Purcell: Lord of the Void

Chapter 320: Feiyou Qiyuan (2)

At this time, the five people in Changye Xinghe were traveling at a speed of 5 times the speed of light per second. The impact on their bodies was no less than the continuous Big Bang of the universe. The conditions of the five people were also different.

Bai Ye looked normal, and even had the leisure to appreciate the rapidly changing scenery around him. Huan Ling and Lubbock were also fine, one was writing a travel log, and the other was debugging equipment. But the situation of the Casper brothers and sisters was not very good.

Although with the help of Shinra, they could directly choose to cross the universe in their physical bodies, but Shinra did not guarantee comfort. Therefore, the faces of Casper and his sister were not very good, turning pale and blue, and Katona was still forcing herself to endure it. Casper had already vomited several times.

"We still have some time before we reach our destination, so I'd like to take this opportunity to briefly introduce the general situation of the universe we have arrived at - Feiyu. Cang Xing, please help me." Bai Ye said.

At the same time, a detailed three-dimensional map appeared in front of everyone. The markings on it were very detailed, even accurate to every village.

"First of all, Feiyu's history is not long. Although I don't know the specific process of its creation, according to my teacher and I's inference, this universe should be the legacy of the "rebellion commander" Wuji Xingwang in the previous reincarnation. So his giant star probably has a history of only about 10,000 years."

The Leida universe has two plague gods, Shinra and Shenghua, and the universe has been reopened countless times. On average, it has to be reopened every 8000 to 5 years. The current civilization is no more than 5000 years away from the last reopening.

Therefore, the reason why Zen Master’s existence is difficult for ordinary people to understand is not because of how powerful he is, but because of his vision of life, which has continued from the last reincarnation to this one.

However, the twin gods are both destroyers and creators. They are like accelerators of civilization. A large number of achievements of civilization are retained by them, so that after each cosmic cycle, they can quickly create and regenerate.

To use a very vivid metaphor, the entire universe is simply the super leeks of the two gods. Cut one crop and another will grow. Bai Ye paused and managed the topic within an appropriate scope.

"Of course this is not important. We are only going there to take over the world. That's all. You don't have to care too much about other things. Now let me give you a detailed introduction to the power division and operation logic within this universe."

"First of all, the creator of the universe died shortly after creating this universe. So this universe once went through a long period of darkness. This history is very vague, but the only thing that can be confirmed is that the dragon race, which was a loser in the main universe, seems to have developed well here.

It is difficult to estimate how long this war lasted, but the time of its end is reliable. It should be about 621 years ago that the various forces in the universe reached a compromise and established the Kingdom of Feiyu.

So this so-called kingdom does not actually have a single ruler, but is similar to a parliamentary mechanism. The central government is managed by an organization called the "Alliance". At the same time, the Alliance is also the nominal manager of the entire universe. The Alliance is mainly composed of three elders who make decisions and manage, and there are some additional departments. I won't go into details here.

Anyway, you just need to know that this thing is just a decoration. There is no standing army and you have to conscript soldiers on the spot when fighting a war.

In fact, the main power of the place is held by the lords. They are the real power holders in this universe and the existence we must pay attention to. Feiyu is also mainly divided into 4 areas.

Plando, Frost, Lilivis, and Bud. Each of the four places has a lord, and the lord's name is hereditary. The relationship between the central government and the local governments is only nominal. "

"As for the overall strength of their universe, it is difficult to judge, but generally speaking, it is far inferior to that of the Leda Universe. There is not even a strong person above level 90. So when necessary, you can use force without worrying too much. But please note that it is only necessary when necessary."

Just as Bai Ye was introducing the specific situation of Feiyu, an earth-shaking event was also happening in Feiyu's homeland.

The third elder Volgan was officially chosen by Jikongxuzu to be his agent, and accepted his gift of chaos, transforming from a simple mysterious fire system into a more powerful chaotic fire system.

"What a pleasant power. I feel full of strength now. Sir, please accept my greetings. I will follow your lead in the future." Volgan said excitedly, with a chaotic light flashing in his eyes.

This third elder was surprisingly compatible with the nature of chaos. He was able to control the power of chaos in a short period of time. Ji Kongxuzu thought to himself, "It seems that I am so heavy. I have released a sleeping beast."

Although the power of chaos is relatively peaceful, it also has the power to manipulate people's hearts. Being able to master it in such a short time proves that this third elder is definitely not a perfect master.

Finally, a few days before the group arrived at Feiyou, the Third Elder, with the support of Jikongxuzu, launched a military coup, sidelined the First Elder and the Second Elder, and monopolized the actual power of the alliance. He also began to study the overall power of chaos and the power of the oracle at all costs.

Moreover, he almost showed his cards to the four lords and expressed his intention to go to war, "Either surrender or die." Of course, the four lords did not take the other party's declaration of war seriously. They just regarded it as the first three fires of the new official. They symbolically sent a few people to the alliance headquarters to express their feelings.

"Don't be so impatient, young man. When we old comrades were roaming around, you were already playing in the mud."

However, Volgan was indeed nothing, and how could the Jikongxuzu behind him be an ordinary person? Soon, different changes occurred in the four regions. In Plando, the Gray Duke Organization, which had been suppressed to the point of dying, actually began to become active again. The public security situation deteriorated sharply, and the Morning Star Organization even split.

In Frost, a child born from the union of an ancient monster and a human walked out of the eternal black ice. He had an instinctive hatred for the current Frost, even though the child was still in a state of amnesia. At the same time, the various monsters that had been driven to the wasteland or fell into a deep sleep by Nan Shuang actually began to move again.

In Budd, the wife of Vincent, one of the Gem Knights, was inexplicably murdered. Even though Kitatori and the other two Gem Knights tried their best to investigate, they found nothing. Vincent lost trust in the official government. He decided to investigate alone to find the murderer who hurt his lover, and try to revive him with forbidden techniques.

In Lilivis, the originally rich and pure natural power was eroded by a large amount of pollution in a short period of time, and the speed was so fast that even ordinary residents could feel it. As the lord, Xiye could only go back to the pile of old papers and try to find a solution.

And in all these things, no one, no clues could point to the alliance. The four lords knew that these things must be related to the third elder, but they had no evidence and could only speak their pain in silence.

The reason for this is because of the Void Ancestor, who has an absolutely overwhelming strength. After regaining all his strength, he has the strength to compete head-on with the official members of the Hero Temple. His methods are beyond the imagination of these lords and elders.

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