Bai Xun picked up Qiqi and placed her on the stone bench. He sat on the other side and gave her two skewers of grilled tiger fish. Although she couldn't taste anything, the smell of fireworks could still increase her appetite. .

"Qiqi, be good and eat it by yourself."


Then, Bai Xun turned around and stared at Zhongli for three minutes.

Although it was silent, it seemed like a silent communication.

Zhongli: You are extraordinary.

Bai Xun: I have a large class in kindergarten and a second class in my nine-year compulsory education. Sagittarius only plays Luban. I have to work overtime on weekends and make forest calligraphy and portraits for work.

Zhongli:? ? ?

Bai Xun: Otherwise, why do you think I died suddenly and traveled here?

Zhongli: It’s interesting. You look like an old friend of mine.

Bai Xun: Old friend? Deceased friend?


Zhongli finally couldn't help but smile slightly and took another sip of tea in the cup.


Bai Xun looked around and saw that there was only one teacup on the table, which was already in Zhongli's hand.

Helpless, he had no choice but to snatch half of the grilled fish from Qiqi's mouth.


Foreplay is over.

Bai Xun shook his hair and said with a smile, "Does Mr. Zhongli have the habit of writing a diary?"


Mortals do this, either to record their lives or to remind themselves.

But as a god thousands of years old, the things in his memory are far more indelible than words carved in rock.

"Sorry, I don't have this habit."

"Indeed, who the serious person writes a diary!?"

As Bai Xun spoke, he suddenly leaned in front of Qiqi and said with a smile, "Qiqi, will you write it?"


Qiqi is confused, of course I will write it, Qiqi’s memory is so bad that I forget... Huh? What did you forget? Oops, forgot about it.

In short, Qiqi and I are also a serious person.


Qiqi turned her face to the side, muttering and refusing to answer. I am no longer a child of one or two hundred years old, and I will not spoil you anymore.


Bai Xun looked back at Zhongli, who had already drank half the pot.

"Mr. Zhongli, you are the god who best represents wealth. Over the course of thousands of years, you must have accumulated more or less 40 to 50 billion in pocket money, right?"

"Cough cough."

Zhongli choked and looked up with a frown, "Young Master?"

Forty to fifty billion! ? Even if I use my divine power to directly fabricate it, it is still a real little gold mountain. This young man is somewhat outrageous.

You can't bully an old man like me, right?

"I'm sorry, little friend. I'm just Zhongli now, a young guest at the Hall of Rebirth. This cup of tea was paid for by the girl just now."

"Then do you still have money?"


Ta Ta Ta.

Zhongli touched his pocket and placed four or five molas on the stone table, all with the lowest face value.

"It's true that I'm a little short of money, but if you need it, these moras will be given to you."

"no, I'm fine."

Bai Xun waved repeatedly, then rummaged around in his backpack, and a lot of things fell out.


Even the sword that absorbed the power of wish fell out.


Zhongli's eyes were instantly attracted to it. It was such a strange sword. It seemed to have no idea of ​​communicating with the elemental power of this world.

Over there, Bai Xun finally found a crumpled piece of paper.

"Congratulations, Mr. Zhongli! Although you don't have any bills now, you will soon."

"My little friend, I can't do it. I won't get any reward for no merit."

Zhongli just thought that this little friend wanted to help him pay for a few cups of tea, but he thought that Liyue still had many good people.

"Your Majesty, Mr. Zhongli, you are the god of rocks. You must know that those who break their promises will be punished by eating rocks!"


Zhongli suddenly realized something was wrong and reached out to take the crumpled paper and unfolded it.

I was shocked when I saw the letter:

[I am Morax, and now I have a child from Qiqi to help me cross the road. According to the wishes of both parties, I have agreed to pay the child Qiqi 500 molas. I have set up an IOU. If it is not clear within half a month, the daily interest will gradually increase by 100 molas, with no upper limit. . ]

At the bottom, there is a signature written in black and white.

"Mr. Zhongli! People in Liyue don't lie to people in Winter. You are Morax. I just saw it on my phone."

"So, it has been more than 480 years since the IOU was set up, and every day it increases by 100 molas. You have to pay back my family a total of molas."

(Source of IOU, Chapter 16)

not good.

Zhongli's heart suddenly skipped a beat. It was an IOU signed with Qiqi, a child more than four hundred years ago. At that time, she was just an ordinary child.

But later Qiqi became immortal by accident, and the contract naturally continued.

He originally planned to repay the IOU, but Master Ye suddenly passed away, and the IOU was forgotten by everyone for a while.

"Mr. Zhongli? You can't pretend to forget. You are a god who has recorded thousands of years of events in your mind and doesn't need the help of a diary at all!"


Just now I felt that this little friend had a purpose in speaking, but thanks to my thousand years of experience, I, Morax, actually let down my guard at this moment.


This man's words sounded so familiar. Children Qiqi's memory was failing. How could they preserve this IOU in five hundred years?

Could it be!

Zhongli looked over suddenly.

"Are you the leader Ip Man?"

"Mr. Zhongli is indeed a god. The wear and tear of four hundred years of wind, frost, rain and snow has not made you dull at all."

Bai Xun smiled.

Zhongli's eyes moved, but he was still puzzled: "You have completely changed as a person. Now you are less than 18 years old, so where did the intervening hundred years go?"

The intervening hundred years?

That's not something Bai Xun needs to consider. Every time he incarnates into a new role, he directly crosses a time node. Today he may be an executive officer, and tomorrow he will become a demon god thousands of years ago. It is all possible.

Bai Xun was about to explain.

But I heard that all three people's mobile phones, including Qi Qi's, suddenly rang.

In other words, everyone's cell phones rang.

[The second episode of the outrageous incident in Teyvat - the boss knocks on the door in the middle of the night, will be broadcast tomorrow. 】


It's coming so soon, that's fine. A hundred years is too long, so let Mr. Zhongli see it for himself.


Where is Mr. Zhongli?

Bai Xun raised his head and saw that Zhongli had quietly walked out dozens of meters away.

"Mr. Zhongli, can I send the IOU to the Hall of Purity for you?"

"My little friend, you have to be careful."

Zhongli suddenly flew back and hurriedly pressed the IOU in his hand, "Hutao, that kid is too young. Where has he ever seen such a big bill? It would be inappropriate if he fainted from shock.

Well, even though I have decided to transform into Zhongli, I still promise you three wishes in the name of Morax. You can go back and think about it, and then I can show you the power of the Rock God again. "

"it is good!"

Bai Xun turned around and touched his bag.

Zhongli stood aside, feeling that something was wrong.

Sure enough, he fumbled for a pen and paper and handed it over: "Write an IOU!"



The land and water support one person, so what kind of sacred place is it that can support you? Little friend!

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