Purcell: Lord of the Void

Chapter 48 Preliminary exploration of the power of the void

With Bai Ye's consent, Hunyuan Tianzun's eyes flashed, and the surrounding scene began to change drastically. The familiar surrounding city and the cosmic scenery disappeared. It was replaced by a vast white space, and Xin also appeared here.

When he saw the Lord of the Eight Desolations, Bai Ye straightened his body unconsciously. This guy is a killer, not as easy to talk to as Hunyuan Tianzun.

Seeing Bai Ye's nervous look. Xin said in as gentle a tone as possible: "Little guy, don't be afraid, oh, I am Xin. I am the contract elf of Hunyuan Tianzun, and this is also the consciousness space where the three of us are connected. I have no ill intentions towards you, relax. Relax."

"I'll try my best." Even though he said this, Bai Ye's legs were still shaking because the murderous aura and strength in the Lord of the Eight Desolations was too heavy. This made Bai Ye naturally feel uncomfortable. Xin was a little helpless, why was this little guy so affectionate when he saw Hunyuan Tianzun, and why he was so scared to death when he saw him. But since the other party expressed willingness to cooperate, it didn't matter.

So under the guidance of the Lord of the Eight Desolations, various skill stones were now taken out. Crush them one by one, put them into the cup, and let Bai Ye inject the power of void into the cup. Xin, on the other hand, was constantly observing and recording.

The same amount of void energy as the skill stone will react when it enters the cup and overcomes the elements corresponding to the objects in the education cup. Of course, the efficiency of the reaction is different for different elements. Some are very violent, just a little bit. The void energy is like a All the elements carried by the entire skill stone have reacted, and many of them are accompanied by combustion, discharge, and even explosions.

Bai Ye said that this feeling directly reminded him of his high school chemistry laboratory. After five minutes, the reaction was basically over. Xin checked the remaining residues in the cup one by one. The void energy in most cups is increasing. Of course, there are also cases where the void energy is decreasing, such as skill stones with attributes such as dimension, ancient, and electricity. But without exception, only one kind of void energy was left in every cup, while the other substance as a reaction was consumed without a trace.

At this point, we can conclude that void, as a high-level attribute, has the overwhelming ability to devour and assimilate almost all lower-level attributes.

There is no doubt that this discovery shocked the three of them. The advantage of private upper-level attributes over lower-level attributes is almost natural. But with the attributes of Chaos and Holy Spirit, you can finally find a few basic attributes to suppress him. When I arrived in the void, almost all the basic attributes here were wiped out, suppressed to death by the energy of the void.

In addition, the difference between upper-level attributes and lower-level attributes is to see whether there is an Elf King in this attribute. But although they were surprised, Hunyuan Tianzun and Xin were considered strong men of the generation, so it was not unacceptable. The suppression of basic attributes only proves the lower limit of the attribute of void. What can really be brought online is the relationship between the void system and various high-level attributes.

So the three started the second round of experiments, still using three glasses, but what was stored was the power of the Holy Spirit, the power of chaos from Hunyuan Tianzun, and the power of reincarnation that he received from Emperor Apocalypse. The same process, but the results are completely different.

The cup into which the power of the Holy Spirit was put turned out to be void energy. It seemed that the three of them had finally found something to restrain void energy. Conclusion: The Void has a weak Holy Spirit/God system. If you encounter the Holy Spirit Puni or Qiling Yuanshen, remember to stay away.

The cup into which the power of reincarnation was put reacted very violently, and there were burnt black marks all around the cup. But what was left was half of the void energy. Hunyuan Tianzun's eyes lit up when he saw this scene. Conclusion: Void can restrain reincarnation twice to defeat Emperor Apocalypse. Be careful to prepare Void skill stones.

What made the two people unexpected was the situation of void and chaos. The two most aggressive energies came together without conflict. There was slight contact in Qingyuan City. Relationships are like water and oil, they are not exclusive or incompatible. exist independently of each other.

Bai Ye's void energy was like a thin film, wrapping the chaos of Hunyuan Tianzun. Facing this magical scene, the three of them became interested, so under Xin's guidance, the three of them joined in. Other attribute energies, The energy of void and chaos, which turned out to be very active, was now like a double eggplant, not participating in the reaction at all.

"Tianzun, try the limit of this film." After saying that, Xin poured his thick power of chaos into the cup. The cup immediately burst, but the energy of the void was still tenacious and tightly wrapped. This new power of chaos. Don't let the other party leak anything. It wasn't until Xin injected the power of chaos that was ten times more energy than the power of the void that he finally broke through this film.

This situation exceeded the expectations of the two peerless experts, but it was within Bai Ye's expectation, because in the game, Chaos is indeed ineffective against Void, but Void itself does not restrain Chaos.

After preliminary understanding of the mystery of voidness, the evaluation given by the two powerful men is: the offense and defense are outstanding, the energy generated when the attributes are reacted is huge, and it has a strong restraining effect on many attributes. The restraining effect of the reincarnation system is very strong, and it is a Noble Phantasm against emperors. It is also able to defend against Chaos without any damage. It is a drug that is born to block the power of chaos. In addition to being more afraid of the spiritual/spiritual system. Definitely the strongest single attribute.

"No wonder I have never seen a void elf. With such a dual collision of numerical values ​​and mechanisms, it should always be banned and not released." Xin couldn't help complaining. Before today, it was hard for him to imagine that an attribute could be so perfect. And he didn’t understand why the Holy Spirit had a strong restraining effect on the void, even though it was an attribute intertwined between the Holy Spirit and Chaos. , but chaos is almost ineffective against the void system. Isn't this too bullying?

Hunyuan Tianzun didn't think so much, and simply asked Bai Ye to help him draw a few S-level void skill stones, treating it as a surprise for Emperor Apocalypse. And the leftover bits and pieces left over from the experiment became snacks in the white night. It can be said that all three of them got what they wanted.

Xin came back to his senses, looked at Bai Yan and said: "Little guy, be careful. The attributes you possess are very precious. They can almost be used as a natural chaos blocker."

This is indeed the case. If Bai Ye only suppresses various other attributes, the void system can only be called an excellent attribute. But if it is added that chaos is ineffective, it will be quite unbelievable.

The reason why the Land of Chaos is difficult to give birth to is its extremely strong dependence and symbiosis. Generally, as long as an elf is exposed to the power of Chaos, it will be difficult to get rid of the influence of Chaos. Of course, it is precisely because of the power of chaos, which has extremely strong adsorption and symbiosis, that it has absorbed too many impurities, making the power of chaos itself a force equated with evil.

If you want to get rid of the land of chaos, you must first use willpower, and the second point is to see if your body is strong enough and can accept repeated baptism by the power of the Holy Spirit or the power of the gods. The former is suitable for koi that are not deeply poisoned by chaos and the purity of chaos is not high, while the latter purely depends on luck. All in all, the Force of Chaos is a pretty troublesome force.

But when the void energy appears, the terrifying, frightening chaos almost becomes a clown. According to the experimental conditions, as long as Bai Ye has enough energy, he can peel off the power of chaos without any harm, and the elves harmed by the power of chaos can also retain their original cultivation and attributes.

Of course, it needs to be pointed out that all of this is based on the same conditions. If you let Byakuya use skills like "God's Kiss of Savior" against Shinra or Sorenson now, all he will get is to be blown up. Ash.

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