As soon as he got in the car, Nick Fury dialed Black Widow's phone number:

"Natasha, wherever you are now, come to my office immediately!"

Hawkeye looked through the rearview mirror at Nick Fury, whose face was darker than coal, and asked:

"Is there anything I can do to help?"

"Just take me back to the station safely."

Nick Fury closed his eyes after saying that.

Hawkeye murmured in his mind: "Is it related to that cat?"


Wearing an eye patch, lying half on a chair with her feet up in Nick Fury's office, Black Widow snored slightly.

Even though Nick Fury opened the door and slammed it shut, he couldn't disturb Black Widow.


Nick Fury deliberately picked up the file and slammed it on the table, and Black Widow's snoring stopped.

"Nick, do you know that it is very rude to cancel someone else's vacation at will?"

Black Widow yawned, reached out and lifted her blindfold and looked at Nick Fury.

"Did you take gunpowder?"

Nick Fury pushed Black Widow's feet off the table, put her butt on the table and said:

"Natasha, there is a very important task for you to do."

A disdainful smile appeared on the corner of Black Widow's mouth, she took off her blindfold, stretched and said:

“Nick, you say this every time, and you won’t think of me if it’s an unimportant task.

Tell me, how serious is the problem this time? "

Nick Fury said gloomily: "It's so serious that SHIELD's survival is at stake."

"Nick, are you sure you're not kidding me?"

Black Widow finally faced it.

"Do you think I'm kidding you?"

Nick Fury asked rhetorically.

Black Widow twisted her neck and moved her head:

"It better be this way.

Okay, let’s talk about what the specific task is. "

Nick Fury turned on the stereoscopic projection, and the body of the element-devouring beast appeared in front of Black Widow:

"Have you seen it?"

Black Widow carefully identified it: "Isn't this the cat from the Chinese restaurant?"

"Yes, that's it.

Your job is to bring it back.

No, just keep an eye on it! "

Nick Fury quickly changed his words mid-sentence.

Black Widow…

"Nick, you've been saying for a long time...that this cat is the key to SHIELD's life and death?"

"Yes, that's it!"

Nick Fury nodded in response.

"Okay, I get it.

goodbye. "

Black Widow said as she stood up and left.

"Natasha, you know I have never begged you, but this time I am begging you!"

Nick Fury shouted hurriedly.

Black Widow stopped, looked back at Nick Fury, and her eyes fell on the element-devouring beast:

"It's more than just a cat, isn't it?"

Nick Fury seemed to have been pricked by a needle, staring at the element-devouring beast with burning eyes, and said in a low voice:

“Natasha, don’t be fooled by its gentle appearance.

It is not actually a cat, its true identity is the element-devouring beast, the most ferocious creature in the universe! "

Black Widow's eyelids sank slightly.

The most ferocious creature in the universe, no matter how you look at it, it has nothing to do with the orange cat in front of you.

Nick Fury suddenly reached out and pulled off his eyepatch, revealing the hideous scars above his eyes:

"Natasha, look at this, this is where the element-devouring beast was injured.

The damage caused by the beast is irreversible, and no amount of cosmetic medicine or modern high technology can repair these scars. "

Black Widow blinked:

"I always thought you kept it on purpose because you thought it looked more domineering and individual."

"I hope so too."

Nick Fury put the blindfold back on and continued to preach,

“There is also a secret that you shouldn’t know at your current level.

Remember the Cosmic Cube? "

Black Widow nodded and responded:

"Remember, isn't it missing?"

Nick Fury said in a deep voice:

“I lied about this.

The Cosmic Cube did not disappear, but was devoured by the element-devouring beast.

I have been secretly searching for the whereabouts of the element-eating beast for these years, but I never expected that it would be hiding in a Chinese restaurant. "

"So, you want me to catch it back from the Chinese restaurant and retrieve the Cosmic Cube from it?"

Nick Fury sighed helplessly:

“If it were possible, that’s what I would want.

However, according to the information I have collected over the years, the horror of the element-devouring beast is beyond our imagination.

If you anger it, it can swallow a planet in one bite! "

Black Widow was so shocked that her eyes almost popped out:

"It can swallow a planet. How can it be possible with such a small body?"

Nick Fury said:

"I also wanted to give you some more realistic information, but unfortunately I don't have any.

However, the information I got was all from those aliens, and there is nothing wrong with it.

As for why the Yuan Devouring Beast can swallow a star bead, it is said that its stomach is connected to another universe.

This devouring ability also makes it the most ferocious creature in the universe! "

"So... you just want me to keep an eye on it?"

Black Widow asked.

Nick Fury responded:

"Until we find a better solution, it's just surveillance."


Are there any restrictions on this task? "

Black Widow asked.

Nick Fury replied:

"I will not interfere with you in any way, and I will provide you with all technical support."

"it is good."

Black Widow responded.

Chinese restaurant.

"You two, we will close in five minutes."

Peter Parker preaches while standing next to Sabretooth and Wolverine.

Sabretooth and Wolverine had been sitting there staring at each other for hours.

Golden fried rice has a partial healing effect. After one serving of golden fried rice, some of the dormant self-healing factors in the saber-toothed tiger's body have awakened.

After these few hours of rest, the saber-toothed tiger's injuries were no longer bleeding, and his physical strength had been restored to some extent.

When he heard that the door would close in five minutes, Sabretooth took out ten dollars and stuffed it into Peter Parker's hand:

“The food here is so delicious.

Little brother, this is a tip for you.

In addition, please leave me a place tomorrow, I will come again. "

Peter Parker pocketed the tip:

"The fifty reserved places for tomorrow are gone, but you can come over and try your luck."

"okay, I get it.

Can you tell me where the bathroom is? "

Sabretooth asked.

Peter Parker pointed to the corner and preached:

"over there."

"Thank you."

Sabertooth Tiger said, his eyes fell on Wolverine, he stuck out his tongue and licked his lips and said,

"Logan, I know you have always wanted to kill me to avenge that woman, but haven't I always lived well after so many years?

Let me tell you, you were not my opponent before, and you will not be in the future.

In addition, I can also tell you a secret. I have never forgotten the scream she made before she died.

Whenever I feel upset I get it out of my head and listen to it. "


Wolverine's bone claws popped out and stabbed the saber-tooth tiger's throat desperately.

Sabre-toothed Tiger looked at Wolverine with a smile, but sat there without hiding, because he knew that Li Jie would definitely take action.

Wolverine's bone claws stopped less than five centimeters away from the saber-toothed tiger, and then turned to look at Li Jie angrily.

Li Jie sighed helplessly:

"Believe me, I want to pull that guy's tongue out too.

However, I still hope you can bear with me a little longer.

As long as he leaves the Chinese restaurant, it's none of my business whether you want to cut him into pieces or whatever. "

With that said, Li Jie put away his ability to retrieve objects from the air.


Wolverine slammed his fist on the table angrily, glared at Saber-tooth Tiger and said:

"I swear, I will kill you with my own hands!"

The saber-toothed tiger picked out his ears with his fingers and said:

"Logan, do you know what you look like now?

It's like a child who was bullied in kindergarten and is eager to go home and complain to his mother.


do you know?

The more helpless you are now, the happier I am. "

After a slight pause, the saber-toothed tiger stood up and preached,

"Now sit here obediently, and we can talk slowly when I come back from the bathroom."


Wolverine also stood up.

"Why, are you still afraid that I will run away?

Don't worry, the Chinese restaurant hasn't closed anyway, and I want to see you in this embarrassment for a while longer. "

Sabertooth laughed loudly, walked past Wolverine and preached to Peter Parker,

"Little brother, you just said the bathroom was over there, right?"


Just as Peter Parker spoke, he saw the saber-tooth tiger turn around and rush towards the door with all his strength.

His super senses allowed Li Jie to detect in advance that the saber-toothed tiger would do this, and he used his ability to retrieve objects from the air to open the store door before the opponent hit the door.


After the saber-toothed tiger jumped into the air, it directly hit the car parked on the roadside, printing a human figure on it.

"Damn, another miscalculation."

Sabre-toothed tiger murmured in his mind, and when he heard the sound of breaking through the air behind him, he jumped onto the roof of the car.


The "figure" on the car was separated by Wolverine's bone claws.

Sabretooth Tiger knew Wolverine's attack habits very well. He didn't pause on the roof of the car, and then jumped out again after borrowing his strength.


Three sharp claws pierced the roof of the car and emerged from where the saber-toothed tiger had just stepped.

The saber-toothed tiger sneered as he sped forward and fled forward:

"Logan, you are moving too slowly. Do you want me to stop and wait for you?"

If he had to fight, Sabre-Tooth Tiger was no match for Wolverine at all, but if he had to run for his life, Wolverine would really be unable to do anything to him.

Inside the Chinese restaurant.

Peter Parker said while clearing the tableware:

"Boss, do you think they will come tomorrow?"

"do not know."

Li Jie replied, but he knew in his heart that the saber-toothed tiger would definitely appear tomorrow.

First, the saber-toothed tiger discovered a hidden rule of the Chinese restaurant, which is to provide shelter to guests who enter the restaurant to dine.

As long as he's in a Chinese restaurant, Wolverine can't do anything to him.

Speaking of this hidden rule, Li Jie was still very conflicted.

Although Chinese restaurants have the obligation to ensure the personal safety of guests when dining in the restaurant, this is not a Peace Hotel.

Second, the saber-toothed tiger discovered that golden fried rice has the power to stimulate self-healing factors in the body.

Although he could not explain this situation, in order to completely restore the self-healing factors in his body, he would definitely visit the Chinese restaurant again.

Peter Parker hesitated and said:

“Boss, did we do something wrong today?

I mean, that guy named Sabretooth Tiger didn't look like a good guy at first glance, but we gave him protection. "

Li Jie was feeling depressed about this matter. When he heard this, he taught him with a straight face:

"Peter, have you forgotten what we do?

We run a restaurant.

Providing guests with personal safety while dining is a basic principle of any restaurant! "

Peter Parker…

"Okay, you clean up this place and then close the door.

Huey, come on, let's go for a walk! "

After Li Jie finished speaking, he picked up his coat and walked out.

The element-devouring beast......


We haven’t had dinner yet. Are you sure you want to go out?


Hearing the sound of a motorcycle starting outside the door, the beast immediately realized that walking meant drinking and partying.


The element-devouring beast hurriedly got up and chased after him.

The bar in Hell's Kitchen was full of messes, so before, Li Jie took the Devouring Beast to drink outside Hell's Kitchen.

Today I was in a bad mood because of the hidden rules of the Chinese restaurant. I wanted to find someone to practice boxing with, so I found the biggest bar in Hell's Kitchen.

"Sorry, pets are not allowed here."

As soon as he arrived at the door of the bar, he was stopped by two muscular men in leather jackets.

“There are so many fucking rules that are broken, and none of the more upscale bars in Manhattan have this kind of rules.”

Li Jie said with a provocative look.


The Yuan Devouring Beast also made a sound of protest and made preparations for a war.

"Click, click, click."

The strong man clenched his fist loudly and looked like he was going to practice boxing with Li Jie.

At this moment, a male manager wearing a white suit with hairspray on his head hurried over:

"Sorry sir, you can go in."

"With my pet?"

Li Jie asked.

The male manager said with a smile on his face:


You can bring anything in if you want.

In addition, we will give you a 50% discount on all your purchases in the store. "

Li Jie felt bored when he heard this.

To be able to open such a large bar in Hell's Kitchen, it must be Jin Bin's property, and he was obviously recognized.

"Forget it, I'd better switch to another one."

Li Jie picked up the Yuan Devouring Beast and left.

"Sir, you are welcome to visit us anytime."

The male manager smiled and said goodbye. He breathed a sigh of relief until Li Jie disappeared into the night. He turned around and gave the strong man who stopped him a slap in the face.

"Idiot, I was almost killed by you.

Didn’t you recognize that the guy just now was the owner of the Chinese restaurant?

If you offend him, you offend the one above, and you will be cut into pieces and buried in the sea! "


Manager, I just didn't expect a Chinese restaurant owner to dress like that and ride such a crappy motorcycle. "

The strong man also said in horror.


Li Jie sneezed.

The daily turnover of the Chinese restaurant is also very impressive, but Li Jie did not buy himself new clothes or new means of transportation.

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