HP solves the mystery

Chapter 11 Transfiguration Lesson and Lupine’s Apology

Weekend life passed by quietly, and regular school hours began. Severus gradually adapted to the life of a magical school, which was similar to the schedule of high school.

The scratches on his back were almost healed, at least he no longer itched in the middle of the night, and he no longer had to drink weird-tasting blood tonics.

Three busy days passed in this way, and the four predators miraculously did not come to trouble them. If he hadn't met them during the meal, Severus would have almost forgotten a few of them.

The students finally had a relaxing class, which was to take Professor Flitwick's spell class to learn the spells used in daily life, so as to make the little wizard's life more convenient.

This has to remind people of the famous scene: it is Leviosa, not Leviosa, and the floating spell is Yugardium, Leviosa.

The pleasant spell class passed quickly with the practice of water-making spells, and next came Professor McGonagall's more difficult Transfiguration class, which forced the young wizards to be very energetic.

Because Halloween will be coming soon, Professor McGonagall rarely talked about the boring theory of transfiguration. Instead, he gave everyone a mouse and asked them to turn the mouse into a bat. This way, when the holiday comes, they can also place a ' Ten thousand bats flying together'.

It is worth mentioning that Slytherin and Gryffindor took this Transfiguration class together, which also meant that someone had to face the four Marauders and Qingmei Lily.

Severus looked at the gray mouse floating on the table with an expressionless expression, and his mind flashed back to the horror he felt when Peter Pettigrew transformed from a mouse back into a human form when he watched the movie before.

The four predators had different reactions. Potter sat next to Lily and tried his best to please her. While chanting the spell, he did not forget to tell her that he had turned stones into gems before he succeeded.

Lily was very depressed when she saw Severus turning a blind eye to her. She listened impatiently to Potter's chatter, and occasionally chatted with her little sister Jenny.

Sirius and Lupine were separated by a distance, both looking gloomy, with a frowning Pettigrew in between. It seemed that the recent conflicts between their friends had troubled him a lot.

Professor McGonagall stood on the stage and talked about the importance of transfiguration when taking the Ordinary Wizarding Exam (OWL) in fifth grade. After explaining some precautions for reciting spells, she let the little wizard practice freely while she shuttled between the desks. Correct bad posture.

Severus didn't panic. When he was in the dormitory, he had already practiced the spells according to the memory in his mind, and it was not difficult to turn a mouse into a bat. He just watched himself use magic to turn one creature into another. Biology, this experience is quite strange.

The original person works hard to express himself in many classes, and always completes the tasks well, adding a lot of points to his college. After all, he is a man who got eight O's in the graduation exam!

As for flying lessons? It is impossible to apply for the exam, and the exam does not have this.

Well, it seems that all wizards drive without a license...

The original idea is to reflect one's own value through excellent results, so that he can spread his talents and seek power and wealth. But Severus didn't have this idea. Anyone who has read the original novel or the movie knows that evil cannot defeat justice, let alone the tragic figure of the original?

And soon, the Death Eaters will make big moves, not only causing trouble in the wizarding world, but also recruiting reserves in the school and giving them the Dark Mark.

He must be crazy to reveal himself so urgently, not to mention that Dumbledore has been staring at Slytherin.

While Severus was in a daze, five or six little wizards had already transformed bats, and Professor McGonagall gave them all five points.

He also chanted the spell slowly and tried to turn the mouse into a bat. However, after trying dozens of times, he could only turn out the head and wings.

Sure enough, it still doesn't fit well enough. If the original person had come, it would have improved a long time ago.


"Armor protection!"

There was an explosion, and the sound of gasping came one after another, accompanied by the flying of broken meat and sawdust and the sound of Professor McGonagall chanting a curse.

He turned around and saw that it was a little brown-haired wizard from Gryffindor. Due to an operating error, a big hole was blown out in front of the table, and his hair became afro. The little mouse was even worse, not even a hair was left. .

Severus' keen eyes noticed red marks on the back of Professor McGonagall's hand, which were obviously blood...

Was the demolition expert here so early? Three seconds of silence for poor Professor McGonagall...

Professor McGonagall handled the minor accident with a normal expression. Seeing that the little wizard was fine, he deducted 2 points from Gryffindor and gave the little girl another little mouse, but this time she was further away.

The class was finally over and the little wizards were all hungry. Fortunately, Professor McGonagall didn't delay the class and let them go after assigning their homework.

The little wizards were busy eating and filing out with books in their arms.

Severus walked slowly at the end. Anyway, the rich lunch would not be snatched by anyone. It was not like when he was studying in the past. He was afraid that if there was no good food, he would have to look at which aunt's window it was. For students, Hogwarts It's really paradise.

As he was walking towards the classroom door, he found a 'familiar' little wizard coming towards him, very conspicuous in the countercurrent, it was Lupin, the werewolf.

"How is your injury? I'm sorry to face you now, Snape. That was not my intention, I'm sorry... I didn't expect him to bring this... Fortunately, you are fine..." Lupine's handsome face showed His eyes, filled with sadness and depression, were full of apologies at the moment, and his tall and thin body was hunched over, not looking like a Gryffindor at all.

Whether it is Severus or the original person, his feelings towards this werewolf are quite complicated. When the Potters and others did excessive things to others and even the original person, he did not participate or encourage them. He was a complete bystander and witnessed the original person. When they are most embarrassed, they will occasionally put the finishing touches to them.

Although the original purpose of going to the Shrieking Shack was to gain control, Lupine didn't know Sirius's plan from beginning to end, but so what.

As a werewolf, he is very dangerous, and he haunts Hogwarts, where many young wizards study. If he is not controlled well, there will be many more werewolves. This is the original sin.

"I know, the moment I got..., that matter was over! If you just apologize for that matter, I can tell you with certainty that I will not forgive you!" Severus He frowned and looked at him coldly, never saying a word of forgiveness. The original body was dead, but the body was resurrected because of his arrival. All he could do was ask for some compensation.

Lupine knew what he was talking about, and pain flashed in his eyes, but he really liked Hogwarts. Hogwarts was his second home. He had been very careful not to reveal his identity as a werewolf, but he didn't expect... …

"Thank you for not telling me, Snape. After all, it was my fault. I...I'm sorry...Hogwarts is like home to me. I don't know if I can leave Hogwarts." Where can I go..." Lu Ping's voice was still gentle, and his face was filled with gratitude and apology, which looked weird.

Severus' eyes became numb when he heard this. For the original person, Hogwarts was also home.

"Don't thank me, thank Principal Dumbledore...Don't mention this matter again..." He sighed inwardly. At first he was thinking of publishing someone's werewolf status in the newspaper, but out of the corner of his eye he spotted the hem of his robe exposed by the door. , his expression turned disgusting, "I'll be thankful that you and the annoying Black and the others don't appear in front of me anymore, because you guys are even more annoying than the trolls!"

As he spoke, he held the book in one hand and pulled up his robe with the other. He deliberately made a loud noise and walked quickly towards the door, but there was no one there.

Severus thought he was just dazzled, so he ignored it when he saw no one and walked down the stairs.

Lu Ping was the only one left in the huge classroom. He clenched his fists and left with a gloomy expression.

The person who had just eavesdropped walked out of the empty classroom nearby, stroking his chin and thinking. The smile on his face had no meaning. He was really surprised.

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