Time Travel: Make a Choice Starting from Gundam SEED

Chapter 59 TRY-Intermediate Training Ground 4

After looking at his attribute panel, Xiao Ming once again used the intermediate difficulty of the intermediate training ground.

But this time I entered the cockpit of [Gundam RX-78-2].

Looking at the familiar cockpit in front of him, Xiao Ming wailed helplessly.

"Oh~!!! Can [Zeon] be used only in the beginner difficulty? You only used it once and then refused to let me use it. It's really cruel!"

"Huh!? Something's a little different?"

After complaining helplessly for a few words, I discovered a problem. My [Gundam] should be in the battleship's gnaku.

And looked at the various weapons and equipment of [Gundam] hanging on the side of Gnaku.

After Xiao Ming tried to take a beam rifle, he suddenly became enlightened.

"So that's it. Do you choose the weapons you use when attacking? This is very humane, not bad."

Adhering to the fine tradition of thieves not stealing..., no, it should be diligence and frugality, Xiao Ming took down all the weapons mounted on the wall of the Gnaku, and hung all the weapons that could be hung on the [Gundam].

A beam rifle hangs on the back of the waist, a Gundam meteor hammer hangs on the right waist, a super meteor hammer spear hangs on the left waist, a shield hangs on the back, and two super rocket launchers are carried on the shoulders.

As for the beam rifle, of course I chose the special beam rifle with a quad launcher mounted under the muzzle and capable of firing super napalm bombs.

Of course, I also took several pairs of ammunition clips for the beam rifle.

After all, the UC series beam rifle is different from the SEED series. It does not directly supply energy from the palm of the body, but uses ammunition clips to replenish ammunition.

This is true even for larger beam shooting weapons, as long as they are handheld.

The "Minovsky Ultra-small Nuclear Fusion Reactor", the power engine on the body with almost unlimited energy, was wasted.

It would be great if it were modified to be the same as the SEED series body.

I don’t know if I can still return to the battleship to resupply.

So Xiao Ming had to equip [Gundam] with all kinds of weapons and equipment. In case of a fight, the body's energy was not exhausted halfway, but the weapons and ammunition were exhausted first.

After choosing the weapon, Xiao Ming rushed out of the hangar and rushed towards the cosmic fortress "A Bawa Ku".

Along the way, one enemy plane fired one shell at a time, and the shells of the two super rocket launchers were quickly used up.

As for the two super rocket launchers, Xiao Ming also followed Amuro's example and threw them out to block bullets and turned them into smoke bombs.

Then he took out the Gundam Meteor Hammer, and while making a high-speed assault, he continued to swing the Meteor Hammer at high speed to sweep away the surrounding enemy aircraft.

After destroying dozens of enemy planes, the chain of the high-rise meteor hammer could no longer withstand the high-intensity rotation and dance, and broke on its own, allowing the hammer to fly out.

Xiao Mingcai switched to a beam rifle.

Then he continued to shoot at the remaining enemy planes.

After destroying most of the enemy planes, [Zeon] belatedly flew out.

"It's finally here, Char! But this time you have no legs, so you can't use Char's Flying Kick!"

As he said that, Xiao Ming ignored the other enemy aircraft and rushed towards the speeding [Zeon] while shooting.

However, MA's mobility in the universe is indeed not limited.

[The Zeon] flipped and moved sideways for a few times, and then easily dodged Xiao Ming's pursuit.

Instead, he fired the 5-link wire-controlled floating cannon on both hands, and used the MEGA particle cannon on his fingers to chase and intercept Xiao Ming.

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