HP solves the mystery

Chapter 6 Roommates and Kind Reminders

Severus put the money bag filled with gold galleons deep in the closet and cast a spell with his wand so that no one could find the money bag inside. Then he took the towel and bath towel and walked into the bathroom of the dormitory, intending to scrub it. one time.

If Madam Pomfrey hadn't told him not to touch the water with the wound on his back, he would have wanted to run to the bathroom on the first floor and take a good bath.

God knows that he hasn't cleaned it properly after traveling through time for several days. Although it could be cleaned up, he couldn't cope with it psychologically. He felt like he was going rotten.

Hogwarts has public washrooms for men and women and separate washrooms for prefects and Quidditch players. There are small cubicles in the public washrooms as barriers, so shy people can go there without any problem.

Severus thought about the fact that his original self didn't like to go to public bathrooms very much because of his shyness. He always waited until weekends when there were fewer people before going in for a quick shower.

The water outlet in the bathroom is in the shape of a snake's head. When you turn to the left, there is hot water, and when you turn to the right, there is cold water. There is a mirror on the water outlet for the little wizards to tidy up their appearance.

He filled his calloused hands with water and rubbed it on his face. The slightly hot water washed away the fatigue on his face, making people unable to help but relax.

As a teenager, Snape looked slender, pale and thin, with long, shoulder-length hair that was straight and greasy. He was like a plant growing in the dark or a vampire who couldn't see the sun all year round. The oppressive living environment created an extraordinary wizard. His identity created his character of inferiority and arrogance.

Severus looked at the pale boy with a slightly gloomy face in the mirror. His thick eyebrows were slightly raised rebelliously. Under the long and slightly curled eyelashes, there was a pair of dark eyes with mist, and he was handsome. The bridge of his nose is not as exaggerated as the aquiline nose in the original work, and the slightly raised corners of his mouth make the young man look even more handsome.

Severus nodded with satisfaction, yes, the upper lip is not missing, and now there is no sallow skin and unfathomable strong aura as he grew up in the original book.

He took off his coat, wiped his slender arms with a towel, and then looked through the mirror to avoid the scratches and wiped his back. The scars on his fair and thin back looked hideous and terrifying. Madam Pomfrey said that even if he recovered, the werewolf claws The injuries will still leave scars that will not fade away.

After finally wiping his body, he had difficulty with the change of clothes. He was worried about leaving it to the house elf. Apart from a few cleaning spells, he couldn't think of anything else in his mind. If he wanted to wash by hand, he didn't have any washing powder. thing.

Let's wash it and put it away with a cleaning spell. Tomorrow is the weekend. Let's go to Hogsmeade Village to buy some new clothes and daily necessities. Severus thought as he walked out of the bathroom wrapped in a bath towel.

It's class time now, there will be no one in the dormitory, and there are only two people living in this room.

He moved the clothes in the closet, divided some areas and put the dirty clothes in, took out a clean shirt and trousers and put them on.

After the general put on his pants, the door of the dormitory was opened. He was bending down to pick up his shirt, not paying attention to the movement behind him.

"Ah, I'm sorry, I, I didn't know you..." Regulus Black opened the door and immediately saw the slender waist and the astonishing whiteness in the room. He was stunned for a while before blushing and feeling embarrassed. He opened his mouth and tightened his grip on the door handle.

Severus was startled by the low voice. He quickly put his shirt on and turned to look at the person.

That was a boy who looked very similar to Sirius Black, but a little different. He didn't have Sirius' arrogance, but he was also very handsome, but the timidity between his eyebrows made him look cautious.

This is the young wizard who is as unpopular in Slytherin as Severus, Regulus Black. However, unlike him who was poor because he was powerless, Regulus was because he had a 'traitor' brother in Gryffindor, and the 'bad reputation' created by his brother and Potter in the school, plus He is a younger brother in school and a good boy at home. He doesn't cause trouble at school, so he was sent to live with his senior, Severus Snape.

"If you know I'm changing clothes, hurry up and close the door!" Severus didn't know why this man was blushing. He slowly buttoned his shirt and said helplessly, "Shouldn't you be in class now? Why are you back suddenly? ?”

Regulus blinked and looked at his roommate who had combed his hair to reveal his fair face. Just when he was wondering how he became so good-looking, he was awakened by the clear words. He slammed the door and lowered his head. He walked slowly to his bed.

"I, I've finished my History of Magic class, and now it's break time. Uh, I'll come back to get the books for the Potions class..." He mumbled, took the books in the bookcase and ran outside. He had been talking to this guy before. It's not very easy to get along with a gloomy senior, and his brother's reputation is obvious to everyone in the school. He is still the bully, so it's good that he hasn't been offended.

"Well, you... you have to be careful. Sirius and the others have been very unhappy recently... I, I'm leaving..." Regulus didn't know what he thought of, and reminded him. He didn't forget to close the door before going out. I hope Severus shouldn't tease him again.

Severus looked at the boy chasing him like a dog behind him, and he was speechless about this little roommate. He didn't seem to have done anything scary, so why did he act so frightened.

But what he said made sense in his mind. Sirius Black wanted to take back his place from him? Severus thought as he buttoned his buttons. Thinking of the original combat effectiveness and the combat effectiveness of the four 'Predators', he instantly withered. Why don't you find some time to get some guns and ammunition for self-defense?

As the saying goes, no matter how good your skills are, you are still afraid of the kitchen knife.

The important thing is to be unexpected. When the magic is really not enough, just use close attacks. I don't believe that no matter how fast it is, it can be faster than the speed of bullets.

With a countermeasure in his mind, he felt much better. He drank up a tube of blood tonic brought back from the hospital wing, and his pale face wrinkled up. The taste was so weird.

Regulus, who was in another class, was taking notes. His mind was filled with the white spots and the horrific scars on his back, and his face showed some absent-mindedness.

"Regulus Black," Horace Slughorn on the stage looked at the kids. He was still in a trance in Potions class, with dissatisfaction on his serious face, "If I use daisy root, fig What potion can I make from skin, a caterpillar, a drop of leech juice, and the spleen of a mouse? What color will the resulting potion be?”

Regulus came back to his senses when he heard the roll call. Under the eyes of the other young wizards who were watching the show, he slowly stood up and answered, "It's the rejuvenating water, Professor. The color is bright green..."

"Very well, sit down. I hope you will study hard. When you make the potion, you will either drink it yourself or give it to others. This cannot be done carelessly..." Slughorn nodded and glanced at the smiling students. , "After class, each person writes at least 1 foot of parchment paper about the origin, function and outstanding contribution of Rejuvenating Water. Give it to me in class on Monday..."

"Ahhh, no!"

"Oh, Merlin, 1 foot? Just kill me..."

The little wizards around him suddenly wailed, but they could only aggressively search for records, and they all looked at each other in pain, as their happy weekend was about to end.

"Okay, be quiet, let's continue the class..." Professor Slughorn coughed and continued talking, the classroom was filled with the rustling sound of pen tip rubbing.

Regulus abandoned the distracting thoughts in his mind and concentrated on recording. He didn't want to be given a D on his homework by the professor.

Severus was in the dormitory preparing for his trip to Hogsmeade tomorrow. He wrote a list of things he needed to buy. After he finished writing, he used his wand to call the house elf to bring him a cup of hot milk. After drinking it, he leaned on the bed. I started reading History of Magic.

Not to mention, the moving pictures and the same light and shadow as the special effects are quite interesting.

Regulus finished his classes early in the afternoon and had to attend a gathering of fourth grade students after dinner. Although the autumn wind was very comfortable, he had been in class all day and his mind was not here.

Originally, there were not many students in Hogwarts, and there were only 13 Slytherins in their class. As the only member of the Black family with pure blood in this class, he had a very difficult life. When I go to a party, I still don’t know how the small-minded wizard arranged it.

By the time the party was over, it was already 7:30 in the evening. The boring party among the nobles made him physically and mentally exhausted. He shouldn't have to bear this, but Sirius went to Gryffindor, and the family urgently made him the heir of the family. .

Whenever he worked hard to complete the things assigned by his family and did not do well or showed a hint of cowardice, his family would always scold or hate him and tell him what would happen to Sirius if he encountered such a situation. No matter how good his magic talent is... everything he says is bad about his 'heir'...

Regulus was sad and angry at first, but as time went by, when even Sirius, his older brother, began to laugh at him, the hope and admiration for his brother disappeared in his heart, and his sadness and anger turned into muddling through, no matter how good he was doing, It's just a 'flawed substitute'...

He shook his head and opened the dormitory door with a bitter smile. Why did he think of this again? He should have thought of it a long time ago, right? You should have seen it clearly when Sirius joined Gryffindor and laughed at him with Potter.

The dormitory was a little dark, and Regulus looked over at Severus' desk. The books were neatly arranged, and the quills were stuck in the ink, just as they were when he left.

He pursed his lips, and somehow remembered that when he came back in the past, there would be a quiet figure sitting at the desk. Even though he was silent, it made him feel that there was someone waiting for him in the dormitory.

"What are you doing standing there? Don't you know it's scary?" Severus fell asleep while reading History of Magic. He vaguely saw a shadow at the door, but it frightened him. He waited until he saw who was coming. After it was his roommate Regulus, he spoke angrily.

Regulus looked away, and the young man stood up lazily, his black hair falling loosely on his shoulders, and the pair of eyes on his fair face shining brightly. The dark room instantly became much brighter, which reminded him of his childhood. The cat I raised.

"Mr. Black, aren't you tired from standing like this?" Severus yawned. Excessive blood loss made him easily sleepy, and his eyes began to droop again after just a few seconds of doing the exercises.

"Well, I, I'm going to wash up now..." Regulus suppressed the itch in his heart, said quickly, and walked into the bathroom hand in hand, without even taking off his robe that was in the way.

I must buy a curtain to surround the bed tomorrow, so there will be no privacy at all. Severus added something to his mind, shrank back into the bed and continued to sleep.

When Regulus walked out of the bathroom with his half-wet wizard robes in his arms and stood beside Severus' bed for a while before turning around and leaving, he felt for the first time that the bed he had chosen was too far away.

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