Baron Mordo did not answer Li Jie and asked alertly:

"What brings you here?"

“Is Stephen here?

I have something to ask him for help with. "

Li Jie replied.

Baron Mordo breathed a sigh of relief. Just now he thought Li Jie came here because of Casillas:

"Unfortunately, Stephen is not here, he is in a distant place..."

Li Jie interrupted Baron Modu and said, "Kama Taj, right?

As far as I know, there is a portal in the New York Temple that leads directly to Karma Taj. "

Baron Mordo...

"Please wait here."


The New York Temple doors are closed.

Li Jie raised his hand and touched his nose. He disliked Baron Mordo even more.

This guy didn't even invite me in to sit down.

Fortunately, Li Jie didn't wait long outside the door. Soon the temple door opened again, and Doctor Strange Stephen walked out.

"Mr. Jack, are you looking for me?"

Unlike Baron Mordo, Stephen's attitude towards Li Jie was full of respect.

"Stephen, would you mind finding a place to sit down and chat?"

Li Jie asked.

Stephen immediately smiled and said:


To be honest, I haven't had lunch yet.

Also, I miss Chinese restaurant food so much.

If you want, we can talk at the Chinese restaurant.

Don't worry, I'll pay the bill myself. "

This foodie.


This is the first time that Li Jie has reopened a Chinese restaurant after closing it.

The advantage is that the two of them can sit in a Chinese restaurant and talk without being disturbed.

"You mean... you want me to operate on Tony Stark?"

Stephen frowned and stared at his hands, suddenly feeling that the food in the Chinese restaurant no longer tasted good.

Since the car accident, his injured hands have become a pain point in Stephen's heart.

After coming to Karma Taj to receive the teachings of Master Ancient One, Stephen thought he had already put this matter aside.

It wasn't until Li Jie proposed to operate on Tony Stark that Stephen realized that he had not really let go of the matter.

It has always been a stone weighing on my heart.

His hands began to tremble unconsciously.


The hook fell onto the dinner plate.

Stephen clenched his fists hard to cover up his discomfort, shook his head and said:

"Sorry, I'm afraid I can't help you with this.

If Tony really needs surgery, I can introduce you to the best surgeon in the world. "

To be honest, Li Jie was a little surprised after seeing Stephen's reaction.

It turns out that Stephen has never passed this level of his own.

Only after passing this level can Stephen evolve into Doctor Strange.

"Stephen, I just want you to convince Tony that you can cure him and participate in this operation."

Li Jie repeated his purpose.

Stephen's eyebrows tightened again: "You mean to say that letting me do the care doesn't require me to actually operate on Tony?"


Li Jie nodded in response.

"Then I don't understand, why is it me?

Also, who will operate on Tony? "

Stephen asked doubtfully.


Li Jie replied.


Stephen looked at Li Jie in surprise.

Li Jie didn't waste any time and showed off his skills directly.

Use your super senses and ability to control objects at the same time.

The target is the golden fried rice in front of Stephen.

Every grain of golden fried rice is wrapped in egg liquid. What Li Jie did was to separate the rice grains from the eggs.

After a while, grains of white rice appeared in front of Stephen, next to golden eggs.

Stephen said in surprise:

"It's not magic."

Li Jie explained to Stephen the two abilities he used:

"Yes, this is extraordinary power. I can use this power to remove the iron fragments from Tony's body."

Stephen nodded and responded:

“If that were the case, you could perform operations that even the best surgeons in the world couldn’t perform.

Although I haven't seen Tony's specific medical records, I believe you can do this surgery.

Jack, I still don't quite understand.

Since you have this kind of power, just tell Tony and let him agree to let you perform the surgery. Why do you still need to find me? "

Li Jie smiled and said:

"A world-leading surgeon and magician, and a chef at a Chinese restaurant in Hell's Kitchen.

If you needed surgery, who would you choose? "


Stephen nodded and looked at the dinner plate.

“Jack, either you make me a new one, or you restore my plate of golden fried rice to its original state.

Otherwise I would not agree to accompany you in this scene. "

After the eggs are separated from the rice grains, the golden fried rice can no longer be called golden fried rice and loses its original deliciousness.

Li Jie used his super senses and ability to control objects to restore the golden fried rice.

The process is far more difficult and challenging than separating rice from eggs.

Li Jie did not choose to make a new one, but this more troublesome method.

In addition to wanting to practice his skills, he also wanted to increase Stephen's confidence in himself.

After all, this is a human life.

A slightly awry surgery could kill Tony Stark.

Coupled with Tony Stark's public influence, Stephen must be careful.

After eating, Li Jie went directly to Tony Stark and introduced him to Doctor Strange.

Dr. Strange met too many rich people when he was a doctor. At that time, he chose the patients, and the patients chose him.

If Stephen is not willing, no matter how much money the other party spends, it will be useless.

Stephen first obtained Tony Stark's medical records and then began to study them.

From the perspective of a surgical patient alone, Stephen recommended conservative treatment, because any small mistake during the operation could kill Tony Stark.

After seeing Li Jie's superpower, Stephen felt that this was just a minor operation.

However, Stephen had to act like an expert and convince Tony Stark to accept this surgery from a doctor's perspective.

This takes a while.

The Chinese restaurant still needed to open in the afternoon, so Li Jie left Tony Stark's mansion early.

The Chinese restaurant is open in the evening.

The departure of Black Widow not only made Li Jie a little uncomfortable, but also Peter Parker.

"Boss, is Natasha really not coming back?"

“Peter, just mind your own business.

Also, how is your friend doing? "

Li Jie changed the topic to Harry Osborne.

Peter Parker replied:

"Harry has decided to leave for a while, saying he wants to learn from a master.

I don't know the specific situation, I just hope everything goes well for him. "

"Where's Norman? Is there still no news from the police?"

Li Jie asked.

Peter Parker shook his head and said:

"Mr. Norman has disappeared, and until now there is no clue.

I guess he may have left the city. "


Li Jie felt that Peter Parker thought about this matter too simply.

The terror of the Green Goblin is unmatched by Kingpin. He secretly manipulated many wars between super criminals and superheroes.

"Ding Dong."

The bell on the restaurant door rang, and Dr. Pym walked in with a middle-aged woman.

"Hi, Jack.

Hi Peter!

Get two sets of four. "

Dr. Pym looked very happy. After paying the money, he lowered his voice and preached,

"Jack, I heard that the cat in your store is actually an element-devouring beast?

Also, did you convince Tony to have the surgery? "

"Dr. Pym, you have a really good nose."

Li Jie teased.

Pim smiled and said: "I have worked in SHIELD for so long, so we are still familiar with each other.

In addition, I have my own intelligence channels, and these things cannot be hidden from me.

To be honest, I didn't expect SHIELD to lose the Cosmic Cube.

It's great that you were able to convince Tony to have the surgery, though.

I hope his surgery goes well and he joins the Avengers soon. "

"Dr. Pym, this is..."

Li Jie heard that Dr. Pym wanted to persuade him to join the Avengers again, so he decisively changed the topic and turned his attention to the lady next to him.

"Look at my brain.

Let me introduce to you, this is my wife - Dyne. "

Dr. Pym looked happy when he mentioned Janet Van Dyne.

The two are not only husband and wife, but also close comrades-in-arms.

Her other identity is the famous Wasp.

"Jack, Pim keeps mentioning your name in my ears.

He said that the food you make is the most delicious food in the world, and that you are also a powerful superhero.

People like Iron Man and Black Widow are your fans. "

The Wasp held out her hand and preached.

Li Jie reached out and shook hands with Dai Yin, and said with a smile:

"Dr. Pym is exaggerating. I'm not a hero, I'm just a cook in Hell's Kitchen.

All right.

Peter, find a seat for our two distinguished guests. I'm going to prepare delicious food for them. "

Peter Parker arranged a seat for Dr. Pym and the Wasp, and soon served the first delicacy for them - golden fried rice.

“Dyne, hurry up and taste it.

I can assure you that no restaurant can make fried rice this delicious. "

Dr. Pym gave high praise.

"I hope it's as delicious as you say it is."

The Wasp held a skeptical attitude and put a small mouthful of golden fried rice into her mouth with a spoon, then put down the spoon and covered her mouth with both hands.

"Dain, what's wrong with you?

Oh, God, are you crying? "

Dr. Pym hurriedly sat down next to the Wasp, put his arm around her shoulders and comforted her,

"Dyne, it's okay.

With me here, we can solve anything. "

Wasp Girl shook her head and said:

"Do not.

Pim, you misunderstood.

I'm not sad, but moved.

You are absolutely right, this fried rice is really delicious. "

Li Jie, who had already prepared the soup in the kitchen, received the feedback.

"Congratulations on being approved by the Wasp."


No skills have been unlocked, which is reasonable when you think about it.

All of Wasp's abilities come from her Wasp suit, which was created by Dr. Pym using Pym particle technology.

Li Jie has already unlocked the relevant skills from Dr. Pym, so naturally he cannot unlock the skills from the Wasp.

Just when Li Jie handed the regular soup to Peter Parker through the dining port, the two people's spider senses sensed danger at the same time and looked outside the Chinese restaurant.

I saw a middle-aged man standing across the road in a jacket, jeans, and messy hair that looked like it hadn't been washed in a week.

At the same time, the middle-aged man also frowned, and a voice sounded in his head.

"Oh no!

Eddie, I suggest you don't go there.

My spider sense tells me it's dangerous over there and we can't risk it just for a bite to eat. "

"Shut up!

Venom, I really didn't expect you to be so afraid of a little spider. "

"I'm afraid of spiders?

Are you kidding me, I could eat that spider in one gulp.

Eddie, the danger I'm talking about isn't from Peter Parker, it's from other people! "

"You mean the old man and the woman?"

"No, not them.

What you can't see from this angle is the cook cooking in the kitchen.

My spider sense tells me that guy is very scary and we'd better stay away from the Chinese restaurant.

No, I mean stay away from Hell's Kitchen.

The further away the better. "

“What’s there to be afraid of as a cook?

Besides, Chinese restaurants will provide safety guarantees for diners, and he will not hurt us. "

"Eddie, you idiot and idiot.

Think about it with your butt, if that cook is not awesome and scary, how can he provide safety for the guests in the Chinese restaurant?

Anyway, we'd better get out of here quickly!

Eddie, you're going the wrong way! "


Eddie Brock ignored Venom's warning and walked across the street towards the Chinese restaurant.

"Ding Dong."

The restaurant door rang, and Eddie Brock opened the door and walked in.

Peter Parker has been keeping an eye on Eddie Brock.

Strangely, as Eddie Brock walked into the Chinese restaurant, the danger detected by the spider sense suddenly disappeared.

It can't be said that it disappeared completely, but that it was hidden.

Hiding inside Eddie Brock.

"Venom, you coward."

Eddie Burrows cursed secretly.


"Sir, please sit down."

Peter Parker gave Eddie Brock a seat by the window and asked him what he wanted to eat.

In fact, Venom chose this location because it thought that if any danger happened, it could just break the window and escape.

"Peter, do you really not know me?"

Eddie Burrows suddenly asked after finishing the meal.

Peter Parker looked at Eddie Burrows carefully and asked doubtfully:

"Should we get to know each other?"

Venom's taunting voice sounded in Eddie Brock's head:

"Eddie, how are you? Are you dumbfounded?

Cluck cluck...

You regard others as your enemies, but they don’t know you at all! "

"Shut up!"

Eddie Brock roared in his heart, and then snorted coldly,

"Peter, you don't have to act like you don't know me.

My name is Eddie Bullock. I used to be a reporter for Global Daily. It was you who caused me to lose this job! "

Peter Parker blinked:

"Sir, I think there must be some misunderstanding. I really don't know you."

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