Thor acted as a light bulb and came to the table where Tony Stark and Pepper Potts were sitting. He pinched his nose with his fingers, stared at the stinky tofu that had just been served in front of Tony Stark, frowned and said:

"Tony, are you sure you want to eat this?

I swear, I have been to many planets and eaten many strange foods, but I have never eaten such unique food.

Trust me, don't eat it, you might die. "

"Thor, first of all, this is not a toy, but a strange-flavored tofu.

Secondly, this is the delicacy of the brave, and only a true brave like me deserves to enjoy it. "

After a slight pause, he pointed at Daredevil and said,

"If eating Qixiang tofu would kill you, then my friend would have died long ago."

Thor turned his head to look at Daredevil, then looked back at Pepper Potts, coughed slightly and said:

"Tony, we are all men. I understand your current mood very well, but I still want to advise you..."

"Thor, shut up!"

Tony Stark roared in annoyance, picked up a piece with a fork and put it in front of Thor,

"do you want to eat?"

Thor, the God of Thunder, immediately leaned back and avoided:

“Forget it, you’d better eat it yourself.

In addition, even if I don't eat this stuff, it doesn't mean that I'm not a warrior.

I am the bravest person in Asgard! "

"Oh, is it so?

A brave man who doesn’t even dare to try strange-flavored tofu. "

Tony Stark joked, and then brought the stinky tofu to his mouth as if he was being tortured. His face even became a little ferocious at this moment.

"Tony, you don't need a piece of tofu to prove that you are a warrior. In my heart, you are the bravest person in the world."

Pepper Potts is still trying to stop Tony Stark.

"I know."

As Tony Stark spoke, he stuffed the whole piece of stinky tofu into his mouth, but he didn't even dare to chew it.

After the unique taste of stinky tofu transformed into delicious food in his mouth, Tony Stark's expression brightened.

"Tony, are you...are you okay?"

Pepper asked nervously.

Thor, the God of Thunder, even said directly:

"Tony, if you can't stand it, just spit it out."


Tony Stark hammered the table with both hands and shouted excitedly while chewing the stinky tofu in his mouth:

"too delicious!

Little pepper, believe me, this is definitely the most delicious food I have ever eaten.

Even better than golden fried rice because... because it's so unique!

Chili pepper, try it quickly, I guarantee you won't be disappointed. "

Tony Stark seemed to really love Pepper. After discovering that the stinky tofu was delicious, he didn't eat it alone. Instead, he gave the only piece on the plate to Pepper.

Little Pepper instinctively ducked back, frowned and said:

"Tony, are you kidding me? Is this really...really edible?"

"Pepper, even if you don't believe me, you should believe Jack.

Let me ask you, when has Jack's delicious food ever disappointed you. "

Tony Stark was just about to raise his hands and swear.


Little Pepper glanced in the direction of the kitchen, then closed her eyes and opened her mouth to bite a piece of stinky tofu the size of a fingernail.

She was prepared to be pranked by Tony Stark and even go to the hospital for emergency treatment, until she discovered that stinky tofu is really delicious.


When Little Pepper opened her eyes, she grabbed the fork holding the stinky tofu, and then couldn't wait to put the stinky tofu into her mouth. While chewing, she covered her mouth with her hands and said happily:

“Delicious, so delicious.

Tony, thank you for giving me such delicious food. "

"Pepper, you should thank Jack.

Plus, you are the bravest woman I have ever met. "

Tony Stark's heartfelt confession.

Thor, the God of Thunder, who was sitting aside to watch the show, was dumbfounded. It wasn't until Pepper took the initiative to ask for another piece of stinky tofu that he frowned and sat down at another table.

After hesitating for a moment, Thor called Peter Parker to his side and whispered:

"Peter, after I finish eating, you can help me pack a portion of Qixiang Tofu to take away."

"Thor, are you trying to find a place where no one is around?"

Peter Parker directly debunked Thor's ideas.

Thor, the God of Thunder, calls himself the bravest man in Asgard, but he gives up when faced with a small piece of stinky tofu.

The main reason is that I am worried that I will not be able to enjoy this delicious food and will spit it out in front of Tony Stark and be ridiculed mercilessly.

"Peter, don't worry about it, just do as I say.

Don’t give it to me directly later...

Forget it, just pack everything I ordered so no one will find out. "

Thor thought for a moment and decided to pack up all the food and take it away and find a place where no one was around to taste it.

Foggy, who was sitting quietly eating aside, became a little uneasy. He quietly ran back to Daredevil, looked at the empty plate and asked:

"Matt, is Qixiang tofu really that delicious?"

Daredevil shook his head calmly and said:

"have no idea.

Fergie, I told you, I have a cold and I can't taste anything. "

"is it?"

Foggy picked up the licked plate and said doubtfully,

"If you can't taste anything, why are you licking the plate so clean?"

"I just don't want to waste it."

Daredevil replied.


Fuji snorted coldly and started to increase his moves.

“Matt, if yours is true, please swear it.

If you cheated on your best friend Fergie, you'd never be able to pick up girls! "


"Foggy, it's just a serving of tofu. I don't think we need to play such a big game, right?"

"No, hurry up and swear, otherwise we will no longer be friends from now on!"

Fergie persisted and was already convinced that he had been deceived.

Daredevil sighed helplessly:

"Okay, Fergie, I admit I lied to you.

I didn’t catch a cold or lose my sense of taste.

Qixiang tofu is indeed very delicious.

How to describe it?

It is better than the other four delicacies in the Chinese restaurant, at least I personally think so. "

"I knew it!

Matt, you are such a jerk!

Remember, you owe me this time, buy a piece of Qixiang Tofu and return it to me tomorrow!

Did you hear me? "

"You decide."

Daredevil responded.

"That's not enough. You pay for today's meal and you can transfer it to me later.

This is your punishment for deceiving your friends! "

Fergie preached further.

the other side.

The second order of stinky tofu ordered by Tony Stark and Pepper Potts was served.

After the two looked at each other, they smiled in unison, took out their mobile phones to take photos of the stinky tofu, and then posted them on social media.

“New arrivals in Chinese restaurants, food for the brave.

Only the truly brave deserve this delicacy. "

A message immediately appeared below.

Captain America: “What, the Chinese restaurant has a new product?

Or a delicacy for the brave?

How can you miss me?

Wait, I'm going to the Chinese restaurant now. "

Black Widow: "That thing looks like tofu, just a piece of tofu. Is it really that delicious?"

Dr. Banner: "I'm on my way to the Chinese restaurant.

Tony, are you sure eating that thing won't transform me? "

Doctor Strange: "That is indeed a new product in the Chinese restaurant. Jack treated me to it last night.

Well, it does take a certain amount of courage to eat it. "

Dr. Pym: "Banner, help Dyne and I take two positions. We'll leave now."


As Tony Stark and Pepper Potts posted the article on social media, it was like a pot was going off. The superheroes all started to rush to the Chinese restaurant, fearing that they would lose the opportunity to taste the new food in the Chinese restaurant on the first day. Chance.

Thor ran away before anyone else showed up.

He used Mjolnir to fly to No Man's Land, then opened the box, mustered up all his Asgardian energy and took a bite of stinky tofu.

“Fucking delicious!”

After Thor uttered a curse word, he immediately took out his mobile phone and filmed Stinky Tofu at 360 degrees without any blind angle, and then posted it on social software.

“The latest delicacies in Chinese restaurants, food for the brave.

As a veteran food expert from the Nine Worlds, I assure you that this is definitely the most unique and delicious food in the Nine Worlds. "

A message appeared below.

"Thor, you have already tasted the new product from the Chinese restaurant?"

"Wait, Thor, you don't seem to be in the Chinese restaurant."

"Thor, tell me the truth, why don't you eat in a Chinese restaurant?"

"Could it be that you are scared?"


Facing a large number of messages, Thor hurriedly replied:


I am the bravest person in Asgard, why would I dare not challenge a piece of tofu?

Let me tell you, I was in a hurry to send Loki back to Asgard, otherwise I would just sit in the Chinese restaurant and enjoy it slowly. "

A lot of replies immediately followed.

"Thor, didn't you take Loki back to Asgard immediately after the war ended yesterday?"

"Thor, do you dare to swear on the honor of Asgard that you are not lying?"

"Thor, just be afraid, there is nothing shameful. Lying is the real shameful thing."


Thor, God of Thunder, was so angry that his liver hurt when he saw all the comments, and he almost crushed his phone to bursting.

After thinking about it, Thor deleted the article he just sent out, out of sight and out of mind.

“These bastards.

I don’t know what it means to see through but not tell, and still be a good friend? "

Thor bit the stinky tofu viciously.

Chinese restaurant.

After Doctor Strange saw the article posted by Tony Stark, he directly used the teleportation method to come to the Chinese restaurant.

Also coming with him was Wang.

The two did not enter the Chinese restaurant directly, but hid opposite the Chinese restaurant and observed secretly.

"The Master Supreme, it's Captain America, he went in."

"The Master Supreme is Dr. Banner. He has also gone in."

"Mage Supreme, Black Widow has entered."

"The Sorcerer Supreme, Ant-Man and the Wasp are in."

"Supreme Mage..."

"King, shut up, I'm not blind, I can see."

Doctor Strange couldn't help but scold.

Wang hesitated and said:

"Supreme Mage, when are we going in?

I mean...the food in the Chinese restaurant is limited every day, and if we don't go in, we may not be able to eat the food of the brave. "

"King, I know what's going on, just wait."

Doctor Strange was confused.

He escaped last night when Li Jie invited him to eat stinky tofu.

Although Tony Stark and everyone who went in have said that stinky tofu is very delicious, Doctor Strange is still very resistant when he thinks of its unique taste.

"King, why don't you go in first and I'll wait a moment."

Doctor Strange thought for a moment and said that he planned to let Wang explore the path first.

Wang wanted to ask Doctor Strange what he was waiting for here, but after hearing that he could go in, he didn't say anything more and trotted into the Chinese restaurant.

"Peter, give me some of the Brave One's first...what does it taste like?"

Wang is from the Dragon Kingdom, but he was sent to Karma Taj to learn magic since he was a child. He has never eaten stinky tofu, so as soon as he entered the Chinese restaurant, he was almost dissuaded by the stench that permeated the restaurant.

At this time, the Chinese restaurant can be said to be very lively.

In addition to superheroes, there are also some criminals.

The Chinese restaurant is also the only place where superheroes and criminals can live in peace, because everyone comes here to enjoy the food.

Almost everyone was averse to the unique taste of stinky tofu when they first came in, and they ate it because of the saying "It's a food for the brave."

But when people taste the deliciousness of stinky tofu, they are all fascinated by it.

"King, I'm sorry, please find a seat and sit down first. I'll be there later."

People crowded in here to eat, so the only waiter in the Chinese restaurant was almost busy.


Wang nodded, still hesitating whether to sit down or turn around and leave.

"Ding Dong."

The doorbell of the Chinese restaurant rang, and Mrs. Gao opened the door and walked in.

After entering the Chinese restaurant, Mrs. Gao did not cover her nose with her hands like others, but took a deep breath with great enjoyment, and then said with satisfaction:

"Yes, that's the smell.

Oh my gosh, I ate bad food last time..."

Before Mrs. Gao finished speaking, Li Jie's voice suddenly sounded in her head.

"Mrs. Gao, take a look at the menu first."

Mrs. Gao's eyes paused on the menu for a moment, and she immediately understood what Li Jie meant, and continued what she just said:

“This kind of strangely fragrant tofu is a unique delicacy of the Dragon Kingdom.

Even though it smells bad, the deliciousness that goes into your mouth can kill all other delicacies.

I also tasted it decades ago when I was in Dragon Kingdom, but I didn’t expect to be able to enjoy such authentic Qixiang Tofu in Hell’s Kitchen today. "

He paused slightly and shouted to Peter Parker who was passing by,

"Bring me a five-piece!"

"Mrs. Gao, find a seat by yourself."

After receiving the money, Peter Parker preached and asked casually,

"King, why don't you sit down?"

"I...I'll think about it again."

Wang Qian laughed and asked Mrs. Gao,

"Excuse me, is Qixiang Tofu really a delicacy of the Dragon Kingdom?"

Mrs. Gao rolled her eyes:

"Nonsense, this is a Chinese restaurant, otherwise what do you think?

I see that you are also from the Dragon Kingdom. Have you never tasted Qixiang Tofu? "

Wang shook his head.

"Little one, you are blessed today. Don't miss this opportunity."

After Mrs. Gao finished speaking, she found an empty seat and sat down with a smile on her face.

Wang clenched his hands into fists and found a seat to sit down.

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