HP solves the mystery

Chapter 4 The results of Dumbledore’s treatment

Dumbledore was neither too fast nor too slow. When he discussed the matter with the Black family in detail, they didn't care at first. However, they heard that "Wizard Daily" and Sirius Black might be expelled at the meeting, even if they didn't like it. Lanfondo's son still gave him 100 gold galleons.

Not to mention the Potter family. The old Potters had a son in their old age, and they already doted on James Potter. In addition, their 'softener' business did not lack the money, so they readily gave him 100 gold galleons. , apart from scolding his son’s friend for being unreliable, he didn’t interfere too much.

Lupine, the person involved, could not escape. However, he did not intend to hurt anyone. It was Sirius Black who leaked the information, which led to this tragedy. Fortunately, the injured person was still alive. Of course, he also paid 50 gold galleons in compensation. His father felt very guilty about this incident.

Peter Pettigrew didn't have much sense of presence. He knew only a little about what happened this time. He still saw that most of Gryffindor's scoring gem was blackened. When he learned from outsiders that the culprits were his friends, he also learned that the victim was St. Petersburg. Nap, who had just pieced together bits and pieces of the truth from their words, didn't know what to say for a moment.

Lupine was depressed and didn't want to talk to anyone; Sirius was sent several howling letters, even though they were shattered with a spell every time before he could speak. Moreover, he and James were in solitary confinement every day and could not see each other except when sleeping. To the figure.

It was already evening when Dumbledore entered the hospital wing with a bag full of gold galleons. When he came to the hospital wing a few days ago to visit the awakened Severus, he originally had a tentative intention, but he met a crying man. The cowardly kid was very different from the taciturn but strong young man in his impression.

Aren't you scared out of your wits? Or was he scared out of his wits when his parents died and he encountered a werewolf? He thought to himself at the time, but when he saw the boy saying that he wanted to write an article and submit it to a newspaper, he was not sure. However, when he wanted to compensate for the expenses and apologize later, he felt that he was still a child.

Lupine's ability to come to Hogwarts is permitted by the Book of Admission, and he cannot deprive a child of his right to education. Besides, he is just a werewolf who transforms into a werewolf on a full moon night. As long as the control is good, nothing will happen to the school. Accident, unexpectedly...

"Mr. Snape, the compensation has been delivered. Is it time for our agreement to be completed?" Dumbledore looked at Severus who was counting the gold galleons, his eyes flashed, and he thought that if it didn't work, why not? Come on and forget everything.

The hospital wing was empty, except for Madam Pomfrey, Dumbledore, and Severus, and no one else.

Severus touched a bag full of gold galleons, and his pale face turned a little red. Now the Muggle world is in economic crisis, and the wizarding world has also been affected. These gold galleons will be the foundation of his future. .

And he was also very surprised that Dumbledore kept his word. Could it be because Voldemort made him flustered recently? But who cares, the benefits are real.

Hearing Dumbledore's question, he nodded nervously, never taking his eyes off the bag of gold galleons, and acted like a money-minded young man very well, "Okay, Headmaster, what do you need me to do?"

"Reach out and hold me, child, let's make a vow..." Dumbledore stretched out his hand to Severus, turned to look at Madam Pomfrey, and nodded to her, "Poppy, come closer and take it. With a magic wand…”

Severus' heart skipped a beat as he thought of blood pacts, loyalty spells, oaths, etc., and was somewhat surprised by Dumbledore's caution. Slowly he stretched out his hand to hold it. It was a pair of thinly calloused but warm and dry hands.

Madam Pomfrey was surprised for a moment. She didn't know what she was thinking of. She walked over with her wand and nodded the wand head on their clasped hands.

"Severus Snape, when... you received compensation and could not reveal the identity of the werewolf and the cause of this incident, are you willing?"

"I would like to..."

Dumbledore made several demands one after another, including not submitting articles to newspapers and not revealing the whole story of the injury. His words were full of threats.

"Okay, I agree," Severus nodded in agreement, and couldn't help but sigh in his heart. If he could take the initiative to do this in the original novel, why would Harry become an orphan? "As long as they don't take the initiative to provoke me..."

Thin red flames shot out from the wand head and wrapped tightly around their hands.

The unbreakable oath came into effect, and Madam Pomfrey, as the secret keeper, felt relieved. The matter about Lupine being a werewolf and attacking young wizards near the school came to an end.

Both Dumbledore and Severus got a satisfactory result, or so they thought.

Seeing that the matter had been resolved, Madam Pomfrey began to chase people away. Dumbledore stroked his beard and left the hospital wing with her. When he went out, he glanced at the young man on the bed with a somewhat thoughtful look.

Severus dumped the gold galleons in the bag on the bed and counted them one by one, not paying any attention to the look in his eyes. Money is the basis of survival.

Madam Pomfrey closed the door and walked away from Dumbledore.

"Principal Dumbledore, is this matter... over?" She asked tangledly. Even though the young man agreed to the conditions just now, she still had the illusion of deception in her heart.

Dumbledore said with a smile, "It's okay Poppy, Snape is very assertive. Both parties have reconciled. Isn't it great that one less bad thing has been eliminated? Let their conflicts be resolved..."

"But... Lupin, is he... the Shrieking Shack... How about I take McGonagall with me next time the moon is full?" Madam Pomfrey was a little worried, and then thought of Potter's stag, "Oh my God, I don't even think about it. Knowing that the three of them actually trained as Animagus for Lupine, you must know that there were only seven registered in the last century..."

The words were very complimentary, and I was pleased with their deep friendship with Lupine. Of course, it would be better if it was not because of the hurt that people knew about their talents.

"Okay Poppy, we need to strengthen supervision. I hope no more little wizards will be so curious...James and the others are all good kids..." Dumbledore nodded in agreement and said this.

"Poppy, you are familiar with St. Mungo's. Please pay attention. The Death Eaters seem to be planning something recently... I mean..." The smile on his face disappeared and became serious. He knew that Madam Pomfrey was a The soft-hearted witch said, "If a Slytherin student... hmm... then you... Gryffindor too..."

Madam Pomfrey blinked and didn't react for a moment. It wasn't until he mentioned the Death Eaters that she realized why he was so concerned about Snape, a fifth-year student, being hurt by a werewolf.

Now most of the werewolves in the forest have taken refuge with Voldemort. If it is revealed at this time that there are werewolf children studying in Hogwarts and hurting others, what is waiting for is that a large number of wizards from the Ministry of Magic will come to Hogwarts to inspect and even Dumbledore will step down. Coupled with the school disputes in the school and Voldemort's eager gaze, we don't know what the situation will be like.

"I understand, Headmaster, I will pay attention, and you should also pay attention..." Madam Pomfrey nodded, she did not want to get involved in these whirlpools, "Mr. Snape is recovering well and can be discharged from the hospital tomorrow."

The smile returned to Dumbledore's face, he patted Madam Pomfrey on the shoulder and walked towards the observatory.

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