Pokemon Ultimate Trainer

Chapter 64 Top Consumables

After understanding it a little, Chen Ji hugged the foam chinchilla and started to rest. As for the Pokémon seat next to him? You thought the flower pedicle didn't exist.

Our sister Hua is sleeping soundly now, and the foam chinchilla doesn't want to go back to the poke ball, so Chen Ji has no choice but to hold the foam chinchilla and rest.

The same is basically true for everyone else. After all, there are still eleven hours of flight ahead, and it will be seven o'clock in the morning after landing. Only by taking a good rest now can we maintain our strength in the following research activities.

Xiaoyou also put on a blindfold and lay quietly on her seat. Next to her was Qianmian Yuyong, who was also lying down.

Half an hour after Chen Ji and the others got on the plane, the plane began to take off gradually. During this period, many passengers also boarded the plane, but everyone made the same choice, which was to sleep well after getting on the plane to overcome jet lag.

The plane flew through the night, flying towards the foggy cities in England. The people in the plane enjoyed the tranquility brought by the darkness and breathed evenly.

Xiaoyou stretched out his hand and took off the blindfold on his head. His plain eyes shone brightly in the darkness.


Chen Ji closed his eyes and fell asleep. His young body still easily fell asleep at night. The foam chinchilla also slept soundly in Chen Ji's arms. Occasionally his ears would move, he would turn over and wag his tail. His sleeping posture was quite ungraceful.

A soft song suddenly came from the darkness, soothing all kinds of spirits that were restless due to troubles. Even the mythical beasts would slowly fall asleep under the comfort of this song. The owner of the song is wandering around the cabin, and wherever the song goes, there is a peaceful soul.

The owner of the song finally stopped in front of Chen Ji.

The song continued to circulate in the cabin, and the foam chinchilla also corrected its sleeping posture under the influence of the song. It lay beautifully on Chen Ji's lap, wrapped its face with its tail, and rested its little paws on its head. department.

The foam chinchilla's face showed an indescribable happiness, as if she was still lying in her mother's arms. This song actually has magical power. The muscles that the foam chinchilla has tightened due to various reasons gradually relax in its sleep, and the hidden wounds left during training are also slowly repaired. This song is a slow but effective way to relieve bubbles. Fatigue in the chinchilla's soul.

The owner of the song gradually faded away, leaving behind a piece of tranquility in the darkness.

"It's not the time yet." The sound of conversation interrupted this spiritual beauty, like throwing a pebble into the water, but the ripples on the water soon returned to zero.

----split line----

On a large transport aircraft in a certain airspace, a stooped little old man with a purple head and a purple mustache was lecturing a group of subordinates in front of him.

"You have to be clear that among these people there are probably people related to the legendary Pokémon. Your mission will be very dangerous, but for our fire... Plasma Group's noble mission Ideal, you must obtain all information about these people at all costs, and even bring them to me. That’s all for this operation, do you understand?”

The little old man was wearing a black uniform and hat, and there was a Plasma Group logo icon on his left chest. Beside him was a woman with red hair, her hands on her hips, quietly looking at the members in Plasma costumes in front of her.

At the same time, the little old man also explained some tasks and precautions. After everything was done, the lecture was over.

After the little old man finished his training, he opened the door of the transport plane. Then he directed his subordinates one after another to put on the protective clothing that helps humans survive in the stratosphere, and then stepped on the transport plane which can only accommodate A man's, three-wheeled skateboard-style aircraft left the transport plane.

"Lambda, you were too careless just now." The red-haired woman frowned, obviously dissatisfied with the fact that the little old man almost exposed the organization.

"Haha, Athena, just relax. No one can remain themselves under the hypnosis of Master Mewtwo. They are no longer members of the Plasma Team. They are just the deadpools of our Team Rocket." The little old man called Lambda grinned at Athena, showing his uneven yellow teeth.

"But I'm actually more curious about why the boss is interested in any yellow-haired boy. Even if there are legendary Pokémon, our Rockets..." Lambda didn't say anything more, because he knew The person next to him, Athena, who is one of the four leaders of the Rockets, also knows some of the secrets within the Rockets.

"We just need to implement the Boss's instructions." Athena said lightly, and then drove the transport plane to leave the airspace. The soldiers of the Plasma Regiment that had been brainwashed by Mewtwo had been installed on them. Video data can be automatically uploaded to the monitor at Team Rocket's headquarters. As chess pieces, they are no longer useful.

The Rockets have spent a lot of money on Chen Ji this time. Not only did they use an elite team from the Plasma Corps that they had finally captured and successfully brainwashed, they also sent two of the Rockets' four top cadres to suppress the battle.

The transport plane gradually disappeared into the night, leaving only a rocket-plasma team in a small aircraft flying towards the path of Chen Ji's plane.

Most of the members of this Rocket-Plasma team captured by Team Rocket in many battles were put together by members of Team Plasma. These captured members of Team Plasma will be brainwashed by Chaomeng himself, and then they will kill Team Rocket. The upper-level cadres regard it as the plasma group they are still serving.

In this way, even if the mission fails, dirty water can be poured on the head of the plasma group. And due to the existence of the monitor, the Rockets do not need these cannon fodder to come back alive to collect all the information. It can be said to be the top consumable.

Of course, these monitors are almost a must-have for Team Rocket members. In addition to better collecting intelligence for the organization, they also prevent moles like the Dodo from infiltrating. Moreover, the Pokémon of Team Rocket members are also equipped with this kind of monitor. Chen Ji's relationship with the mythical beast was also learned from the playback of this kind of monitor.

In addition, top-level consumables such as brainwashed plasma groups are not cheap. First of all, the members of the plasma group are not that easy to catch, let alone the elite members of the plasma group. Secondly, these captured plasma groups must be able to withstand After being brainwashed by Chaomeng, the members of this plasma group are qualified consumables. But...did anyone stipulate that this kind of cannon fodder must use plasma balls?

Of course, under normal circumstances, the Rockets would still find ways to recycle these expensive stand-in puppets, but this mission is extraordinary. Which of the two alliances, the Chinese region and the British region, is easy to mess with? Not to mention the ghost-type beast from before.

The reason why he chose to attack Chen Ji while he was on the plane was already obvious. He wanted to take advantage of the flight from Jiangcheng to England to find out all the secrets about Chen Ji and the ghost-type beasts. .

Moreover, the Rockets chose an excellent ambush location this time, over the Azov Sea on the border of the Volga region and the Mallet Ross region. This place is far away from the border between the two countries, and it is also on the border between the Volga region and the Mallet Ross region where the war is ongoing. It is also over the ocean where it is inconvenient to salvage the crashed plane. It can be said that the buffs are stacked up.


These members of the Plasma Corps who had been brainwashed by Team Rocket found their ambush locations one after another. Those with flying elves summoned their own flying elves, and those without flying elves drove their aircraft to help their teammates lay traps, waiting for that moment. A flight crashed into it.

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