Compared with the Savage Hulk form, Dr. Banner usually appears too cowardly.

This may be because he is too worried that he will lose control and transform.

First, he was hit by a car and flew out. Dr. Banner just thought it was an ordinary traffic accident.

Immediately after facing the robbery, Dr. Banner, who was lying on the ground, simply raised his hands and shouted:

"Don't be nervous, you just want money.

My wallet is in my pants pocket. If you want, feel free to take it. "

The black man felt happy after getting the wallet from Dr. Banner's pocket, and then went to snatch Dr. Banner's cell phone.

Dr. Banner finally had a photo with Black Widow's maid, but he didn't want to lose it just like that. He instinctively protected his phone and shouted:

"I can't give you this."

"What nonsense?

Get it quickly! "

The black man yelled, and when Dr. Banner refused to hand over his cell phone, he shot Dr. Banner in the chest.

"go to hell!"

Inside the Chinese restaurant.

Black Widow suddenly turned her head to look out the door and asked, "Was that gunfire just now?"

"This is Hell's Kitchen, isn't it normal to hear gunshots?"

The saber-toothed tiger sneered.

Black Widow doesn't care about the fighting between gangs. She is worried that the gunfire will be related to Dr. Banner.

"Natasha, I suggest you go out and take a look."

Li Jie said gloomily, cursing secretly in his heart.

What kind of little bastard didn't have the nerve to rob Dr. Banner, but he actually dared to shoot Dr. Banner.

Really looking for death!

Black Widow rushed out and saw a car flying over from the intersection.


With a loud noise, the car fell upside down in the middle of the road less than thirty meters away from the Chinese restaurant.

The guy sitting in the cab was completely frightened, and the smell of urine filled the air between his legs.

"Boom, boom boom..."

A series of gunshots came from the direction of the intersection.

Dr. Banner had transformed into the Savage Hulk, and that stupid black man with dreadlocks stood there and continued to shoot at the Hulk.

After seeing the bullets hitting the Hulk being bounced off, the black man with dreadlocks had his legs weak and stood there not knowing what to do.


Dr. Banner reached for his dreadlocks.

If this is caught, the opponent's head will be crushed directly.


The man with the dreadlocks was hit in the knee by a rock and knelt on the ground, narrowly avoiding the Hulk's attack.


Black Widow yelled at the Hulk, and while the Hulk was distracted, she yelled at the man with the dreadlocks who was still stunned,

"Why don't you run quickly?"


The man with the dreadlocks yelled, rolled and crawled away from the scene.

"Banner, it's me, Natasha.

Calm down, we..."

Black Widow opened her hands and tried to calm Dr. Banner, but before she could finish her words, the Hulk punched him.

Black Widow hurriedly moved to avoid the Hulk's attack.

Although she has the ability to restore Dr. Banner's calmness with her singing, she does not succeed every time.

Especially when the Hulk is angry and it doesn't work at all.


Li Jie lit a cigarette against the door of the restaurant, knowing very well that Black Widow was no match for the Hulk.

"Hey, don't any of you want to go out and help?"

Li Jie turned back to look at the other three people in the restaurant.

Although Li Jie's current physique is basically the same as that of the Hulk, it is impossible to knock this big man down.

Especially as the anger level continues to increase and you gain unlimited power, fighting the Hulk is almost like seeking death.

Besides, how can you throw Wang Zhao at the first sign?

Before Li Jie takes action, he naturally has to play some small cards.

There are ready-made superheroes to act in the restaurant.

"I'm going to the bathroom!"

Peter Parker used urine to escape and disguised himself to avoid the crowd and fight as Spider-Man.

The saber-toothed tiger grinned:

"What does this have to do with me?

I'm here to eat. "

Wolverine frowned. He came here for Sabertooth Tiger, but the Hulk was wreaking havoc outside, and he couldn't pretend that nothing happened.

"Sabre-toothed Tiger, I'm taking advantage of you today!"

Wolverine finally gritted his teeth, stood up and walked out.


The saber-toothed tiger suddenly barked, then grinned and said,

"Hope you survive that big guy, otherwise the rest of my life is going to be pretty boring."

"Don't worry, how could I die before you?"

Wolverine snorted coldly, walked past Li Jie, clenched his fists and shook it hard, the metal claws popped out, and ran over very gracefully.

In fact, before Spider-Man and Wolverine arrived, Daredevil, the guardian of Hell's Kitchen, had already arrived on the battlefield first.




As soon as Daredevil appeared, he was knocked out by the Hulk.

It was his first time fighting the Hulk, and he finally realized the horror of the Savage Hulk.

The second one to arrive on the battlefield is Peter the Spider.

The spider sense let Peter Parker know that the Hulk was very dangerous, so he did not intend to start a close combat with the Hulk, but only shot spider silk from a distance to assist.

At first, Peter Parker tried to wrap the Hulk up in spider webs.

This method did have some effect at first. After all, Spider-Man's webs are very tough, and Peter Parker gave away ten webs in a row.

After his movement was restricted, the Hulk's anger level began to surge rapidly, and he exploded with unimaginable power and spread the cobwebs directly.

"Step aside!"

Wolverine makes a dashing appearance.

When the Hulk broke free from the shackles of the spider web, Wolverine jumped up, thrust out the metal bone claws of both hands, and stabbed the Hulk in the chest.

"Dang, Dang."

Wolverine frowned. His Adamant metal blade was known as the hardest metal on earth, but it couldn't break through the Hulk's skin.

You know, the Hulk's skin is enough to withstand nuclear attacks, and Wolverine's attacks are nothing in comparison.

The saber-toothed tiger, who had already moved to the window to eat, frowned when he saw this.

If even Wolverine can't hurt the Hulk, then he has no hope.


After discovering that the "stab" attack didn't work, Wolverine swung the metal bone claw more than a dozen times in the blink of an eye.

In the end, it only left a faint scratch on the Hulk's body, and then disappeared.


Black Widow yelled.

Wolverine noticed the Hulk's hands moving up and down to surround him.

Just now, I was too focused on attacking, and now I lost my way out.

Seeing that Wolverine was about to be caught by the Hulk, Peter the Spider shot out a piece of spider silk in time, wrapped it around Wolverine's feet and forced him out.

"Thank you."

Wolverine said gratefully.

If he hadn't been rescued by Spider-Man in time, he would have fallen into the hands of the Hulk.

Considering the terrifying power of the Hulk, it’s hard to imagine what will happen next.

Although Wolverine has an amazing ability to heal himself, the pain he feels when he is injured is real.

If he could not experience it, he would not want to experience that kind of painful fear.

"This can't continue like this. We must find a way to lead it to a place where no one is around!"

Daredevil ran over with his hands on his chest.

His self-healing ability is far less powerful than Wolverine's.

I just got hit by the Hulk and it felt like my bones were broken. I'm afraid I won't be able to recover without a few days of rest.

The Hulk's destructive power is astonishing, and he doesn't just chase someone, anyone can become his target.

If left unchecked, Hell's Kitchen will truly become hell.


After the Hulk crushed a car with his foot, he immediately went looking for other targets of destruction.

A building on the roadside soon fell into trouble.

"Let's join hands together!

You find a way to distract that big guy, you find a way to delay his attack, and leave the rest to me. "

Wolverine immediately showed the courage of a commander and began to direct group operations.

"Okay, let's do it!"

Daredevil responded.

Just when the three were about to join forces to fight the Hulk, they saw Black Widow stretching out her arms to stop them.

"What you do will only further anger him. His power will grow as his anger grows, and by then there will be more uncontrollable destruction."

Black Widow preaches.

"Then what do you think we should do?

We can't just do nothing and watch it destroy here, right? "

Peter Parker preaches.

Black Widow was speechless for a moment. She knew in her heart that only after letting the Hulk vent could she sing to calm him down.

But until then, Hell's Kitchen will only be the beginning, and the Hulk's destruction will even spread to the entire city.

Black Widow looked back at Li Jie, who was still smoking against the store door.

When Li Jie used his super senses to lock the Hulk, he also locked the entire Hell's Kitchen.

It was discovered that in addition to himself, Mrs. Gao, Gunsou, Jin Bing...all the forces lurking in Hell's Kitchen were monitoring the situation here in their own way.

Outside of Hell's Kitchen, there are also people paying attention here.

If it's Black Widow, it's four superheroes fighting against one Hulk, and everyone wants to know what the ending will be like.

In addition, more people want to see when Li Jie will take action and how to deal with the Hulk.

Prior to this, no force on either side planned to act rashly.

If necessary, they would rather temporarily withdraw from Hell's Kitchen to avoid disaster.

Even Spider-Man, Wolverine and Daredevil were expecting Li Jie to help, but when they found that Li Jie was just standing there smoking, they could only sigh helplessly.

After all, Li Jie is just a Chinese restaurant owner, not a superhero.

He has no obligation to help. At the same time, whether or not to help depends on his own mood. Others cannot force him.

It wasn't that Li Jie didn't want to take action, but he took this opportunity to fully activate his super-sensory "firepower" and spread it as far as possible.

He wanted to know how many people were paying attention to what was going on here.

Regardless of whether these people will become your enemies, at least be aware of them first.

As for moral kidnapping, why don’t those who are watching the war in the dark take action?

It's not like they don't have strength.

For example, Li Jie's super senses discovered that the New York Temple, not far away, was watching over here.

"Don't even think about hurting him. As long as I delay his actions, I'll try to calm him down."

Black Widow instructed.

Until there are no other helpers, now we can only rely on the efforts of the four of them.

The battle begins again.

Different from the previous solo fights, this time everyone cooperated with each other just to deal with the Hulk and leave his footsteps here.

Black Widow sang on the sidelines, trying to appease the Hulk in this way.

Even so, the battle was still very difficult for the four Wolverines.

Mainly because the strength is not on the same level at all.

Just like if you punch the Hulk ten times, the most you can do is scratch it, but one punch from the Hulk may kill half of your life.

"Bang, bang, bang!"

Wolverine, Daredevil, and Spider-Man were knocked out one after another, and the Hulk then pounced on Black Widow, who was singing on the roof of the car.

Black Widow knew that as long as she flinched a little, all her previous efforts would be in vain.

He gritted his teeth and stood firm, standing there without moving and continuing to sing to appease the Hulk.


Wolverine, Daredevil, and Spider-Man got up from the ground and it was too late to stop them.

Black Widow was so frightened that she closed her eyes when she saw the Hulk's fist coming down.


Black Widow heard a crash from ahead, followed by a strong wind.

When he opened his eyes, he found that Li Jie had appeared at some point and blocked the Hulk's fatal blow for him.

Li Jie's Hulk physique has reached 80%, and coupled with the increase in spider physique to 800%, it is not difficult to block the Hulk's fist.

Even if we have a serious fight with the Hulk here, it's not certain who will win.

However, Li Jie does not intend to get too entangled with the Hulk.

After blocking the Hulk's fist, Li Jie immediately used his ability to hurt Mary's telepathy.

The 300% telepathic attack made the angry Hulk instantly stand there motionless as if he had been cast a restraining spell.

Without the ability to be immune to the mind, no matter how powerful a superhero is, he will be attacked.

For example, Superman, who exists like a bug in the universe next door, has been controlled by Poison Ivy more than once.

"Don't stop, keep singing!"

Li Jie gave a light drink.


Black Widow recovered from her surprise and continued singing.

Under the double attack of Black Widow's singing and the illusion created by Li Jie's telepathy for the Hulk, the Hulk's anger was gradually disintegrated.

Visible to the naked eye, the huge Hulk transformed back into Banner's form again.

When he turned into the Hulk, Dr. Banner's glasses, shirt, underwear, and shoes were all burst, but only the jeans were still there.

As he transforms into the Hulk and back again, his jeans become larger and smaller accordingly.

Li Jie had already been curious and touched it.

The material feels very ordinary.

"what are you doing?"

Dr. Banner huddled up and asked. He was highly myopic and did not recognize Li Jie standing in front of him.

Damn it, do you think I want to take advantage of you?

Li Jie coughed a little awkwardly, used his object control ability to hand over Dr. Banner's broken glasses and said:

"Dr. Banner, are you okay?"

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