Then Xiao Ming made [Thunder Heretic] teleport back to the Gnaku space without saying a word, without giving Fleur the slightest chance to prepare.

And when the universe picture on the monitor suddenly turned into a small Gnaku, she immediately looked at Xiao Ming in surprise.

"Huh!? We were clearly still in the universe just now, why all of a sudden am I here?"

"Fulei, let me give you a surprise gift next."

"Huh? A surprise gift? But no matter what it is, I like it as long as it's from you. Thank you, Sai, I like you the most."

Although Fleur didn't get anything yet, she was already excited and pounced on Xiao Ming in advance, hugging each other tightly across the space suit.

Xiao Ming could only pat her back gently and said comfortingly: "Well, close your eyes later and don't resist. If you hear something about whether you agree to the binding, just answer yes."

"Well, don't worry, I will do as you say."

Then after Fleur closed her eyes, Xiao Ming teleported her to an unbound co-pilot lounge.

Let this lounge be bound to her body.

Fleur's eyes widened in surprise after receiving the information and precautions in the first officer's lounge in her mind.

"It's really amazing!"

"Sai Yi, what is this? Is this the legendary system!?"

Looking at Freudo's reaction, it seems that he is also a person who is seriously obsessed with system novels, but he doesn't have to think about how to explain it.

The super multiple-choice question panel system with prizes is really good at predicting things.

Then, before Xiao Ming had time to answer anything, he accepted the prompt from the super multiple-choice question panel system. After binding Fleur, the host space expanded by 300 meters in diameter.

The interior expanded to a spherical space of more than 1300 meters.

And a message was also sent. Every time an ordinary passerby is bound, the diameter will increase by 100 meters, a special character will increase by 300 meters, an important plot character will increase by 500 meters, and the hero and heroine will increase by 1000 meters.

So Xiao Ming became even more convinced that Lux was the person who must be bound. After all, she was one of the two people who made the host space improve the most.

Although I just don’t know whether “Asuka Makoto” or “Luna Maria Hawk” counts.

As for Aslan, Cagalli and "Meiling Hawke", they are probably important characters in the plot.

But before Xiao Ming could continue thinking, Fleur's voice interrupted his thoughts.

"Hey, Sai, tell me what on earth is this?"

"Fulei, this is actually because I was selected by a transcendent being, and I am usually given some irresistible tasks. And this co-pilot lounge and my abilities are the rewards for completing the tasks."

"That's true! Isn't this the mission system in the novel that issues missions?"

But a woman's face is like the weather in June, it changes at any time. Just a moment ago, his eyes were shining with excitement, but the next second, his face looked worried.

"But Saiyi, if you don't complete the tasks issued by the system, will you... be wiped out?"

"Erase, this won't happen..."

"It won't be erased, that's good, that's good."

After hearing that she would not be wiped out if she failed to complete the task, Fleur patted her chest with a relaxed expression, and the waves started to surge.

However, Xiao Ming was afraid that she would interfere with his mission in the future, so he threatened and said: "But for some tasks, if you fail to complete them, you may die.

Even if you are not dead now, you may be led to death, so there is no such thing as being wiped out. "

"Oh~, that's true."

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