HP solves the mystery

Chapter 55 Premonition and Eating

The wet and cold wind blew past his ears. Severus pulled up the fallen scarf and buried most of his face in it to get some warmth.

The Hogwarts Express has been waiting at the platform for a long time. The little wizards are getting on the train one after another. Even if they see annoying people, they just turn away. If they make any noise on the way home, this Christmas holiday will still be over. But that's it.

Severus walked at the end of the group, followed by Andre, who was carrying the suitcase.

"Severus, where did Barty and the others go? Are they not here yet?" Andre looked around doubtfully, wondering if the time had come, otherwise the car would have started.

From the side, Hagrid's voice called for students to hurry up and get on the train. The whistle of the train covered up Severus' sigh.

"Oh, poor half-blood, cowardly coward, your good days are about to come to an end..." Mulsaid whistled and looked at Severus maliciously, while a few followers behind him walked away arrogantly. After that, he also used his body to bump Andre's shoulder.

Andre grinned when he was hit, but gave up when the other party entered the train carriage. Seeing Severus looking at him with concern, he quickly raised his thick-gloved hand and moved it.

"I'm fine, Severus, let's get in the car quickly. Little Barty and the others must have been delayed by something..." He said nonchalantly, walked forward a few steps, and looked back at Xi Fleurs, motioning to follow quickly.

"Okay." Severus' face showed no expression, but his lips pursed tighter.

The Hogwarts Express ran smoothly on the track, but the two people sitting in the small box were extremely quiet.

After Andre, who always had a sweet tooth, complained to Severus for a while, he unexpectedly flipped through a book on transfiguration, but the lingering pages and dull eyes showed his helplessness.

When he passed by the prefect's workshop just now, he saw that his good friend, Little Barty, was with Mulciber and others, and he was smiling, obviously having a very pleasant conversation.

What puzzled Andre the most was that little Barty had previously said that he would help him with the Defense Against Dark Arts course, but now he went to the enemy camp alone.

Severus was keenly aware of something in Regulus's recent attitude, so he remained silent the whole way.

The wind howled outside the car window, and the express came to a slow stop. The little wizards got out of the car and threw themselves into the arms of their relatives.

Lily had been having a heated fight with Potter recently, and after hearing about Sirius' expulsion, and because of unspeakable thoughts, she couldn't help but become more concerned. Lupine and Peter Pettigrew were both illuminated by the little sun, so in the small group of four It left a good impression on my heart.

It wasn't until she said goodbye to the Potters that Lily remembered Severus, whom she hadn't seen for almost a month, so she stood on tiptoes and looked around.

"Hey, Severus, wait for me!" Lily called, grabbing the thin figure standing beside her and walking towards Severus, while explaining to her, "Milos, there is another person traveling with us. , on the same level as me."

The skinny Milos nodded and trotted to keep up with Lily.

Severus turned around when he heard the voice and caught a glimpse of the dazzling red hair. He raised his hand and looked at the watch on his wrist. He felt that there was still plenty of time, so he stood at the exit and waited for the two of them to arrive.

"Hooray, Severus, this is Milos, a first-year freshman in Gryffindor, who also lives in County Derry." Lily exhaled and said with a smile, the vivid emeralds showing brightly under the blush on her cheeks. Even more eye-catching, those freckles made her look adorable.

Severus couldn't feel these things originally, but there were young men around him who looked at Lily secretly, and their blushing and thick necks were obvious.

Only then did he realize that Lily was a great beauty. He had been tricked by the handsome boys and beauties around him and the network of later generations.

"Hello, Miss Milos." Severus greeted softly, then turned to Lily and said apologetically, "Lily, I'm sorry. I made an appointment with a friend before, so I'm afraid I can't go back with you..."

Lily was a little surprised. She was surprised that this childhood friend refused to go home with her for the first time. She frowned and thought, could he know his friends? How is your character?

"Oh, oh, okay, I mean...are you going home for Christmas? Well, be careful of those people with bad intentions..." Lily quickly came to her senses and stammered under his gaze, " Well, I mean, have fun!”

"Well," Severus nodded slightly and seemed to remember something, "Then I'll leave first. Please be careful on the way."

After finishing speaking, he strode away under the gaze of the two people.

There were people coming and going outside the station, but fortunately the most crowded period was over. Severus easily walked across the street and walked into a cafe to buy a cup of hot coffee.

In addition to those driving cars on the street, there were many men and women who were not afraid of the cold and were speeding and dodging on the street on motorcycles, shouting randomly.

The sight of him speeding around without a helmet, his messy hair, and his punk look made Severus' knees hurt.

It’s good to be young, but don’t be too trendy.

Severus was leaning against the leeward corner, drinking a hot drink, waiting for Zhang Mingyuan's arrival.

The two of them had made an appointment when they were at school to check out the house that Zhang Mingyuan had found for Severus during the Christmas holiday.

Severus looked at the cars on the street. When he was almost finished with the coffee in his hand, he finally heard someone calling his name.

"Alan, I thought you would drive to pick me up, but you actually drove here..." Severus looked at Zhang Mingyuan, whose hair looked messy because he took off his helmet, with complicated eyes, and couldn't help but complain.

Zhang Mingyuan was also very aggrieved. He thought he could get a car driver's license by giving some money to the person taking the vehicle driver's license test, but he forgot that he had not yet reached the age limit and could only take the motorcycle license test.

This Triumph Tiger 650 was a second-hand car that he finally found. In order to save money and save face, Zhang Mingyuan also took great pains.

"Haha, Severus, when I'm old enough, I'll definitely drive you around the UK..." Zhang Mingyuan looked at the suitcase in Severus' hand, then at the back seat, and took out a helmet of the same style as his own. He handed it over and said flatteringly, "Hey, go to my newly bought house and put down your luggage first. I will take you to see the houses that meet your requirements..."

Severus stared at the hand holding the helmet, thinking about the time it would take to refuse the ride back to County Derry. Finally, he reluctantly took the helmet strap and sat in the back seat with his long legs.

"Can your car... carry people? Be careful, there are many people here..." He asked worriedly. Although this car is very similar to the motorcycles of later generations, the traffic rules are different, and don't look at those The young man is so fast that he has to be trained by the traffic police to watch his movements on the road.

"It's okay, Severus, I know this place well! Sit down!!"

Zhang Mingyuan twisted the accelerator, and after a few buzzes, the shiny green motorcycle merged into the sea of ​​cars. His answer was vaguely conveyed to Severus's ears through the wind.

Severus held the suitcase in one hand and grabbed Zhang Mingyuan's clothes with the other. His heart skipped a beat because of his crazy driving skills. Who taught him this? If he drove faster, he would become a flying motorcycle.

After speeding along and bypassing a large flower bed, the green motorcycle stopped in front of a semi-new villa.

"Are you okay? Severus, I didn't drive very fast..." Zhang Mingyuan parked the car, took the suitcase from Severus' hand, looked at him who was shaking a little, and asked worriedly.

Severus took off his helmet and waved his hand with a pale face to indicate that he was fine. He was really close to vomiting.

Zhang Mingyuan noticed his discomfort, laughed innocently, scratched the back of his head with his hand, opened the door, went in and put the suitcase away.

"Severus, are you going to go see the house with me now or do some renovations at my house and go there in the next few days?"

Zhang Mingyuan said this with some considerations. Although tomorrow is Christmas, he is Chinese. He is celebrating a foreign festival. Making money is not as important as celebrating the festival. Besides, the restaurant business is not bad. He even wants to buy a food truck and sell fast food in Times Square. .

As for inviting Severus to stay overnight, firstly, the young man is their benefactor, and they will only stay for a few days. The worst option is to go to a hotel, and besides, his wife is also willing. Secondly, they want to attract more investment, and they also want to have their own production and sales company. land.

"Let's go tomorrow. There's no need to stay. I'll just book a room in a nearby hotel..." Severus shook his head and refused. He was not very used to staying in other people's homes, let alone...

His eyes wandered. This family was all Chinese. If he revealed anything by talking in his sleep, it would be over, even though he didn't talk in his sleep.

Zhang Mingyuan didn't force it, he just said he wanted Severus to finish dinner before leaving.

Severus didn't refuse, and after resting for a while, he said he would go around and ask for a suitable hotel.

Zhang Mingyuan opened his mouth and mentioned the names of several hotels for his reference, and then agreed on a time to come back for dinner.

When the wind chimes on the fence outside the house rang again, his wife Li Ruolan took her little daughter back home. With her parents-in-law watching in the restaurant, she could save some trouble.

Zhang Mingyuan was cooking, talking to his wife about Severus's decision, and then asking about the restaurant's flow rate, thinking about how far away he was from investing in a new project.

Severus walked around outside. In addition to looking at suitable accommodation, he also bought some gifts in the store, as well as dolls and building blocks suitable for children.

After feeling that it was almost the same, I went to Zhang Mingyuan's house fifteen minutes before the appointed time.

"Oh, I'm here now, why are you so polite?" Li Ruolan said while looking at the gifts and toys in Severus' hands, a smile flashing in his eyes.

Severus smiled, put the things down, took apart the doll and handed it directly to the little girl.

The little girl was only four years old, thin and small, but she was fairer. Her eyes lit up when she looked at the beautiful rag doll, and then she looked at her mother. After her mother nodded in agreement, she happily took the doll and looked towards the west. Fleurs smiled sweetly and said, "Thank you, Uncle Silver." After saying that, he couldn't wait to play with it.

"Nanny really... made you laugh..." Li Ruolan shook her head and laughed, feeling a little sore in her heart. She gave birth to her little daughter after she came to England, and she suffered a lot with her. If she was in China, how could she...

"It's normal for children. I was like this when I was a kid..."

Severus didn't care, who didn't do that as a child.

His indifferent attitude made Li Ruolan relieved. If she could still talk in the restaurant, but facing a boy who was younger than herself and who was also her boss, she would inevitably be a little nervous.

The two chatted for a while and then fell silent. The only thing in the quiet room was the occasional happy laughter of the little girl.

Fortunately, the awkward atmosphere did not last long. Zhang Mingyuan, who was busy in the kitchen, greeted a few people to sit down and eat.

Li Ruolan took her little daughter to wash her hands and pick up dishes and chopsticks.

Severus was pulled to the seat by Zhang Mingyuan, and was given a bottle of lemon-flavored sparkling water.

Several people were already hungry, so they didn't exchange too many greetings and concentrated on eating.

Severus felt satisfied as he ate the familiar food. It was not easy for him to finally eat it again after such a long time.

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