Purcell: Lord of the Void

Chapter 97 The Long Night Galaxy Annual Meeting—The Fall Again

"Get out. The collapse of this space is irreversible. It's good to rush in and grab a few backs before dying. Gertrud said, after killing the Yamata no Orochi, his energy also Not much left.

"Actually, there is another way to escape. In my inheritance of the mysterious system, there is a rare self-destruction forbidden technique - Fallen Jue Xiang. If it can be used, the power should be enough to break through this layer of chaos barrier." Mis Tick ​​suggested.

The two ancient dragon kings all looked over. In the Battle of Order, Oscar, the second-in-command of the Holy Spirit Alliance, blew himself up, which shocked everyone. Even the arrogant Chaos Lord at the time had to temporarily suspend the war to recuperate. Because it laid the foundation for the subsequent reverse push and even the final decisive victory.

"You're overthinking. Your initial level is too low. Even self-destruction skills can't make up for the level gap. For an alien king of over 70, even self-destruction can't break this barrier. It's better to rush out. Everyone died happily." Arslan objected on the spot. Yuxi sacrificed his companions in exchange for his own way of life. He would rather die with his companions.

"This is the most cost-effective option. I am just a civil servant, and I will not regret my death. You are more important than me, so senior, just have a good sleep. When you wake up, everything will be over."

"Wait, Mystic, what are you going to do? No~~" Before Arslan could finish his words, Artik suddenly punched him on the left side of his face. The Alsian's consciousness instantly fell into a baby-like sleep. The whole process made people feel a little happy, but the ancient king Dragon King on the side couldn't laugh at all.

"Do you really want to do this? This is another universe. The rules of the Purcell universe have no effect here. Is death really dead?" Gertrude asked. At this moment, his eyes were a little moist.

"This is already the best way. Logically speaking, Artik, the fusion of me and my seniors, should have inherited all our abilities and traits, and should be able to use that move." Regarding Gertrude's Mystic didn't answer too many questions. Perhaps he had already made up his mind when he made his choice.

"This move is panel-locked. Once it is activated, no matter what happens during the execution, it will be calculated based on the initial power. Therefore, it will not cause any harm to the seniors. As for what happens next, everything is left to you. Senior is a very emotional person. If I die, he will probably be very sad, so remember to comfort me more."

Before the two Elf Kings could interrupt, Mystic continued. At this point, the Ancient Dragon King couldn't say much. For a warrior who was bent on death, advice was just an insult to him. He just bowed silently. Tears in eyes.

"There's no need to be so sad. In fact, if I'm lucky, I probably won't die. Well, the time has come."

In an instant, Artik ignited his origin, and pale flames burned. At the same time, Artik's hands formed a seal, and a powerful aura that had never been seen before burst out from his body. It seems that the fusion of the Mysterious Elf King and the Combat Elf King is indeed quite perfect. Even the forbidden arts inherited from the Mysterious Elf can be used perfectly.

The next moment, the space shattered, and the three manager kings were completely exposed from the monster's sight. But at the same time, a piece of the extremely troublesome chaos barrier was broken.

And such a powerful power naturally has its price. Seeing that Altic's eldest cousin has now turned into nothingness, seeing the darkness appear on the prey, we are like wolves who have seen blood and pounced on it one after another. He didn't even care about the other two Elf Kings standing nearby.

But when those dark Dao Wu rushed forward, Mystic exploded with his second round of power. Artik's body was instantly transformed into light particles, and the body's self-destruction brought powerful destructive power. Let the large number of dark creations that followed them turn into cosmic dust on the spot.

A ray of red light also separated from this earth-shattering explosion. It was Arslan, the fighting elf king, who fell firmly into Leonidas' hands. The two Elf Kings nodded to Mystic, who had turned into a shadow, then turned around and walked out of the crack that was forcibly opened.

"Take care of yourself."

"Yes, I will. After you go out, just go back to the Purcell Universe. This is a place of right and wrong. We don't want to stay here. The Purcell Universe is our home. As for the half of the origin that the predecessors lost after cultivation, it will always be some"

"I understand. We will wait for you on the surrounding planet for three days. If you don't come out after three days, the two of us will take Arslan back. If you can come out, we'll talk over there."

"Okay, it's a deal."

"What's going on? What did that guy Wu do with such a powerful energy fluctuation?" The huge movement shocked Ghost Faced Yama. He couldn't help but speed up his pace and rushed to the scene of the incident. But he hadn't gone far before Mystic's third blast

This time, Mystic exploded with his own original power, and the majestic mysterious energy engulfed the entire Cheng Ye Galaxy Prison. Tens of thousands of dark creations now became one explosive package after another. The entire prison was blown up to the sky, and the force of the explosion was so powerful that even the ghost-faced Yama who came over had to draw his sword to block it with all his strength. As for the shadow guards who followed, they were knocked to the ground on the spot by the powerful shock wave.

"Call Morty over, we have work to do." Ghost Faced Yama immediately ordered, and at the same time quickly called Shinra to report. He quickly rushed to the battlefield alone and controlled the scope of the explosion with absolute strength.

"Who did this little girl provoke?" A clear and sweet voice came from Luo Ling. Wu's mouth, and then a small black hole appeared behind the unconscious Luo Ling. Wu just one millionth of a second before the explosion. He sucked the opponent in to avoid direct impact.

Otherwise, given the little girl's strength and condition at the time, she would have been torn to pieces by the horrific explosion on the spot. And in the center of the explosion, all figures had long since disappeared. Only a faint hint of purple was left. Mystic's consciousness also came to a pure white space.

In this space, there seemed to be no concept of time. Mystic lay quietly here, as if ten thousand centuries had passed, and as if ten thousandths of a second had passed, he finally woke up, See the unfamiliar environment around you. He asked the classic question: "Where is this? Am I dead?"

Mystic sat up and looked around. Suddenly, he saw a flash of purple, which was the inheritance and origin of the mysterious Elf King. He suddenly smiled with relief: "It's you, long time no see."

The origin of inheritance did not respond, but Mystic said to himself: "I have called you many times, but it seems to be of no use. It is no wonder that among the elves of the mysterious system, I am not the strongest. Always. No, I also know that the person you are attracted to is actually the elemental mage-Sauson. It’s just that that one wanted to study various elements and rejected you. That’s why you found me.”

"But now you are free. I think I am dead in the real world. You can go find your new successor. Originally, Olan under Shura was a good child, but it is a pity that he was killed by the Demon King. .I don’t know if there are any good mysterious seeds in the Purcell universe.”

The elemental source still didn't respond. He just floated quietly, like an insignificant audience. Mystic was not surprised. This was how he communicated with the mysterious elemental source. This may be the reason why he has never made a breakthrough.

Then, the elemental origin suddenly penetrated into Mystic's body, making him feel a fire burning in his stomach. However, the words reflected in his mind made him immediately forget about the pain and turned into joy.

"I recognize your will. Then, I will give you some guidance on the next journey." The next second, a burst of white light emanated from Mystic's body. In the real world, it appears as a purple light carrying a trace of Mystic's soul at a thousand times the speed of light. Dash away.

"What's the commotion? Ghost Faced Yama was startled by the sudden ray of light, but the entire Huan Team that followed made him put his mind back.

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