HP solves the mystery

Chapter 184 Extra—Finally found you

Under Lucius's instruction, Draco began to get involved in the affairs of the Malfoy family, and also learned the origin of the short tombs in the Malfoy family tomb.

"Dad, you mean I have a sister? Sister Laila? Why have I never heard you talk about it?" Twenty-year-old Draco touched the short tombstone with a complicated expression.

"This is the curse of the Malfoy family, Draco, no one can break away from it..." Lucius placed a bunch of white camellias in front of Lyra's grave, and slowly told Draco the family's secrets.

The more Draco listened, the more frightened he became. How many Malfoy girls were buried in this small grave?

Lucius patted his son on the shoulder and sighed deeply.

Twenty-year-old Harry met twenty-year-old Draco. After Draco learned the secret of the family tomb yesterday, he stayed up most of the night. The black and blue under his eyes could not be concealed even by drinking a beauty potion. .

"You went to steal dragon eggs yesterday? Why do you look so bad?" Harry thought he had met a vampire and almost took out his wand and threw it into a blazing flame.

Draco rolled his eyes at him, took out the refreshing potion and drank one.


In fact, Tom never thought of himself as a long-term lover, but in the years when Sif was gone, he felt that the world had become dim.

He opened his eyes and subconsciously touched his side, but all of a sudden he found nothing.

Now he was completely awake, and he sat up from the bed suddenly, squinting his red eyes and looking at everything familiar around him.

He had a dream last night. He dreamed of the day he and Sif just got married. The two were so close, but when he woke up, it was still nothing.


There was a 'pop', and a house elf wearing a T-shirt appeared.

"Lolo is at your service, the great Dark Lord." A sharp greeting sounded in the room.

"Forget it, go back." Tom rubbed his forehead, sighed and got up to wash up.

Today is the opening ceremony of Wizard Primary School, and it is also the 35th anniversary of Wizard Primary School.

As the Dark Lord, the leader of the British wizarding and Muggle communities, he would attend the opening ceremony every year in order to discover Sif among the young wizards.

However, the result this time still disappointed him. There was no Sif in the new batch of little wizards.

"Gellert, you once said that Sif would appear, why haven't I found him yet?" Tom came to the Pig's Head Bar and drank with the aging Gellert.

Due to the curse on the Resurrection Stone and the heart-breaking bone removal, Dumbledore's magic power dissipated like a squib. He died of old age like a Muggle ten years ago. Gellert took his body back to Godric. Valley, and then settled in Hogsmeade.

Gellert tremblingly picked up a glass of whiskey and drank it, with a smile on his old face.

"My child, he has already appeared. Go out for a walk. You are never the only one looking for him." Gellert pursed his lips and his voice was hoarse.

Tom wanted to ask where Sif was? What does it look like? With the memory or without remembering everything? If he carries the memory, why hasn't he come to see me for so many years?

But Tom had asked these questions thousands of times, and Gellert had patiently answered them thousands of times. Sometimes just sitting together, Gellert would tell Tom the latest divination results.

"This is probably the last divination I can do for you, Tom." Gellert looked at Tom with strange eyes and reached out to pat his shoulder, "I'm very old Tom, I'm 141 years old. , I can’t help tossing it anymore.”

Gellert originally had powerful magic power, but in order to keep Dumbledore alive, he used magic power to warm his body every once in a while. The loss of magic power was too great, and he could only barely maintain his life.

"Is it worth it? Did you pay so much for Dumbledore?" Tom asked calmly. He had asked this question countless times.

Gellert was silent for a while. What he expected and understood only came true when his life was about to run out.

Sometimes watching Dumbledore live in suffering and pain, he also wanted to ask himself, is it worth it?

"Maybe, Tom. Maybe Dumbledore was wrong from the beginning. It's not that you don't have love, it's just that no one can love you and tolerate you unconditionally. Someone can embrace your softness and cowardice..." Gellert shook his head. He stood up unsteadily, holding a bottle of rum in his hand, and hummed in his mouth, "If I die, please bury me next to my lover, there will be my paradise...or plant a seed in front of my grave." Two trees, one cypress and one holly..."

Tom didn't catch up, he just drank the wine in the glass. If you look closely, you can see that his hands were shaking slightly.

How many twenty-six years are there in life?

Tom dropped a galleung and walked toward the Forbidden Forest.

There are always people leaving around him. When he was just born, his mother was disheartened and died in childbirth; after learning his true identity, he went to kill his abandoned (sober) father's family; he even killed his uncle's family for the sake of the name of Slytherin. .

He never regretted killing these people, but the people he wanted to protect died suddenly.

Senior Abu's child is also 70 years old, and Walburga Black also passed away last month.

The acquaintances around him died one by one, and it was hard for him to imagine how crazy he would become if Nagini and Helbo also disappeared.

Only now did Tom understand why Nick Flamel wanted to destroy the Philosopher's Stone. Immortality was not a good thing. On the contrary, immortality was more like torture.

In the Forbidden Forest, Helbo was teasing the pony, and when he felt Tom's call, he greeted the centaur Bane and disappeared in an instant.

"Helpo, come with me for a walk." Tom pursed his lips tightly, obviously Gellert's words had a great impact on him.

Halbo didn't ask any questions and followed Tom's footsteps to the Thames River.

The wind was a bit strong at noon, causing pedestrians to hold their hats tightly.

The ferry slowly docked, startling a sea of ​​seagulls, and the beach was filled with their unpleasant screams.

Halbo and Tom looked at all this with nostalgia. When Sif was still here, this was where they came most often.


After watching the movie, Bai An spent some time in London.

When Bai An went to Universal Studios, he met a girl named Su Jiuchuan. She was very optimistic and talkative, and there seemed to be nothing she didn't know.

"I came here with my cousin, but she has to go to school today." Su Jiuchuan took a few photos of Bai An and asked uncertainly, "Are you also coming to London to go to school? My cousin's name is Tong Liu. Liu, maybe you guys even know each other."

Bai An rubbed his nose awkwardly and briefly talked about his situation.

Su Jiuchuan snorted and looked at Bai An teasingly.

"Are you falling out of love? It's okay. Just say goodbye. The next one will be better." Su Jiuchuan imitated his cousin and patted Bai An's arm with a smile.

The two went shopping together for a while, exchanged contact information, and made an appointment to go to Oxford University tomorrow.

Bai An didn't refuse, he felt that he was too behind the times.

London in 2024 is different from London in 1980. There are too many novel things worth discovering.

Passing by Charing Cross Street again, Bai An resisted the urge to look back and walked over while scrolling through the travel guide on his phone.

Therefore, he missed the looming Leaky Cauldron and the young wizards dressed in fashionable clothes.

Although people nowadays use fast mobile phones and computers, and owls have been abandoned by wizards, some nostalgic people still keep an owl. Even if it does not deliver letters, it is good as a pet.

Bai An looked at the snow-white owl squatting on the tree and found it very novel. He had not seen owls many times in more than a month since he had been in London.

The owl looked at the strange human and tilted its head, then flapped its wings and snatched the bread from his hand and flew away quickly.

Bai An was embarrassed. Aren't seagulls at the pier the only ones who rob? Why can owls do it too?

He had lunch and dinner in hand, and it was not far from the river. He planned to buy a cheese and beef burger.

The scenery of the Thames River has remained the same for decades. The difference is that the ferries have become taller and bigger, and there are more and more shops.

Fortunately, the cheeseburger restaurant was still there, and Bai An expertly ordered a beef burger with double cheese.

The benches on the street had not changed. He walked towards the familiar spot where he had sat in his dreams for more than ten years, and then rubbed his eyes in disbelief.

There were two familiar figures sitting on the bench. He could recognize them as Tom and Helbo just by looking at the backs of their heads.

But they...

Bai An scratched his face and decided to go over and say hello.

If it weren't for Tom and Herbo, he could pretend to have mistakenly recognized the person and turn around and leave; if it were really Tom and Herbo, he couldn't seem to do anything...

We must know that he has now returned to the Chinese body. Even if his soul has not changed, can they recognize him through his unfamiliar appearance? And he’s a foreigner who wants to strike up a conversation.

Bai An let out a breath, he would die early and be reborn. If it weren't for them, he would be able to live peacefully in China.

He pursed his lips and encouraged himself in his mind.

"Sir, have we met somewhere?"

The two people on the bench looked sideways after hearing this, with curiosity and inquiry in their eyes.

"Who are you?" Haierbo raised his eyebrows, his eyes flickering.

Tom's red eyes stared closely at the Chinese man in front of him, his fingers trembling slightly. He would never forget this look.

"Of course." Tom stretched out his hand and raised the corners of his lips slightly, "My name is Tom Gaunt or Tom Slytherin. Nice to meet you."

"My name is An. Bai." Bai An reached out and shook Tom's hand, and his hanging heart finally fell to the ground.


One day later, Bai An held Tom's hand, and they both wore the same wedding rings on their hands.

"How did you recognize me?" Bai An nuzzled into Tom's arms and asked curiously.

"Intuition, my intuition." Tom answered firmly, grasping this hard-won happiness.

Twenty-six years of waiting had not been in vain. He was luckier than Gellert. He had waited for his lover.

Bai An hugged Tom tightly, not daring to think about how he spent the past twenty years.

If Tom doesn't say anything, and Bai An doesn't ask, their future is still long.


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