Purcell: Lord of the Void

Chapter 55 Xin: What a boy, you can still play like this

"Okay, the theory class is over, let's continue training. You will be exempted from physical fitness today, but you will still have to attend the rest." Hunyuan Tianzun stood up and said the most terrifying words in the calmest tone. .

"Ah, how could this be like this? Tianzun didn't want it. Bai Ye fell to the ground immediately and wanted to skip this training. Xin Ze grabbed him and sensed the training, but he was in charge. It was really the wrong person to go to Hunyuan Tianzun in the middle of the night. .

"Come on, Oli, you have to believe that you can do it." Tianzun looked at Xin like a little chicken, grabbed it with one hand and couldn't help but joked, Bai Ye has now switched to the mode of death from far and near, Xin, but Aragami , training under his hands would be exhausting.

"Xiao Baiye, be happy, I'm not a devil. Don't worry, the difficulty setting I set at the beginning will definitely not be too difficult. As long as you find a small yellow flag within one kilometer, you will have passed the level. And this time I The interference of wild beasts has been specially cancelled.”

Hearing Xin's words, I finally cheered up a bit in the middle of the night. If it was according to what the other party said, then the difficulty of this training was actually not bad. When Xin saw this, he threw Bai Ye directly into himself and customized the scene in advance.

With a plop, Baiye fell heavily inside, then rolled, stood up, and observed the surrounding situation. How should I put it? The environment here is completely different from the outside world. I said that the outside world is mainly dominated by desert and Gobi landforms, so this is a typical tropical rain forest. There were overgrown trees, blocking out the sun, and weeds everywhere, but perhaps because of the cleaning done in advance, no living things appeared.

, in such a rainforest with such a complex natural environment, it is simply impossible to find a small yellow flag, even if Baiyan has better detection ability than his peers. The tropical rainforest is not the Gobi. There are many obstacles in it. The effect of using mental power to detect is much worse than that of the desert Gobi of the same level.

"I knew the Lord of Bafang, this old cunt wouldn't be so kind. He's just an old man waiting for me here." Faced with Xin's behavior, our classmate Bai Ye expressed great indignation. By the way, My mouth stinks Xinjiang

As a result, there was thunder in the sky the next second, knocking down Bai Ye and a tree next to him. Our classmate Bai Ye was also considered a hero, and he immediately said from the bottom of his heart: "Xin, he is an excellent teacher. Any behavior that slanders him will not be tolerated." It’s all shameful.”,

Xin's original intention was to scare this kid, so he didn't pursue it too much. He sighed helplessly in the middle of the night, complaining, and the training still had to be completed. The terrain of the rainforest is indeed complex, but as long as you take your time, it will only be a matter of time before you complete the training.

However, after taking a few steps, Bai Ye felt the ground beneath his feet loosen. Fortunately, he quickly stretched out a devouring hand and grabbed a nearby branch, thus avoiding falling.

As a result, he looked up and saw a few big words written on the tree trunk: "Be careful where you step when walking." It seemed that he had underestimated the extent of the Lord of the Eight Desolations. Not only is it difficult to find chess pieces in this place, but there are also various mechanisms.

But even if he knows, there is nothing he can do, because the reason why agencies are called agencies is because they are difficult to be discovered. Rolling logs appear suddenly, nets fall from the sky, and large pits appear from time to time... These traps are tossing , Bai Ye was in such a state of embarrassment that although it was not enough to hurt his life, it could greatly slow down his search speed.

"No, if we continue like this, we will definitely not be able to find the target within the specified time. These rainforests and institutions are really annoying. I really want to destroy them all."

Bai Ye couldn't help complaining. Suddenly, he seemed to have thought of something, and his eyes changed: "Yes, Xin just asked me to find a small yellow flag. He didn't clearly state that he couldn't destroy the surrounding things."

According to this standard, is it reasonable for him to destroy the surrounding tree traps? Very reasonable! Xiangle suppressed him and immediately produced a few more energy balls, destroying the trees and traps in front of him. As expected, the team leader of the obstacle's own mental exploration was much more accurate and efficient.

At this moment, Bai Ye's mood was like that of Columbus discovering the New World. My method of violent wealth was only looked down upon by a few of my peers, and could only be possessed by a few people. Activating skills consumes energy, such a wanton waste. One of them might have to be spread out in the woods.

Bai Ye does not have this trouble. He has taken in a large amount of energy ores since birth, which makes his energy reserves far exceed those of his peers. Coupled with the power of the void and strong destructive power, he often only needs to expend a small amount of energy. Achieve very good results.

Bai Ye, who had an innate advantage, turned into a violent demolition team on the spot. No matter what forest traps he had, he would destroy them all. And the energy ball he used from the beginning turned into dark thunderstorm energy.

"Let me see how far this little guy has progressed?" Most of the original rainforest has been destroyed, replaced by entire patches of scorched earth. At this time, Bai Ye was like a devil coming to the world, frantically venting his energy.

Xin, he was about to explode on the spot. What on earth was this brat doing? Shouldn't he explore carefully, avoid traps, and finally get the chess pieces to complete the training? But Xin, when he thought about it, he really didn't seem to explain how to complete this training.

"Indeed, although it is a bit violent, this detection method is undoubtedly the most effective. Complex terrain will naturally hinder the spread of spiritual power. Changing the terrain is indeed the best way to improve efficiency." Thinking of this, Xin also calmed down down. Quietly watching Bai Ye's performance

At this time, Bai Ye was already completely high. There was nothing he could do about it. This feeling was too decompressing. But he didn't forget that he was looking for the flag, so his method was mental power. As soon as his front foot arrived, he roughly determined whether the thing was in this area? , if you are there, go explore it yourself, if not, just be on the spot and become a demolition team.

In this method, the efficiency is not very high. It only took about half an hour for Bai Ye to lock the position of the small yellow flag. Of course, the cost was that half of the tropical rainforest was reduced to scorched earth.

"Baby, I finally found you." Bai Ye took off the small yellow flag and hung it on a small branch. When he took off the small flag, the surrounding space also changed instantly. Xin stood opposite him and looked at him.

"Good boy, are you so late?" Xin immediately grabbed Bai Ye and gave him a blow. Bai Ye understood that he was actually cheating, so he had no complaints. But Xin, went on to say

"Although you got away with it by cheating, it's my fault. You didn't explain it clearly, but you were able to think out of the box and find a new way. This is also worthy of praise. Do I just strip naked for love? My wife has a headache and can barely do it. You pass the test”

"Long live! Xin Jiang is the best." Bai Ye was excited and hugged this person. The surprise on the face of the Lord of the Eight Desolations could not be concealed. Originally, he was prepared for his results to be cancelled.

"But I'm warning you. It's just this once. If you do this next time, you won't be counted as clearing the level." Reasonable and appropriate solutions, not to mention such people, are extremely rare among children, even among adults. People always have to follow the herd mentality

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