HP solves the mystery

Chapter 41 The Talking Snake

The first circus in history was born in the 1768th century. The first circus recorded in official history was founded in London in by the British equestrian performer Philip Astley. Since then, circuses have sprung up like mushrooms after a spring rain. , watching animal performances and clown performances has become a pastime for people.

Starting in 1840, a "freak show" performance became popular in the Free Country, the most famous of which was the Ringling Circus. It began to decline in the 1960s, and the government introduced policies to protect the rights and interests of disabled people, but this behavior was repeatedly banned and still existed.

Severus was walking on the streets of London in July. People here seemed to have been pushed on the slow speed button. Pedestrians looked relaxed and happy, walking across zebra crossings in groups, discussing where to go.

No matter what era, the gap between rich and poor will always exist, and the classes in England are more clearly defined.

He cast a Muggle Expelling Curse on himself before he came. Logically speaking, no one would pay attention to him. However, the fact was that a passer-by randomly stuffed a leaflet at him, then quickly walked to the next person and mouthed Talking incessantly.

"Free Country Tour, Cirque du Soleil's drama is shocking...", the cover is a photo with many animals, the most conspicuous one is the elephant in the middle.

There was also a small card attached at the bottom, which said "Quasimodo Exhibition", with some uncomfortable photos of deformed people on it.

Severus frowned and threw the leaflets into the trash can. The purpose of his visit this time was not to watch the show.

He brewed some more potions a few days ago and sent them to Diagon Alley for consignment. Someone wanted to order a private elixir because of the good quality of his potions, and wrote a letter specifically asking an owl to deliver it to him.

Unfortunately, even during the summer vacation, brewing the elixir was not a simple task, so he reluctantly refused this valuable private order.

People are wearing thin sweaters and holding denim jackets in their hands. Beautiful figures can be seen everywhere on the street.

He thought of the scrawny homeless people he saw before entering the city. It was like dividing a city into several parts, with the richest people in the city.

Weirdly dressed witches and wizards were mixed in among them, they were celebrating something unknown, and they were mumbling something.

Severus guessed that they were Muggle-born wizards, and they were a couple in love. Otherwise, they would not have chosen to date on a Muggle street.

Some people are also discussing the sudden appearance of large-scale seven-spotted ladybirds. In fact, it is not a sudden appearance. It has not rained in England for more than ten days, and the weather is getting hotter.

The unusual weather found a reason for the appearance of the seven-spotted ladybird, and there were fires in some grasslands and forests. In short, this year was not a peaceful year.

He walked the streets, observing profitable businesses, and was disappointed.

Currency depreciation and inflation have greatly increased the cost of opening a store. For example, farmers would rather pour milk into the Thames than sell it at a low price or give it away.

He followed the crowd across the zebra crossing and entered a commercial street. On the street billboards, you can still see advertisements for Fujifilm placed by Japanese people.

There are quite a few street children on the street, and they all blink and look at them carefully. If they meet a kind person, maybe their next meal will be settled.

From the hands exposed from the sleeves during the movement, we can know that even if there is a social welfare institution, their life is not good. They can't get the opportunity to be newsboys, so they can only risk being taken away by the police to get some things here. The bread that sustains life.

Severus walked past with a calm expression. He shouldn't be overflowing with sympathy at this time. His own life was still a mess.

He took a few steps, looked back at the short and thin street boy who was trying his best to say good things to the adults, and walked into the nearest bakery.

Although he really wanted to buy industrial hard bread, this was the city center, how could such a thing appear? I could only buy some of the most common toast bread, the uncut kind.

I also bought a caramel biscuit cake and a black forest cake on the recommendation of the clerk. Then I walked over to the homeless boy huddled in the corner and handed the toast to him.

The short wanderer blinked, looked at the well-dressed young man in front of him, quickly took the bag of toast, whispered thank you, and darted away.

Only then did Severus realize that the homeless boy with messy short hair was actually a little girl!

However, this matter was quickly forgotten by him. The street children around him were staring at the bread in his hand like hungry wolves, but because of the police on the corner, they did not take action.

He looked around and found a tall and strong boy at the center of the waif, and handed the things over to others to share equally.

Then, with the look in his eyes at the monster, he carried the small cake and left.

Severus walked very quickly, almost walking on a remote path. He knew that his overflowing sympathy had put him in crisis again, and the people following him in the dark also accelerated their pace.

He looked around, looking for a place where he could avoid Muggles, where he could pull out his wand and knock someone unconscious, and then decide what to do to that person depending on the situation.

Finally he stopped in a dead end, wand in hand, ready to meet the visage of the man stalking him.

Unexpectedly, I only saw a corner of the man's shabby clothes, and a green shadow emerged from the wall. It slowly grew from an arm length to a twelve-foot-long (about 3.6m) body, wandering on the ground, hissing vomit. Letter with snake.

The snake's head shook in the direction of Severus. The snake hesitated and determined the source of the smell before swimming towards the malicious middle-aged man.

When the middle-aged man first met, he was startled by the giant snake. Then with a look of horror on his face, he rolled away without paying attention to the follower. How could there be such a big snake!

Severus was stunned, realizing that there might be something wrong with his ears. That snake just now could actually talk? She also said that the cake she bought tasted delicious!

"Hiss - I saved you, should you repay me? Just give me the little cake...caramel biscuit flavor...delicious...hiss..." The giant snake curled up and slowly approached the alley. The young man inside hissed, "Ssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss."

Severus' hand holding the wand trembled slightly. After confirming that the speaker was the giant snake in front of him, he was originally very scared, but when he heard that the snake was greedy for cake, he didn't know what expression to make.

He licked his lips, and his dry throat made his voice a little hoarse. "Thank you for helping me, Snake. I'll give you these cakes to eat..."

As he spoke, he opened the caramel biscuit cake and the black forest cake and placed them on the ground. He stepped aside and looked for an opportunity to escape. Hiss, the giant phobia was about to occur.

"Sssss--you are such a good person...oooo...delicious..." The giant green snake licked the cake with his tongue, his voice filled with pleasure, and the tip of his tail wagging rapidly.

Severus swallowed his saliva and thought about how this snake ate the cake. Is this a magical snake? But isn't the basilisk still in the secret room?

He clung to the wall, carefully avoiding the snake under his feet. When he reached the entrance of the alley, he ran as fast as he could escape. During this process, he did not forget to use his wand to add armor protection and a Muggle-repelling charm to himself...

When the giant snake finished eating the cake and raised its head from the box, it found that the alley was deserted and didn't care much. It was pleasantly surprised to eat cake again, and its tongue was still savoring the sweet taste.

Tom had not only cut back on the veal supply but also halved her live chickens on the grounds that she had gained twenty pounds! She didn't have enough to eat or sleep well. God knew she was a snake and didn't need to be so slim.

After eating and drinking enough, she shrunk her body, sensed Tom's location, and ran towards it.

"Nagini, did you go and eat the cake?" The handsome man touched his head and found that his palm was sticky and smelled of butter.

"Hiss - I didn't eat it secretly. I helped others and he thanked me!" The little snake nuzzled the man to please and said proudly, "Hiss - that man smells very good, almost the same as you. , otherwise I wouldn’t have gone out... He also gave me two cakes, the dark cake was a bit bitter..."

The handsome man stroked the little snake's head silently, not paying attention to who it was helping. He came here today just to see if the orphanage still existed.

This may be because when people get old, they like to be nostalgic.

"Ssss—Tom, what's wrong with you? How about we go eat lamb? I haven't eaten for a long time..." The little snake acted coquettishly, wrapping its tail around Tom's fingers several times, and played on the swing there.

The handsome man scratched the little snake's chin. He didn't say yes or no, but he just raised his feet and walked in one direction.

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