical fortress? Neither Urrutia nor Melty mentioned it."

"Could it be that Hades has been hiding it from them?"

The well-informed Makarov watched the fortress cannon condense its magic power again and reminded: "Everyone, be careful! That's a magic cluster cannon!"

Magic cluster cannon, also called magic cannon, can condense and compress magic power to form extremely lethal magic shells.

However, magic cannons also have very strict requirements on magic power, which cannot be met by ordinary magic crystals. Only magicians can use their own magic power to operate the cannon. Therefore, when using a magic cannon, multiple magicians will be equipped to provide magic power in turn.

"Now that the enemy has discovered us, let's start charging, quickly deal with the opponents according to their respective goals, and finally deal with Hades together."

"it is good."

Now that it has been discovered, let's start fighting directly.

Laxus turned into golden lightning and took the lead, rushing towards the mechanical fortress at an extremely fast speed. He wanted to destroy this big guy that might cause trouble first.

"Wishful thinking! Gravity magic·Gravity suppression!"

The man with his hair braided into a long braid jumped from the spaceship. As he fell, the gravity of the surrounding atmosphere increased, stopping the charging Laxus abruptly.

Laxus had already recognized the man who blocked him, the Vice President of the Devil's Heart, Brunotte.

"Hey, it seems I met you first, so I'm sorry Gildarts, let me defeat you!"

"Thunder Dragon's Collapse Fist!"

Thunder and lightning enveloped his fist, and Laxus swung it out with all his strength. The gravity blocking him was broken, and he went straight towards Brunot.

Brunotte looked displeased, "You've been underestimated, Gravity Magic·Gravity Strike!"

The air is pushed by a lateral force of gravity, creating a powerful attack.

Thunder and lightning collided with the air, making a harsh sound. Laxus was knocked back a few steps, but Brunotte did not move at all.

"Hahaha, Laxus, it seems it would be better for us to fight side by side."

Gildarts laughed at the side. His speed was not slower than Laxus. When Laxus and Brunotte were facing each other, Gildarts had already arrived.

Gildarts did not join the fight. He knew Laxus's character. Laxus would be unhappy if he interfered in the fight at this time.

But now, Laxus is slightly inferior to Brunotte, so Gildarts can appear on the stage.

"Hmph, mind your own business."

Although Laxus was tough about Gildarts' joining, he didn't refuse. Laxus knew that now was not the time for him to show off his temper.

"One on two? That's great, gravity magic and gravity attack!"

Brunotte looked at Gildarts who joined the battle. Although he had not yet taken action, Brunotte had already felt the pressure and took the lead in launching an attack.

"break down."

"Thunder Magic·Thunder Magic Circle!"

Brunot's attack was decomposed by Gildarts, and the magic circle rising under his feet sent out streaks of thunder and lightning, sweeping towards Brunot.

Facing the combination of Gildarts and Laxus, Brunotte began to fall into a disadvantage.

Yu Xuan looked at Brunotte who was punched by Gildarts in the thunder formation with questions on his face, causing him to vomit blood. I was obviously the one who came here first, but why do Gildarts and Laxus cooperate so well now...

You Xuan shook his head, secretly cursed Gildarts as a scumbag, and set his sights on the mechanical fortress. He accepted this big guy.

"Come out, Cyber ​​Dragon."

"Ho! (It's finally my turn to fight)"

You Xuan jumped on the electronic dragon and flew to the top of the mechanical fortress. The electronic dragon, which usually looked huge, looked smaller in comparison with the mechanical fortress.

The magic cluster cannon fired at Electron, which was dodged by Electron Dragon, but also interrupted the Electron Dragon's ascent.

Seeing that the magic cluster cannon was about to fire again, and the electronic dragon would be entangled, Yu Xuan came to the tail of the electronic dragon.

"Cyber ​​Dragon, send me up."

The electronic dragon's tail flicked upwards hard, shooting Yu Xuan high into the sky, and then narrowly avoided the magic cannonball.

High in the air, You Xuan felt the electronic dragon's strength gradually disappear, and his whole body began to fall downwards.

The fallen Yu Xuan threw a card downward.

"Summoning Magic Circle·Overload Fusion!"

"Show up, Electronic Chimera Fortress Dragon!"

At the top of the mechanical fortress, a huge magic array appeared, and two rays of light enveloped the electronic dragon and the mechanical fortress.

The electronic dragon wrapped in light excitedly rushed towards the mechanical fortress. The strong walls of the fortress failed to stop the electronic dragon. The electronic dragon entered the fortress smoothly like a fish entering water.

The roar of machinery continued, and the mechanical fortress began to deform. The heart members of the demons in the fortress were continuously squeezed out of the fortress. Among them, a silver-haired man without limbs was very conspicuous.

“Cool Kaka Paint”

In the sound of Transformers transforming, the mechanical fortress turned into a huge mechanical dragon. The body made of ordinary tires rolled, causing the ground to tremble continuously.

Yu Xuan's hand landed firmly on top of the Chimera Fortress Dragon, overlooking the three people below who had stopped fighting and fell into shock.

Laxus: Based on my understanding of Yu Xuan, this shouldn’t be a dragon.

Gildarts: So handsome!

Brunotte: Really? I have a mechanical fortress that big.

"Chimera Fortress Dragon, evolve into Destruction Light!"

According to Yu Xuan's direction, the light wave with a destructive aura from the Chimera Fortress Dragon's mouth suddenly shot towards Brunot.

"Gravity Magic·Super Gravity Ball!"

Feeling the threat of death, Brunot quickly used his strongest attack. Gravity continued to concentrate in front of Brunot, forming a black ball of light. The strong gravity instantly absorbed everything around Brunot.

Gildarts and Laxus quickly retreated and left the range of the black ball.

The evolutionary destruction light tears the air and hits the hypergravity ball.


Under the huge impact, the hypergravity ball began to collapse, and a black hole gradually formed, ruthlessly devouring everything around it.

Gildarts watched as the black hole's attraction continued to expand, and if it continued, it might affect the battle in another place.


Crush, two simple words, is an extremely powerful destructive magic. Once a creature is "crushed", it will be instantly turned into blood foam, so Gildarts rarely uses this trick on people.

Cracks appeared in the air one after another and quickly spread to the black hole.


With a crisp cracking sound, the black hole instantly lost its attraction, and huge magic power was about to erupt from it.

"It's about to explode, retreat!" Gildarts called to Yu Xuan and Laxus. They couldn't withstand such a huge explosion.

You Xuan stayed still, just snapped his fingers, and the black hole that gradually exploded was swallowed by the Chimera Fortress Dragon.


A violent sound came from the belly of the Chimera Fortress Dragon.


A stream of black smoke floated out from the Chimera Fortress Dragon's mouth, and the Chimera Fortress Dragon opened its mouth with unfinished meaning.

This one is powerful.

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