The Chinese restaurant is open for business.

Li Jie asked Spider-Man Peter Parker to guard the door. Everyone must pay a hundred dollars for the meal before entering.

And will tell the other party that the Chinese restaurant currently only sells golden fried rice, and will not even provide boiled water.

In this way, Li Jie only needs to concentrate on cooking in the kitchen.

Guests line up at the food pick-up port to pick up their own meals.

"Jin Bin, that is Jin Bin.

In all of Hell's, probably the most powerful man in all of New York. "

Kingpin's appearance immediately caused panic on the scene.

As for how powerful Jin Bin is?

The gangster once ran for mayor of New York City and succeeded.

Would you say it's annoying?


Peter Parker's face darkened as soon as he saw Kingpin, because Kingpin is one of Spider-Man's old enemies.

Peter Parker had fought against Kingpin more than once, but he never got any advantage.

According to various values ​​officially given by Marvel, Batman Peter Parker's intelligence is 4, strength is 4, speed is 3, endurance is 3, energy control is 1, and fighting ability is 4.

(For details, please refer to the Marvel numerical table)

Kingpin's Intelligence is 4, Strength is 4, Speed ​​is 2, Stamina is 3, Energy Emission is 1, and Combat Skill is 6.

Judging from various numerical values, Kingpin is only slower than Spider-Man, and his intelligence, endurance and energy emission are on the same level as Spider-Man.

In terms of fighting skills, Kingpin has two more points than Spider-Man.

This is mainly because Spider-Man has not received formal fighting training.

Kingpin would fight more than a dozen combat experts at the same time every day, defeating them all within seconds.

This is why Spider-Man never gets any favors from Kingpin.

In addition, Kingpin is definitely an anomaly among New York criminals.

It’s not that Kingpin was elected mayor of New York, but Kingpin has competed with Spider-Man, Daredevil, X-Men, etc.

Compared to other criminals, just giving a superhero a headache is considered a success.

What's even more exaggerated is that King is not only his enemy against superheroes, most of the gangs in New York City are his enemies.

With so many superheroes and criminals fighting against him at the same time, Kingpin is the only one.

Seeing Kingpin coming, Peter Parker suppressed the fire in his heart and said "politely":

“Sorry, there are only the last two portions of golden fried rice left today.

In addition, if you want to eat, you should queue up at the back. "


Not to mention the Kingpin, even Bullseye doesn’t have the habit of queuing.

Even if the police were present, Bullseye couldn't control Bullseye's temper. He reached out and grabbed Peter Parker's collar:

"Boy, try saying something again."

Peter Parker didn't want to reveal his identity as Spider-Man, so he stopped hiding.

Facing the threat of Bullseye, he was not afraid at all:

"You guys came too late. Please come earlier next time to queue up."


Bullseye yelled in annoyance, looking fierce as he wanted to embarrass Peter Parker.

The surrounding police officers had already put their hands on their guns.

They knew that Bullseye was Kingpin's younger brother, but so what?

The police also want to save face, okay?

Bullseye dared to do it in front of so many people, even if Kingpin came forward, it would be useless, the police would still do their job as usual.


We are here to eat, not to fight. "

Kingpin stopped Bullseye, then smiled at Peter Parker and said,

"you are very brave.

Bullseye, I apologize to this little brother. "

Bullseye reluctantly let go of his hand, but very obediently bowed and apologized to Peter Parker in public.


I was just joking with you, please don't be angry. "

After Bullseye finished speaking, he turned around and sneered at those waiting in line and asked,

"Are you all here to eat?"

At the same time, Kingpin looked at the two people at the front with cold eyes.

Just by looking at each other, the two of them were so frightened that they almost lost control on the spot.

"No, no, I was just passing by."

"My mother called me home for dinner, bye!"

The two of them turned around and ran away before they finished speaking.

Bullseye snorted proudly and yelled at the remaining people:

"Since you are not here to eat, why are you still standing here?

Are you watching the excitement? "


People fled in all directions, no one dared to stay where they were.

No matter what Spider-Man and the police tried to persuade before, it was of no use. Those guys seemed to be determined not to give up until they got the golden fried rice.

But now, except for the police, the streets have been cleared.

It has to be said that Kingpin's authority in Hell's Kitchen is impossible for ordinary people to challenge.

"Little brother, can I go in now?"

Jin Ping looked at Peter Parker with a smile.

Except for Kingpin and Bullseye, there is no one waiting in line, and there are still two portions of golden fried rice that are not for sale.

Peter Parker could only choose to give in and said coldly:

"A portion of golden fried rice costs one hundred dollars. You can just pay the money and go directly to the food pick-up gate to pick up your meal.

In addition, the store currently does not provide any food except golden fried rice, including boiled water. "


Kingpin preached to Bullseye.

"Get it!"

Bullseye slapped two hundred dollars into Peter Parker's hand, then stepped forward to help Gold and open the door.

"what should we do?"

A veteran police officer asked the captain in charge of the scene.

The captain rolled his eyes and said:

“Since our mission here is to maintain order, our mission has been accomplished.

Close the team. "


The police left no slower than the diners who had fled earlier.

It was almost dark, and they didn't want to stay in Hell's Kitchen, let alone cause unnecessary trouble.

In the restaurant.

Everyone has got their golden fried rice.

The restaurant was originally bustling with people chatting and tasting the golden fried rice in surprise at its deliciousness.

Of course, taking a selfie and posting it on social platforms is indispensable.

But when Kingpin and Bullseye walked in, the scene instantly became quiet, and an invisible pressure spread to every corner of the restaurant.


A fitness man who deliberately exposed his muscles saw Kingpin walking towards him and immediately stood up to put away his plates:

"Sorry, I've already eaten.

Please take a seat. "

As he spoke, he wiped the chair with his coat.

After Kingpin sat down, the fitness man breathed a sigh of relief, ran over and handed the tableware in his hand to Peter Parker, forced a smile and said:

“The golden fried rice is very delicious, I will come back next time.”


The remaining diners stood up in unison, saying that they were full and leaving early.

Soon Kingpin and Bullseye were the only two people left in the restaurant, as if they had reserved the whole place.


"take meal!"

Li Jie's voice came from the food intake port.

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