Seeing Professor X's eyebrows tightening slightly, Qin asked:

"Professor, what's wrong?"


Professor X looked at Li Jie who was walking out of the Chinese restaurant with a heavy expression.

Although he only has telepathy, he is known as one of the most powerful mutants.

But just now, the spiritual connection established by Professor X and Li Jie was unilaterally severed by Li Jie, and the connection cannot be reconnected.

This made Professor X secretly shocked.

In other words, in terms of telepathy alone, Li Jie is definitely not inferior to Professor X, at least better than Se, who is known as Professor X's right-hand man.

This alone made Professor

"Ding Dong."

Li Jie opened the door of the Chinese restaurant, smiled at Wolverine standing outside the door and said:

“Logan, I thought you wouldn’t come again.

What, are you here for dinner? "

Wolverine looked back at Professor X and others with a little embarrassment, and then said:


Well... at least we wanted to eat, but please wait a moment. "

After a slight pause, Wolverine ran back,

"Professor, what happened?

Do we still want to go in to eat? "

Professor X did not answer, but called out: "Storm."

I saw Storm taking two steps forward, and then her body was floating there.

At the same time, the situation in the sky was changing.

Just now I could see stars, but now there are dark clouds.

"It's going to rain, put away your clothes!"

Li Jie shouted, flicked the ashes of his cigarette and shouted to Wolverine,

“Logan, if you are here to eat, come in quickly, otherwise drive that big guy away quickly.

Otherwise, they might have to tow it away when the police arrive! "

After saying that, Li Jie turned around and walked into the Chinese restaurant as if nothing was wrong.

Storm, who was about to take action, was stunned. She turned to look at Professor X and said:

"He seems unwilling to fight with us."

Li Jie really doesn't want to fight with the X-Men.

It's not that people in business pay attention to being friendly and making money, but there is no benefit in fighting the X-Men other than over-exposure of one's own strength.

Li Jie has already acquired some of Wolverine's abilities, and has been thinking about the abilities of other X-Men for a long time.

Especially Qin, who is known as the Phoenix Girl.

If you can get the power of the Phoenix, you can be a master on earth.

Coupled with the other skills Li Jie has unlocked, he can be made obedient even if Thanos comes.

Get into a fight.

Even a simple sparring session can damage harmony.

Why not invite a few of them in for a meal and unlock new skills after getting their approval.

In this way, hello, me, and everyone.

"Do it?

Why take action?

Professor, aren’t we here to eat?

Besides, Jack is not our enemy, there is no need for us to fight him. "

Wolverine shouted repeatedly.

Professor X looked at Wolverine speechlessly, as if you didn't understand my heart.

“Logan, you are right, we are here to eat.

Let's go.

I'm treating you today. Just order whatever you want. "

Professor X said "walking" to the front.

“Of course it’s a four-piece suit.

Each dish in the Chinese restaurant is small and different, so I recommend you all order the four-piece set. "

Wolverine said excitedly, finally getting to eat for free.

Storm landed on the ground and said:

“Logan, I’m losing weight recently.

However, I can try every dish. "

Qin also followed the sermon:

"I haven't had much of an appetite lately, but you boys have big appetites, so I want a four-piece suit too."

Several people walked into the Chinese restaurant as they spoke.

"Jack, where is Peter?"

Wolverine shouted loudly as soon as he came in, and deliberately asked Peter Parker to resolve the embarrassment just now.

"Peter is feeling a little uncomfortable. Let's go first."

Li Jie casually made an excuse and asked,

"What do you want to eat?"

"one two three......"

Wolverine deliberately turned back to count, and then said,

"Let's get five sets of four."

"no problem.

For a five-piece set of four, the total is $1,750. "

Li Jie responded.

Wolverine turned to Professor X and said:

"The rules of the Chinese restaurant are to pay the bill first. The total is one thousand seven hundred and fifty dollars."

Professor X took out two thousand dollars from his wallet and preached:

"keep the change."

Bold and arrogant.

The tip is two hundred and fifty.

In terms of background, Professor X is a second-generation rich man.

If it were in the past, his net worth would be richer than Tony Stark's.

Apart from anything else, just saying that he has been subsidizing X College for so many years and yet he still spends arrogant money shows how rich Professor X is.

"Logan, just find a seat and sit down. We'll be there soon."

Li Jie gave the order and turned around and walked into the kitchen.

"Professor, let's sit here."

Wolverine pointed to a seat that could seat six people and preached.

the other side.

Wasp whispered:

"Pim, what do you think of these people?"

Dr. Pym shook his head and said:

“Dyne, don’t count on it.

They are the X-Men and will not jump to the Avengers. "

Wasp thought for a moment and said:

“I think I can give it a try.

Not to mention bringing them all in, it would be good to bring one in as well. "

Dr. Pym has no hope:

"Dyne, I think it's better to forget it.

Being with them would only draw us both into the mutant war. "

The Wasp thought about it, nodded and continued eating.

After a while, the food ordered by the X-Men was served to the table one after another.

Wolverine introduces like a gourmet:

“This is golden fried rice.

Do you see the sheen on it?

Each ingredient of rice is coated with eggs, allowing the eggs to fully blend with the rice to obtain a unique taste and aroma.

Hurry and try it, you won't be disappointed. "

After saying that, he lowered his head to eat and ate very quickly.

He also didn’t forget to praise Li Jie’s craftsmanship.

Cyclops had been hungry for a long time. Seeing that Wolverine ate so deliciously, he also put a bite into his mouth.

“It’s so delicious. I’ve never had such delicious Chinese food!”

Li Jie, who was making soup in the kitchen, smiled, and the system had already given feedback.

"Congratulations to the host for being recognized by Cyclops and successfully unlocking 10% of Cyclops' beam."

Cyclops' powers come from surrounding energy (such as solar radiation, photons, and cosmic rays), which are absorbed by his body and metabolized into concussive shock waves that are released from his eyes.

Because this energy is too terrifying and difficult to control, Cyclops usually wears special glasses.

Li Jie obtained the Cyclops beam, but he didn't have the troubles of Cyclops. He could easily control the energy emission of the laser beam.

One of Storm and Jean lost weight, the other lost her appetite.

They both took a small bite like chickens eating rice, then their eyes lit up and they each hurriedly put another spoonful into their mouths.

At the same time, Li Jie once again received system feedback.

"Congratulations to the host for being recognized by Storm and successfully unlocking 10% of Storm's skills."

Storm's skills are not simply about controlling weather changes.

She can easily create meteorological phenomena such as snowstorms, lightning, and tornadoes. She can also create cosmic phenomena such as solar storms. She can even summon solar storms and torrents of cosmic elements. When angry, she can even destroy a planet instantly.

The strength is very terrifying.

"Congratulations to the host for being recognized by Marvel Girl and gaining 10% of Marvel Girl's skills."

To be honest, Li Jie was a little disappointed when the system called Qin a surprise girl.

In other words, Qin is not the Phoenix Girl at this time and does not have the power of the Phoenix.

Although Qin has the ability to telepathize and control objects at the same time, especially her ability to control objects is more comprehensive than Magneto. She can control almost all substances and has great potential, but these two abilities are comparable to the skills Li Jie already has. coincide.

As long as Li Jie continues to unlock his original abilities, he will reach Qin's level sooner or later.

Wolverine quickly finished the golden fried rice on his plate, then stretched the plate in front of Storm and said:

"Aren't you losing weight?

Let me help you share some of it, otherwise it will be too wasteful. "

Storm's eyes turned white, and a strong wind pushed Wolverine and the plate back:

"Feel sorry.

Logan, I thought about it carefully. Only when you are full can you have the strength to lose weight.

Don't worry, I will never waste food. "

Cyclops' plate was also empty and he looked at Jean with a smile.

Qin turned her body a little to the side, protecting her golden fried rice, and said before Cyclops:

"Don't take my chances.

I haven't had much appetite recently, but this golden fried rice has cured my stomach.

Don’t worry, I won’t waste it either. "

Wolverine sat back and snorted angrily:

"I know you can't believe a woman's words!"

After saying that, he and Cyclops looked at Professor X who had not yet moved the spoon.

Since his legs became disabled, Professor X ate very little every meal.

In addition, as he is older, late-night snacks have no appeal to him.

I didn't want to eat it at first, but seeing Storm and Jean's attitude change, I immediately had the idea to try it.

Seeing that Cyclops and Wolverine were trying to take advantage of him, Professor X immediately launched a mental attack on the two.

"Why, you two boys are still planning to compete with me, an old man, for food?"

Wolverine immediately expressed his dissatisfaction.


In terms of age, you are too young to be my grandson.

But they refused to give in and were mentally attacked by Professor X, so the two of them could only sit there obediently.

Professor X picked up the spoon calmly.

Anyone who dares to take advantage of him will sit there like Wolverine and Cyclops, unable to move.

After taking a bite of golden fried rice, Professor X immediately looked shocked.

It was not because of the deliciousness of the golden fried rice, but because Professor X noticed a warm current flowing to his legs, and he could actually feel the existence of his legs again.

He was delighted but at the same time, Professor X was frightened.

Many years ago, Professor X took medicine that allowed him to stand up again for a while.

But when he was able to walk upright, he lost his extraordinary strength.

In the end, Professor X chose to stop taking his medication for the sake of other mutants and retained his telepathic abilities.

A bite of golden fried rice reminded Professor X of the past.

"Professor, what's wrong with you?"

Qin was keenly aware of Professor X's strangeness.

"No, it's okay."


After eating a portion of golden fried rice, Professor


Jean and Storm both exclaimed in surprise.




Professor X fell into the wheelchair again.

Although it only lasted two seconds, Professor X stood up without any help.

This experience made Professor X's eyes moist and he actually shed tears.

After regaining his freedom, Wolverine spoke:

“I know golden fried rice has some healing powers.

The saber-toothed tiger lost its ability to heal itself before because of continuous meals in a Chinese restaurant.

I just didn't expect that this healing ability would also be useful for the professor's legs. "

More than useful.


"Logan, taking us to the Chinese restaurant is definitely the best thing you did by joining the X-Men!"

Professor X praised and then sighed,

"Looks like I'll have to prepare my wallet from now on."

Storm and Jean had just rejected Wolverine and Cyclops, but when they learned that golden fried rice had such a miraculous effect and could make Professor X stand up again, they both took the initiative to push their share in front of Professor X.

Professor X pushed back with a smile:

"Thank you for your kindness.

Although the golden fried rice helped me stand up again, I don’t know if there are any side effects.

Let’s observe it for a while first.

To say the least, I have my wallet ready and can come back to the Chinese restaurant any time. "

Storm and Jean began to eat with confidence, so as not to be distracted by King Kong and Cyclops again.

The following soup, fried noodles and sweet-scented osmanthus cake each satisfied the taste buds of the X-Men in different ways.

The two women's favorite was sweet-scented osmanthus cake, but all other delicacies also went into their bellies.

For them, this meal was too filling.

"Jack, we'll be back tomorrow night."

Before Professor X left, he greeted Li Jie with a smile and did not mention the "fight" again.

Anyway, there is a long way to go.

Dr. Pym and the Wasp came first, but were the last to leave.

When the X-Men left, Dr. Pym took the initiative to come to Li Jie.

"Jack, I forgot to tell you something.

I have spoken to Dr. Banner and he is very interested in joining the Avengers.

If you and Tony can join together, then our Avengers Alliance will be officially established. "

Li Jie puffed out smoke and said:

"Dr. Pym, I have made it clear to you that I will not join the Avengers.

As for Tony, you can talk to him yourself. "

"Jack, you don't have to rush to a conclusion. You can think about it first."

Dr. Pym finished speaking and called the Wasp to leave.

As soon as the two left, golden light flashed outside the door of the Chinese restaurant, and Doctor Strange walked out of the teleportation door.

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