"Dip, drip, drip..."

As the sirens on the bridge of the Archangel rang rapidly.

Due to a shortage of manpower, the firing commander "Romel Parr", who was also responsible for radar monitoring part-time, reported to Malu nervously: "Captain, a large heat source was detected near the Archangel, and it is speculated to be the battleship engine. !The location is 200 kilometers away, yellow warning zone 33-17, mark 02-C..."

After he reported a series of coordinates, Mu said in surprise: "Didn't you expect that it is actually on the side of us? It is still heading in the same direction!"

Ma Liu also asked nervously: "Have we been discovered?"

"The parallel distance is still far away from us, and it is still catching up with our ship... It is presumed that the opponent is a Nazca class, and it should not have discovered us.

What about the location of the other Lorathia-class ship? "

After Natal's analysis, she immediately asked "Jackie Tenomula", another part-time intelligence controller and communications soldier on the side.

"There is a large heat source that is moving 300 kilometers directly behind this ship. It is inferred to be a Lorathia-class battleship!"

"What!? Right behind us?"

After getting Jackie's reply, the atmosphere on the bridge suddenly became tense.

Mu Ye changed his usual nonchalant demeanor and said seriously: "What a headache. If we continue like this, relying on inertia to drift, we will be overtaken by the Loracia class sooner or later. But if we turn on the engine to escape, we will be immediately overtaken by Nazca Turn around and catch up."

"Everyone is in the first combat position! Those with military status should take up their positions immediately."

When everyone was at a loss what to do, Malu decided to issue an enemy warning to the ship first. While preparing all personnel with military status for combat, civilians should also be prepared to defend against impact.

At the same time, Sai and Kira, who were resting with Thor and the others, were also called to the command room by the soldiers.

This also made Thor beside him as hot-headed as before. He pulled Mirialia and Kaz to the bridge together, preparing to become volunteers on the Archangel.

The euphemistic name not only allows Kira and Sai to fight, but they also have to do what they can to help the Archangel and everyone get through the difficulties together.

Fleur, who was left where she was, muttered in a depressed voice: "Oh, I'm alone again. I really want to leave here with Sai as soon as possible, so as not to be involved in the war again!"


Just when Xiao Ming and Kira had just walked out of the command room and were about to go to Gnaku to change their space suits, Thor and others led by communications soldier Chatela were halfway there.

Kira looked at Thor's military uniforms and asked with confusion: "Thor, what's wrong... Why are you dressed like this?"

"Hey, Kira, Sai. Didn't you say we were short of manpower before? So we also want to help with some work on the ship."

Seeing their innocent looks, Xiao Ming said helplessly: "It seems that you have put yourselves on the line for the two of us."

At this time, Kaz on the side also replied with a helpless smile: "There is no way, they said that if you want to enter the bridge to help, you have to wear this military uniform."

Seeing that the atmosphere had cooled down again, Thor could only stretch out his hand and tug on the chest of his volunteer uniform, and joked to liven up the atmosphere and said, "In terms of the appearance of the military uniform, the ZAFT uniform is more handsome."

"Well, that's right, ours doesn't even have a military medal. It's really low." Mirialia, who was on the side, nodded in agreement.

Seeing the couple's tacit understanding this time, Xiao Ming also smiled and nodded in agreement: "Yes, the uniforms of the Earth United are really too careless."

At this moment, Signal Soldier Chatra, who was a formal soldier on the side, couldn't stand listening anymore and scolded him with a serious face: "Okay, don't say these willful words. There is not much time for small talk, and we will need combat power soon." .”

"Okay, I understand, let's chat for a little while."

"Okay, I'll give you a little more time."

After getting Chatra's consent, Thor began to look serious and said to Kira: "After Sai is gone, we can't always let you fight alone. It's all up to you to protect us. We I also want to contribute to everyone’s safety.”

Mirialia also echoed: "Yes, after all, the situation is tense now, and we also want to do what we can."

Xiao Ming looked at them who were full of enthusiasm. Although he didn't want to pour cold water on them, he still deliberately reminded them: "But after becoming a soldier of the Earth United Army, you can't leave this battleship easily. If you leave without permission, , that means he is a deserter, and he will be sent to the Earth United Army military court."

"Hey~! How could this happen?"

Seeing Thor's confused look, Xiao Ming smiled and comforted him: "How about I go to your captain later and ask you for the volunteer army's discharge certificate.

In that case, you can leave safely once the ship is safe. "

"It turns out there is such a way, then I feel relieved."

"But wait until you get your discharge certificate. Remember, no matter what the circumstances, you must keep your discharge certificate. Otherwise, it will be difficult to explain clearly if something happens in the future."

"Well, don't worry, we will definitely pay attention."

After all, after the butterfly wings like him appeared, it was a question whether they would have a chance to escape safely from the Alaska base.

That's why Xiao Ming deliberately reminded them now that when they arrive in Orb, he can find an excuse to keep them here. This is the safest thing.

Otherwise, if your mind gets hot and you just end up like before, tearing up your discharge certificate, it will be difficult to stay.

At this time, Chatela on the side finally couldn't bear it any longer and reminded everyone again: "Okay, the time is almost up and the battle is about to begin."

"Okay, let's see you later."

"Well, see you later."

After Xiao Ming nodded, he patted Kira on the shoulder. "Okay, Kira, let's change into driving clothes too."

"Well, okay, okay."


the other side,

The first step was to disembark the ZAFT Army's [Nazca-class] high-speed battleship. After arriving near the Artemis base, no trace of the [Archangel] was found.

Moreover, the light wave shield of Artemis Base is also in a fully deployed state. Obviously [Archangel] does not have time to enter it.

So under Cruze's order, the [Nasca-class] high-speed battleship immediately turned around and returned to the original route.


And here [Archangel].

In the pilot locker room, Mu tried to persuade the reluctant Kira.

Even Xiao Ming could only help and say a few words, which made Kira, who looked unwilling, finally relax a little.

Mu, who took the first step, was still the same as before.

After driving the [Mebius Zero] to attack, he shut down the thruster engine, used the inertia and the scattered colonial satellite fragments as cover, and sneaked towards the [Nasca-class] high-speed battleship ahead.

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