HP solves the mystery

Chapter 36 The owl exam is over

The Magic Literature exam was on Friday, and Severus stayed in the library until almost curfew to prepare for the exam.

The dormitory was quiet, and when he returned, he thought Regulus had already fallen asleep.

After washing up gently, he took off the wizard's robe, revealing the shirt underneath, then unbuttoned the buttons one by one, and put on soft pajamas.

It wasn't until he yawned and got into bed and lowered the bed curtains that the room became completely quiet.

A pair of eyes shone brightly in the darkness. I didn't expect to see such a scene just to see if the person had returned.

Well, this guy has such a thin waist... Let him eat more next time, it's not good for him to be skinny.

Early the next morning, Severus was served a delicious omelette with toast underneath.

He looked at Regulus inexplicably, his eyes full of doubts, what was going on.

"Aren't you taking the magic script test today? Look at this toast with eggs. Does it look like the magic script formation?" Regulus said wittily, urging him to eat it.

"Oh, okay, 'superstitious' Regulus." Severus remembered the saying about eating fried dough sticks with eggs before the exam in his previous life, so he didn't hesitate and took it and started eating.

The magic text exam ended soon, and the little wizards seemed to be unblocked. The fifth and seventh graders went shopping in Hogsmeade Village to vent their tension.

Regulus knew that Severus had to review for the Potions exam on Monday, so he volunteered to take over the task of buying potions ingredients for him, and almost bought all the porcupine quills in the medicine shop.

Little Barty was drinking butterbeer at the Hog's Head Bar. He saw the unknown powder on Regulus' collar, and couldn't hide the curiosity on his face.

"Have you changed your career now?" he asked, pointing to the dirty collar.

Regulus wrinkled his nose, wiped it clean, picked up the butterbeer on the table and took a sip.

"Help buy some things, Severus is studying..." He rubbed the top of his head, his hair was messed up, and he looked more like Sirius.

"Little Barty, you came here alone? Where is your 'little follower'?" Regulus sighed and drank most of the beer, and finally realized that someone was missing.

When little Barty heard this question, he tapped the wine glass with his fingers, looking very worried.

"Andre, he...well, he had some conflicts with me..." A rare shyness appeared on his face, and he was afraid of being misunderstood, so he spoke very quickly, "He likes a Ravenclaw girl...you know , he always goes to 'nerd' gathering places recently... they are not suitable... so we had a fight..."

Regulus laughed a few times regardless of his appearance, and quickly returned to his previous gentle image. He pointed at him with his finger, "Just you? Arguing with Andre? There is no need at all. His temper, Raven Crowe is not suitable for him..."

"Then, is that person a pure blood?" Regulus asked softly.

Little Barty shook his head and said he didn't know.

The two of them may have been influenced by Severus, since they didn't ask whether the person was a mixed-blood or a pure-blood... or...

I'm just thinking about whether my friends like it or not to be toyed with...

Two single teenagers are worried about their friend's relationship here.

Severus looked at Le Dian Dian running away. Although he was confused as to why he didn't play with Barty and the others, he still generously borrowed "Beauty Prescriptions". This was his preparation for developing medical beauty treatments in the Muggle world. of.

But the person involved happily took the books he borrowed from Severus and rushed to the library with all his money.

It was only later that Severus learned about this from Regulus, but according to his twenty-eight years of single experience, this matter was very suspenseful.

Monday soon arrived, and Severus looked at the list of applications for the exams: Astronomy, Magic, Charms, Defense Against the Dark Arts, Herbology, Potions, and Transfiguration.

Once he finished Potions, all that was left was Astronomy.

As expected, he found that the content of the exam was as he expected, and he picked up the most difficult potion, the manufacturer of the exam moderator and an accurate description of its effects.

In order to practice this potion, he obtained many failed products, and Regulus's mood was almost as calm as the surface of the lake.

Preparing this medicine is the most difficult and labor-intensive thing, and it was rarely tested in the past Owl exams.

After passing the Potions exam with almost no chance, Severus felt that he was staring at the invigilator's bright eyes and seemed a little reserved. Wasn't it said that English people are very conservative and rigid?

"Oh, let's see, Severus Snape...well, a Slytherin...what a pity...it would be better if he was a Ravenclaw..." Marchiban muttered, shaking the roster in his hand, and playing Get an O, and then ask the next wizard to hand in the sample.

Severus glanced at her inexplicably. Are all the people at the Wizarding Examination Authority so... straightforward...

The next exam was on Wednesday, and he had a rare day off. Regulus went to school according to the class schedule, and the dormitory was extremely quiet.

At night, Regulus seemed very happy and pulled Severus to the bedside to look at the stars, even though they didn't have an astronomical telescope and could only see very blurry things.

"The brightest star is Venus..." Severus didn't think the child was fooling around. He relied on the knowledge in his mind and pointed at the sky.

"There are also the Big Dipper - that is, the plow...well, or the four-wheeled carriage..." He said eloquently that the astronomical knowledge of the Muggle world and the magical world have something in common, but the former has explored many new star items on its own. .

Regulus stammered about the knowledge in his mind, which he had learned in the fourth grade, and he had also read the books at home. The more he talked about it, the more excited he became.

They watched the night sky for half an hour, washed up and went to bed before curfew.

Wednesday morning's astronomy theory exam went very well, and something in last night's conversation really clicked.

Severus thought that he had not written the names of all the moons of Mercury correctly, and what would happen when Jupiter and Uranus were too close. He rambled a lot, and then wrote that there were no big-headed aliens on Mars.

At eleven o'clock in the evening, the practical operation of astronomy began. Fortunately, it was cloudless and there was no disruptive wind.

The little wizards each found a place to open their astronomical telescopes and record the names of stars and planets. Professor Marchiban and Tofty walked among them, watching them write rustlingly with quill pens.

It was only an hour and a half when Severus' writing wrist went weak and he had written two-thirds of the way through the parchment.

He looked at his watch and looked up to see that as the lights in the castle windows went out, the small square golden spots flashing on the grounds below also disappeared.

After observing the trajectory of Venus again, it was already past one in the morning and it was time to hand in the paper.

They returned to the Slytherin common room tiredly, and some of the young wizards could finally cheer quietly that their WOL exam was finally over.

Severus was also one of them. The exam was finally over and he could finally have a good sleep.

Everything went as he wished, and he stayed dreamless all night.

He had no idea that someone outside was looking at the vitality nourishing potion he made for the Owl exam, and took out another bottle of potion for comparison.

It was clearly the potion he had consigned in Diagon Alley, and there was a significant difference in color between the two.

The one made for the Owl exam was a nice and clear light blue, but the one purchased in Diagon Alley was a slightly turbid dark blue. The two potions were only three months apart.

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