Marvel: Chinese Restaurant Beginning in Hell's Kitchen

Chapter 57 The Magician and the Green Goblin gather at the Chinese restaurant

"Ding Dong."

Peter Parker dragged his tired steps into the Chinese restaurant and said hello to Li Jie and Black Widow:


"Peter, you are in for a treat today. I made spicy beef soup and fried dough sticks!"

Li Jie's voice came from the kitchen.

After the Chinese restaurant closed last night, Li Jie went to the 24-hour convenience store to buy ingredients.

Beef spicy soup and fried dough sticks, Li Jie has been craving for this bite for a long time.

Black Widow whispered in Peter Parker's ear:

"Peter, do you know what beef and spicy soup is?"

Peter Parker shook his head.

Black Widow continued: "It's the dark cuisine developed by Jack.

It's dark and sticky and makes you unappetizing. I really don't understand why anyone would like to eat that stuff?

I swear, even if a gun is put to my neck, I will never take a bite.

There are also fried dough sticks, which are deep-fried baguettes.

It’s greasy and not healthy at all! "

After hearing this, Peter Parker lost interest in spicy soup and fried dough sticks, and said:

"Sorry, Natasha, I forgot to buy you a sandwich.

I can buy it now if you need it. "

"Peter, forget about the sandwich for now. You should think about how to pass Jack's test later.

Spicy soup and fried dough sticks, Jack will be angry if you don't eat them. "

Peter Parker…

Li Jie heard the conversation between Black Widow and Peter Parker and smiled inwardly.

How much you hate spicy soup and fried dough sticks now, you will love it later.


Li Jie clapped the meal bell vigorously: "Peter, bring the food!"

Peter Parker came to the dining area and looked at the spicy soup and fried dough sticks on the plate.

It doesn't seem to be as terrible as Black Widow said.

Let’s talk about spicy soup first.

It's not black, it's a bit reddish, with large chunks of beef floating on it, making people want to take a bite.

There are also fried dough sticks.

It does look a bit like a baguette, but the golden appearance is still very attractive.

"Boss, this is spicy soup and fried dough sticks."

"That's right.

Freshly baked fried dough sticks and a bowl of spicy soup are a perfect match. "

Li Jie suddenly thought that in the eyes of many people, soy milk and fried dough sticks are a perfect match.

However, in Li Jie's heart, spicy soup and fried dough sticks are the best in the world.

Black Widow frowned when she saw spicy soup and fried dough sticks, muttering to herself.

Is this thing edible?

"The spicy soup and fried dough sticks are being eaten while they are hot. Hurry up and don't waste time."

Li Jie said as he reached out and picked up a fried dough stick and took a bite first.

The crispy texture is really delicious. Taking a sip of spicy spicy soup allows the two foods to fully blend in the mouth, and the stomach becomes comfortable after swallowing.


Black Widow reached out and covered her cheek and said:

"Jack, I have a toothache and no appetite.

You guys eat first.

I think I'll have to see a doctor later. "

"Natasha, then you will miss an opportunity to enjoy delicious food."

Li Jie chuckled.

Peter Parker was not picky and had confidence in Li Jie's cooking skills. He followed Li Jie's example and picked up a fried dough stick and took a bite.


Boss, this Chinese baguette is so delicious. "

Peter Parker's eyes even lit up.

"Congratulations to the host for just getting recognized by Spider-Man."

A message is displayed on the system panel.

Li Jie felt happy.

It turns out that food not provided by the system can be recognized by diners.

What an unexpected surprise.

"What is a Chinese baguette? This one is called fried dough sticks.

There's no way the baguette can compare with it.

Come on, say it after me, youtiao. "

Li Jie corrected, justifying the name of the fried dough sticks.

"You... strips."

Peter Parker said in a choked accent.

"Well, it's okay, let's eat."

Li Jie nodded with satisfaction.

"Boss, this spicy soup tastes really amazing!"

After taking a sip of spicy soup, Peter Parker stuck out his thumb, then stuck out his tongue and said,

"It's just a bit spicy, but the more I drink, the more I want to drink!"


There is a word spicy in Hu spicy soup. If it is not spicy, can it still be called Hu spicy soup?

In order to cater to the tastes of Black Widow and Peter Parker, Li Jie has downgraded his cooking to slightly spicy.

"Peter, you can try eating like this."

Li Jie said, soaking one end of the fried dough sticks in spicy spicy soup, then quickly picked it up and put it into his mouth.

In this way, the fried dough sticks still maintain their original crispy texture, but they will become soft and lose their texture over time.

"Is that so?"

Peter Parker imitated Li Jie and asked, and immediately gave a thumbs up again,

"Yummy, so delicious."

Black Widow's eyebrows were slightly furrowed, and she was a little greedy when she saw Li Jie and Peter Parker eating very high.

Especially after Li Jie and Peter Parker started eating the second bowl of spicy soup, Black Widow cleared her throat and said:

"'s not like I can't give it a try."

With that said, Black Widow immediately started to take a bite, picked up a fried dough stick and brought it to her mouth.

It's really delicious.

Black Widow imitated Li Jie and put a mouthful of spicy soup into her mouth, muttering to herself:

"I didn't expect the spicy soup to look bad, but it tastes pretty good."

"Hey, that fried dough stick is mine!"

Seeing that there was only one fried dough stick left on the dinner plate, Black Widow hurriedly pulled the plate in front of her.

"Natasha, didn't you say you can't eat if you have a toothache?"

Peter Parker asked.

Black Widow rolled her eyes, she really didn't want to pick up the pot.

"Did I say that?


You must have heard wrong.

I just saw my dentist yesterday and he said my teeth are very healthy. "

Peter Parker…

Okay, I guess I heard wrong.

There's no point in arguing with a woman, and besides, the person sitting across from her is the Black Widow.

"Boss, are these spicy soup and fried dough sticks new products in our store?"

Peter Parker asked.

Black Widow also raised her eyelids and looked at Li Jie, thinking that if there were new products in the store, she would have more chances to eat them.


Li Jie preached decisively.

You have to buy the ingredients for spicy soup and fried dough sticks by yourself, which is a waste of time and money.

How can there be a system that provides materials for free?

After eating and drinking, Li Jie lit a cigarette:

"Peter, you seemed to be in a bad mood when you came here today.

What happened? "

"Didn't you watch the news?"

Peter Parker asked rhetorically, following the sermon,

“Norman Osborne escaped from prison last night.

Whipcord and Doctor Octopus also mysteriously disappeared from the holding cells.

The police have now issued notices against them. "

Li Jie already knew about this last night, and knew that it was the magician who helped the three escape from prison.

"Peter, what does this have to do with you?"

Black Widow asked.

Of course it has something to do with me.

I'm Spider-Man!

Of course, this cannot be said.

Peter Parker coughed dryly: "Mr. Norman is the father of my good friend.

He is now jailbroken and I am just a little worried about my friend. "

"Peter, don't think so much.

Pack your things and get ready to open for business. "

Li Jie ordered.

"Yes, boss."

Peter Parker felt much better after drinking two bowls of spicy soup.

"Ding Dong."

The bell on the door of the Chinese restaurant rang, welcoming the first customer of the day.

The person who walked in was a middle-aged man in a neat suit. His hair was combed back into a small braid, and he looked very airy.

Behind him were a man and a woman, who looked like senior white-collar workers working in Manhattan.

Although the three of them had changed their clothes, Li Jie recognized the man with the braid at a glance as Casillas, who had just defected from Kamal Taj.

The two behind are Casillas's followers.

"Welcome, what would you like to eat?"

Peter Parker approached and asked.

Although he didn't know the three of them, his spider sense told him that they were very dangerous.

Therefore, he deliberately kept a distance from the three of them.

Casillas looked past Peter Parker towards Li Jie, grinning.

"Bring over all the delicacies in the store."

The female magician stepped forward and gave a lecture.

Casillas took this opportunity to walk past Peter Parker and came to Li Jie and asked:

"Are you the owner of the Chinese restaurant?"

Li Jie said with a smile:

"Yes, I am Jack, the owner of the Chinese restaurant.

If you want to take a photo with me or ask for an autograph.

Sorry, the Chinese restaurant does not provide related services. "

Casillas raised his eyebrows slightly and muttered to himself:

"I asked you to take photos and sign autographs. Where did you get the confidence?"

"Jack, please remember my name, my name is Casillas."

Casillas raised his chin slightly, looking very proud.

"and then?"

Li Jie asked.


I will become the greatest magician in the world, and everyone will bow at my feet and worship.

No matter what your relationship is with Gu Yi, you can't escape this fate!

"I heard your food here is very delicious, I want to try it."

Casillas said suppressing his anger.

"Oh, sit down then.

After you pay, your food will be served quickly. "

Li Jie said casually.

Casillas raised his eyebrows again.

Hi, I'm Casillas!

Is your attitude too disrespectful to me?

"it is good."

Casillas turned around and saw that the female magician had already paid, so he found a place with a good view and sat down.

"Ding Dong."

The bell on the door of the restaurant rang again, and Justin Hammer walked in with steps that he didn't recognize, whistling in his mouth.

"Hi guys."

As soon as he entered the door, Justin Hammer raised his right hand and said hello, as if he was a superior coming to inspect the work.

Seeing that no one was paying attention to him, Justin Hammer simply took out a wad of money from his pocket, took out a hundred dollars and waved it in the air:

"Peter, here's a tip for you!"

Peter Parker snorted.

Am I the kind of person who is blind to money?

Forget it, you would be a fool not to take the money that is delivered to you.

"Mr. Hammer, it will be my pleasure to serve you."

Peter Parker puts a hundred dollars into his pocket and preaches.

Justin Hammer had a proud smile on his lips. He liked the pleasure of using his "money power", so he took out another hundred-dollar bill and handed it over:

"Help me find the safest location."

Peter Parker took the money and stuffed it into his pocket, and said with a smile:

“Anywhere in the Chinese restaurant is safe.”

Justin Hammer pumps out another hundred dollars:

"Then help me find a location where no one will disturb me, but where I can see the entire restaurant and the outside of the restaurant."

"plz follow me."

Peter Parker took the money and took Justin Hammer to the location closest to the restroom.

This ticks all the boxes for Justin Hammer.

Fortunately, the bathroom didn't smell much.

However, Justin Hammer still frowned and felt a little uncomfortable.

"Peter, do you know why I came here to eat today?"

Justin Hammer asked as he sat down.

Peter Parker replied:

"I guess it must be because of the delicious food in the Chinese restaurant."

Justin Hammer deliberately adjusted his clothes, cleared his throat and said:

"Of course, that's one of the reasons.

The reason I really chose to eat here today is because I was worried that I would not be able to taste the delicious food here again if I missed it today. "

"Sir, I don't quite understand what you mean.

Are you feeling unwell? "

Peter Parker asked looking concerned.

“I’m physically…I’m very healthy!

Idiot, I mean Chinese restaurants could be wiped from the world, got it?

Okay, no more boring words.

Give me a four-piece set. "

Justin Hammer gasped, feeling like talking to Peter Parker was really hard.

"Please wait."

Peter Parker was deliberately pretending to be stupid, and after taking a tip from Justin Hammer, he turned around and saw a figure falling from the sky.

It's Iron Man Tony Stark.

Tony Stark put on the mecha and walked directly into the Chinese restaurant. As soon as he entered, he opened the mecha mask and said to Li Jie:

"Very good!

Jack, it seems I'm not too late! "

"Tony, what happened?"

Li Jie asked.

Tony Stark walked out of the mecha and said while observing the customers at the Chinese restaurant:

"I received a message saying that someone wanted to destroy the Chinese restaurant before noon, so I rushed over."

After a slight pause, he lowered his voice and asked,

"Jack, have you been in any trouble lately?"

Tony, you are such a good brother.

Li Jie said something in his heart, and then said:

"Tony, as you can see, everything is fine here.

Now that you're here, find a seat and sit down. I'm going to treat you today.

Natasha, give Tony a glass of water first. "

"it is good."

Tony Stark found a seat where he could stare at the audience, while the mecha stood aside like a bodyguard.

"Tony, have a nice day."

Justin Hammer said with a hint of sarcasm.

Tony Stark snorted and said:

"Hammer, I'm going to keep an eye on you.

If you do anything outrageous, I will personally send you to jail! "

“Tony, can I interpret this as a threat?

Or should I find my lawyer to talk to you now? "

Justin Hammer said nonchalantly.

"up to you."

Tony Stark didn't even care.


There was a sudden explosion outside the Chinese restaurant, causing the cars on the road to lose control and crash into each other, paralyzing traffic on the entire street.


The Green Goblin on a metal skateboard appeared in front of everyone with a devilish laugh.

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