"Sora, we're here! Yoho!"

After crossing the last mountain, the protagonist duo finally saw the whole of Liyue.

Paimon immediately awakened the tour guide attribute: "This is the country ruled by the rock god - Liyue! Legend has it that the god Morax here is the only two first-generation gods among the seven gods, and he has very..."

"That's enough, Paimon!"

Sora's face was full of heroism. He pressed down the flying object and covered his mouth, "This is not a game. As a pet, can you not have so many lines?"


Paimon nodded repeatedly. The child had grown up and was finally no longer mute.

Kong Zhan looked at the grand scenery of Liyue, and for a moment he seemed graceful. He immediately said with great literary talent: "Fuck! It's so beautiful!"

I was even complacent. Brother Bai was indeed an intellectual. The word "f*ck" he taught me was really easy to use. I only needed to change my tone slightly, and these two words could express a wealth of emotions!


Paimon almost crashed the plane. As the saying goes, she is full of poetry and calligraphy. She secretly determined to be a cultured mascot, otherwise she could only travel around the world like a traveler!

Soon, the two of them hurried along the mountain road to the entrance of Liyue.

Along the way, Kong buried his head in looking at the "Liyue Speed ​​Run Notes" in his hand.

This was specially given to him by Bai Xun with a brushstroke when he parted with Keqing and others.

The first article is: summarizing the current situation of the Seven Gods in one sentence!

The text is as follows:

God of Wind - Jiu Mengzi.

Rock God - Street Liuzi.

Thor - a local girl.

Grass god - little cub.

Water God - a conspicuous bag.

Vulcan - Xiangban agent.

Ice God - Yuzu.

"Although it seems a bit outrageous, the summary of Wendy is extremely accurate. Brother Bai is really awesome!"

Kong suddenly felt like he had found a treasure. When he thought that there were such talented people in the gilded girl group, he felt very happy at this moment.

"Traveller, do you want to see what he wrote?"


Sora quickly opened it.

"Liyue Speed ​​Pass Guide"

Introduction: Heaven has deceived me into becoming old and feeble, and I have no choice but to retire and become Zhongli; now Bingmei is about to revolt, and the neighbor next door is being beaten to act in a show. I signed an agreement with Zhidong, and let's watch Liyue, a good show!

The main plot is long, the rewards are few, and you are being pushed around by others, so it’s better to just do the spoiler.

"It makes sense, Brother Bai is just like the stomach acid in my stomach!"


Paimon vomited.

Kong's eyes were fiery and he quickly swept away the main text, and he immediately had a plan in mind.

The first goal-Dadalia!

According to the description in the guide, this person is uneducated, brutal, aggressive, extravagant and wasteful, and likes to use money to solve problems. He is a fool and executive who has completely destroyed his values, outlook on life and world view.

When you meet the other party, you must have a tough attitude. No matter how much money the other party gives you, you must say, "It's not enough, it's not enough at all. Who can spend this little money?"

If the other party shows reluctance and turns around and leaves, the other party will definitely keep you within ten steps.


Sora slapped his thigh, grabbed Paimon and was about to go to the city: "I hate these guys who like to throw money at people. Where is the morality? Where is the humanity? Where are the sacks?"


the other side.

After parting with Kong, Keqing, Aye, and Baixun continued to the location of the ruins project.

“The development work of this ruins has been suspended. According to the news returned, it is because the area is too large and it has seriously affected the lives of surrounding residents.

Our first goal during this field trip was to re-plan the excavation plan, and the second was to explore the interior. "

Keqing kept introducing the contents of the file, and finally couldn't bear it anymore and said, "Are you two listening to me?"

next to.

"Aye, are you tired? Brother, let me pick wild fruits for you to eat?"

"Not tired."

"Aye, are you wearing something so tight, are you feeling uncomfortable?"

"Not boring."

"Aye, besides your shoulder injury, do you also have injuries elsewhere? Do you want me to take a look?"


Aye's tolerance level was accumulating, but she still held back when she exploded. The other party is not an ordinary person. I must keep my temper. As long as he hasn't taken advantage of me, all mental attacks will be ineffective against me!

"Ignore me, huh, are you playing hard-to-get with me?"

Aye's heart: ╰(‵□′)╯ Lower your head, really lower your head!

Waited for a while.

Bai Xun finally gave up and turned aside alone. It seemed that she was indeed just a simple and shy little fan girl.

If it were Ye Lan, I should be full of arrows by this time.

"By the way, Keqing, what did you just say?"


A sword cry!

"The sword shines like mine!"


Bai Xun ran away, tears flying, shouting in his heart, "The system save me, the system save me!"

"Master, what are you saying? Louder, can't you hear me? Haven't you eaten?"

Okay, okay, so neat, right?

In a blink of an eye, Bai Xun fell to the ground.

Suddenly, a sword was inserted into his ear, and Ke Qing was like a wolf or a tiger. She must vent all the grievances she had suffered these days.

"Stop! In broad daylight, with the world clear, a little girl pursues a beautiful man so hard. Is this a loss of morals or a lack of happiness?"


The three of them looked up.

I saw a man holding a sword standing with his hands behind his back, his eyebrows were like the edge of a pen, and his eyes were like fish tails. He was a well-dressed beast.

The next moment, he flew over, glanced sharply at Ke Qing, and immediately turned back.

"It turns out, Master Yu Hengxing, I didn't see anything."


So Keqing buried her head and continued to scrape.

About five minutes later, Bai Xun escaped.

In front of a few people, nearly half of the hillside was dug out and exposed, which is the so-called ruins.

"Lord Yu Hengxing, you're welcome, my name is Fang Chang, he is the last generation disciple of the Guhua Sect, and he is also a unique swordsman genius!

I came here just for this ruins, which is where the last leader of our sect passed away. "

Fang Chang turned around and continued,

"I heard that the leader's ruins were being developed. I couldn't sleep at night and came all the way over the mountains and ridges!"

Hear the words.

Bai Xun was so moved that his hard work in cultivating him was not in vain, even if his disciples still care about him after his death.

"Mr. Fang, I'm sorry. I understand your grief very well, but the development of the ruins cannot be stopped..."

"Stop? Why stop?"

Fang Chang suddenly became excited, leaving Ke Qing and A Ye confused.

"I came here all day long just to dig the master's grave! How could we stop? How could we stop! How could we stop!"

"At the beginning, every time the leader finished his training in the square, he would emphasize to all the disciples several times that 'the days ahead will be long, the days ahead will be long!'. Do you know how scared I was at that time?"

After that, he took out a layout diagram and walked in front, "Follow me!"

Walk to a stone gate.

Fang Chang suddenly knelt down, kowtowed three times, and lit three sticks of incense.

"The master was a decent man during his lifetime and a man of great wisdom. He must not lose his etiquette."

Then, he followed the map's instructions and started breaking down the door.

"One hammer's soul flies high into the sky, two hammers' corpses are gone, and three hammers will never meet again! Master, have a safe journey!"

"Here, don't smash the key."

Bai Xun handed it over.

Fang Chang stretched out his hand to take it and thanked him repeatedly: "Oh~ thank you, thank you! Huh?"

Keqing:? ? ?

Aye: Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, you're just about to call it a day and you broke some new information, right? I'd better quickly take out a small notebook and write it down. I'm afraid there are too many and I won't be able to remember them.

"Brother, you actually have the key!"

"Brother Fang, I'm telling you the truth."

Bai Xun somehow squeezed out extremely sincere tears, then turned around and pulled Ke Qing into his arms.

Regardless of her confused look, she started to scold loudly. Although she was a little resistant, thinking that the other person liked a man, Ke Qing felt that it was not so difficult to accept.

"The head of the Guhua Sect bullies others with his power, has a human face and a beast's heart, and relies on his high position and powerful martial arts skills to covet the beauty of his female disciples.

My childhood sweetheart, Ke Qing, was pitiful and her innocence was almost insulted by her. Thanks to me, Qing's love for me is stronger than gold, and she would rather die than obey! "

New script? interesting.

Aye laughed sarcastically and took out a small notebook to write down. This paragraph could be submitted to Mr. Yun for a new drama, and it would be called: My Ever-Changing Girlfriend Miss Keqing.

However, does the other party have delusions of being persecuted? strangeness.

After hearing this, Fang Chang burst into tears: "I didn't expect that the leader would be such a person and easily do things that I dare not do.

This brother, go in later and share half of the treasure with you. Master Yu Hengxing has suffered this humiliation. This is what you and I deserve. "

"Thank you~"

Keqing: Is there still a share for me?

A few people entered in the dark, and it was indeed spacious inside. There were many side roads and you would get lost if you were not careful.

Fang Chang signaled everyone to stop.

He specially studied the art of tomb robbing, and then he took out his tools and started chanting: "Look for the dragon and pay the money to see the winding mountain. One layer of entanglement is a layer of barrier. If the door is closed with eight points of danger, it will not produce the Yin Yang Bagua pattern."

Bai Xun yawned and pressed the torch switch.

It brightened up instantly.

"Go this way, turn two corners and you'll be there. On the left is the arrow array, don't step on the blue grid. On the right is the explosive barrel, don't touch the ground with both feet at the same time."

Three people:? ? ?

Is he more familiar than the dead?

There must be something fishy in it, Keqing and Aye frowned.

Fang Chang was also surprised. Judging from the intelligence of his swordsman genius, the result was obvious: this brother must hate the leader to the core, so he could study the leader's tomb so thoroughly!

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