HP solves the mystery

Chapter 87 Meeting Again

Regulus has stayed with Voldemort since graduation, and relied on the heir of the Black family to obtain a good position. He has also worked with his cousin Bella many times to deal with uncooperative wizards and Muggles. .

Bella was keen on torturing and killing those people by cutting out their bones, but due to Voldemort's change of attitude and gentle methods, those she tortured could only breathe a sigh of relief and then be thrown into prison to continue to be locked up.

The scholars invited from the Muggle world seemed to prefer mental activities. They cooperated with the wizards to take over most of the control of the London government without bloodshed, and also manipulated public opinion to incite inter-racial riots.

Regulus watched quietly. He knew that the struggle for power would sacrifice many people, but doing it with his own hands still made him uncomfortable. But he had no time to pity them, and he couldn't even expose his own weakness. He carefully studied the methods of those scholars in order to use them one day in the future.

Because he is the heir to the Black family, he must consolidate his irreplaceable position beside Voldemort.

One day in August, the sunflowers in the flower field bloomed, and swarms of bees gathered around them and returned to the beehives with nectar.

"Regulus, are you okay?" Lucius took advantage of his vacation to make an appointment with Regulus and brought his wife to watch the sea of ​​flowers, but he didn't expect that he would be in a daze the whole way.

Regulus was thinking about the scene when Kreacher was near death last night when he came back, and he came back to his senses when he heard Lucius's voice.

"Ah, not bad," he pretended to take a sip of tea, looking at Narcissa walking through the Sunflower Sea not far away, hesitating in his heart whether to tell Lucius about Kreacher.

It had been more than half a year since he transferred Kreacher to Voldemort. He didn't know whether Kreacher had completed the tasks he needed to complete. He didn't want anything unexpected to happen to the house elf who had grown up with him. But he didn't expect that when he was handling the tasks given by Voldemort at home last night, Kreacher suddenly appeared, and he was still poisoned.

If Regulus hadn't always had the habit of hoarding all kinds of potions, Kreacher might have left him in his study last night. Kreacher was able to return to him safely and be revived because he was lucky and obedient enough.

Lucius didn't know Regulus's confusion. He stared at the white figure with tenderness in his eyes.

"Lucius, do you know that the master asked me to borrow a house elf?" Regulus asked suddenly, putting the tea in his hand back on the table.

Lucius hummed softly. He had seen Kreacher several times at Voldemort's Manor. He was an old elf from the Black family, and logically he shouldn't be there.

He thought that the Black family would not abandon house elves at will, and now that Regulus explained it, it made sense.

Lucius picked up a pastry and ate it, gesturing for Regulus to continue.

"My lord asked me to lend Kreacher something to do..." Seeing Lucius's presence, Regulus guessed that he must have been asked by Voldemort to do some secret mission. He said tangledly, "Last night I I saw Kreacher, his condition is not very good..." It can be said to be very bad, he almost died, he added in his mind.

Moreover, Kreacher's crying after he woke up and his description of the cave made Regulus come to the conclusion that what Voldemort hid in the cave was important, so important that he needed to kill the house elves involved.

He was quite satisfied with his current life, and what Kreacher said was nothing more than a trigger. He didn't want his family to suffer a crisis because of his recklessness, so he chose to tell Lucius and add a foreign aid.

Lucius's expression changed from disapproval to contemplation, but after thinking for a while, there was no result. Voldemort's behavior changed too quickly, and he could not deduce anything from it.

If he knew about Voldemort's slicing behavior, he would definitely shout, "This spectacle is harmful to the country, and you don't want it!" (bushi)

However, he didn't know, so he could only suppress all the speculations in his heart.

"It's not something we can know about that adult, Regulus. As long as it's harmless to us." Lucius said comfortingly, "Don't think so much, let's think about where to eat for a while. "

Regulus nodded thoughtfully. What exactly Voldemort hid in that cave still made him curious.

Voldemort, who they were talking about, was sitting in the hall of the manor, with dishes of delicious food on the table. Nagini resisted the urge to drool and nestled obediently next to Voldemort.

[Hiss, Tom, when is the best time? Nagini wants to eat lamb chops. ] Nagini's snake head pressed against Voldemort's hand, and her inorganic vertical pupils looked at the other people at the dinner table.

Voldemort touched its head and replied in snake language, "It will be fine soon, hiss. If you can't wait, you can ask Duoduo to send you to the cabin." 】

Nagini sighed and swam out the door quickly.

[Then I'll go eat first, Tom, see you later. 】

The conversation was as if no one was around, but the cold and hoarse Parseltongue sent chills down the spines of everyone who attended the lunch. They all looked at Voldemort, the heir of Slytherin, with awe.

"Where is Lucius?" Voldemort looked back at the door and asked casually.

The head of the Norton family wanted to answer, but was overtaken by Karkaroff on the side.

The tall, thin middle-aged man smiled decently and said in a neither humble nor condescending manner, "Sir, Lucius is on vacation... You are kind enough to allow us to take two days off per week... He saved up and used it together at the end of the month..."

Voldemort was stunned for a moment after hearing this. Was he a vicious boss who desperately exploited his employees? The intrigues among his subordinates made his temples jump.

He remembered that the reason for Lucius's vacation was to take his wife to relax, and he couldn't help but waved his hand to interrupt Karkaroff's next words.

"Okay, let's start eating." Voldemort said calmly, elegantly picked up the tableware and cut the steak.

The head of the Norton family gave Karkaroff a sarcastic smile, without looking at his dark face, and lowered his head to eat.

The hall was quiet, except for the occasional sound of knives and forks hitting plates.

Voldemort looked at his trembling subordinates and crossed out an item in his notebook. From now on, when inviting his subordinates to dinner, he would just call them Lucius and the others.

Meade and Mazikin were assigned to work: Sir, aren't we your subordinates?

In the Hogwarts Principal's Office, Dumbledore used a quill to write the last word on the parchment. He sighed, folded it and threw it into the fireplace. After a burst of flame, the parchment disappeared.

Minister Machan at the Ministry of Magic received Dumbledore's letter and opened it under the gaze of his secretary. His frown slightly relaxed and there was a smile on his face.

Although the Death Eaters now did not use the Imperius Curse and the Confusion Curse to invade the Ministry of Magic, he felt a deeper malice. His subordinates actually agreed to the establishment of the Wizarding Broadcasting Company, completely ignoring the secrecy law.

This means that as the Minister of Magic, Harold Minkan is slowly being sidelined.

Minkan sneered at the claim in the Daily Prophet that he was a 'leave-picking' minister. However, compared to the former female minister Jenkins, he is indeed lucky and is expected to continue to serve as a minister instead of being kicked out by those wizards. Step down.

But most wizards have forgotten the madness and cruelty of the Death Eaters in the false peace, and have also forgotten the protection of the Ministry of Magic. They are addicted to the illusion of singing and dancing, and the Ministry of Magic is being corrupted! He must find a way to survive.

So it was inevitable to cooperate with England's greatest white wizard.

However, some people do not want them to cooperate. The people behind the scenes let the spies in the Ministry of Magic pass on the information, and the Ministry of Magic that has been leaked through the sieve is clearly visible to them.

At the beginning of September, there is another full moon.

Lupine rushed out of the basement tiredly. The bite marks and tattered clothes on his body told the guards the pain he suffered after transforming into a werewolf during the full moon last night.

"How was last night? Did you have any adverse reactions? Are you conscious?" the record-keeper asked with a pen. In order to ensure the accuracy of the experimental data, he had been keeping tabs on it for several months.

Lupine took the recovery potion and drank it. The improved version of Wolfsbane potion gave him at least the strength to walk, instead of falling to the ground groaning in pain like before.

"The pulse dropped from 300 to about 230, and I remained conscious for less than three hours. I was in memory confusion afterwards..." Lu Ping ate a medium-rare steak, looked at his bracelet and answered, "I feel that my appetite has increased again. , and now I still feel hungry."

The recorder recorded his data and looked at the blood on his mouth. He still couldn't accept the werewolf's eating habits.

There were not many werewolves in the basement, only five. Because the werewolves had demarcated their territory, they could only be kept separate. As soon as the recorder's pen tip was turned, the data was ready.

"You have three days to rest. After three days, you will go to the werewolf gathering place with Dr. Denton and inform your family that they will be on a business trip for seven days. Don't come to find someone and then come to nothing." The recorder warned, and he was a little regretful that he could not follow.

Lupine frowned when he heard this. He and Peter had agreed to meet tomorrow, and since his father had returned from abroad, he had to go home.

"Mr. Hans, I'm afraid I can't go, I'm sorry." Lupine said apologetically and asked him for another week's leave.

Recorder Hans adjusted his glasses and looked at him doubtfully.

"Go to a werewolf gathering place to get five times the salary, and you can get half a month's paid leave when you come back." Hans paused, "There are ten places, and you are among them. Are you really not going?" He glanced at Lupin. , if you don’t go, you will have to give up your spot to someone else.

Lupine's head was buzzing when he heard five times the salary. His weekly salary was 35 Galleons. Five times the salary would be enough for him to spend a long time, not to mention half a month of vacation.

"I'll go." Lu Ping nodded firmly and wrote to Peter later to tell Peter to meet at another time, "Do I need to prepare anything?"

Recorder Hans pulled out a registration form on the paper and asked Lupine to fill it out and hand it in.

"You don't need to prepare anything specially. Just bring some daily necessities. The company will prepare the rest." Hans replied.

The protagonists are you. Go back and dress up brightly so that you can recruit (abduct) more werewolves into the company and complete your grand plan faster!

Lupine nodded without knowing it, forked another piece of steak and began to chew on it, almost chasing after the cow.

Hans silently recorded on paper that after taking version 2.0 of the improved potion, his desire for raw meat seemed to have intensified.

Five days later, a group of people wearing crisp suits and driving a flying bus arrived at the werewolf gathering place.

Peter, who was waiting eagerly in central London, only received a letter with ten gold galleons.

After reading the letter with red eyes, he went to Diagon Alley with ten galleons and bought a bone spirit for his mother in the potion shop.

Peter once again resented his own incompetence. If his mother had not worked two jobs to support him, he would not have been hit because he was too tired to see the car. Fortunately, with the Bone Spirit, the shattered ankle can still be restored.

Peter bought the medicine and went home. When he saw his mother walking hard on crutches, he once again wanted to find a profitable job in the wizarding world.

He had joined the Order of the Phoenix just to gain money and power; as a result, the Order of the Phoenix was too poor to pay wages, so he had to rely on perseverance to join; the Death Eaters were powerful and brutal, and he was not sure whether he could survive on the battlefield. In addition, they have disappeared recently, and the magic world is in peace, making it even more impossible for the Order of the Phoenix to pay wages.

Peter once wrote to James and Sirius, but Sirius went to Northern Ireland to watch the Quidditch match and was too far away to find anyone; James and Lily lived in a two-person world and gave him a gold galleons to spend. .

On the contrary, Lupine, who had an average relationship, didn't ask any questions and directly sent him ten galleons so that he could preserve some dignity.

He thought of Cowens, who had joined Universal after graduating from Ravenclaw, and was unsure whether he could go and find a job.

The four members of the Jie Dao group have different situations after graduation, but Peter is definitely the saddest one.

Time slipped away quietly and ushered in the lively Christmas. Christmas songs are played in the streets and alleys, and employees dressed as Santa Claus in the mall are smiling and listening to the children's childish talk.

On such a snowy day, Severus was sitting on the sofa drinking a drink when he saw Newt Scamander, who had been awarded the title of Second Class Magician of Sir Merlin, on the front page of the Daily Prophet. When I saw the message 'The head of Grindelwald and the head of the Rosier family went to Malfoy Manor for the Christmas dinner' written in big bold letters next to it, my mind was filled with questions.

Are these three families connected? Can we spend Christmas together?

And the surname Grindelwald, if he remembered correctly, was the family of the first dark wizard, right?

No one could answer Severus's doubts, and he was bombarded with phone calls from Ms. Brown in the store, asking him to quickly go to Diagon Alley to buy more candies. Those weird candies were bought up by Muggles!

He put down the phone and rubbed his ears. He said he only worked half-day on Christmas Day, but employees had to take the initiative to work overtime.

As the boss, Severus could only pick up the suitcase and go to Diagon Alley to get the goods. He didn't want to be talked about by Ms. Brown anymore.

Hmm, by the way, buy some tooth-strengthening potions for Haierbo, he thought to himself, buy one that smells like stinky feet and let it show off its milk tea all day long!

The basilisk that was sipping milk tea and watching TV shivered. It rubbed into the soft cushions, yawned and continued watching TV.

Tons, tons, tons, the milk tea is so delicious, Haierbo narrowed his pupils in enjoyment.

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