HP: I’m working on redemption at Hogwarts

Chapter 165 The diary that cannot be destroyed

The door to the bathroom was pushed open with a creak, and a moist cold air rushed towards me. The condensed water droplets on the wall shone coldly under the dim light, like countless tiny teardrops. There were water stains on the tiled floor, and you could hear the slight sound of water stains being squeezed with every step you took.

The mirror was covered with a thin layer of fog, blurring everything in the mirror and only the outline was vaguely visible.

"Ah——" The frightened scream suddenly stopped, as if something had strangled his throat.

boom! With a sound, the blurry silhouette in the mirror quietly disappeared.

The faucet of the sink was still dripping with water, and the sound echoed in the empty bathroom, which seemed particularly clear and abrupt.


Astoria curled up in the corner of the bed like a frightened deer. She seemed to be dreaming again about the images and memories that the diary showed her. His hands were clasped tightly together, as if attracted by a magnet, while his eyes were staring in the direction of the bedside table as if frozen, with an indescribable emotion hidden in his eyes.

Finally, she sat up like a frightened bird, reached out and took out the plain black diary from the drawer. Opening the diary, there were a few lines of different handwriting written here and there, which were conversations between her and a senior named Tom Riddle.

"You did it, right?"

Astoria picked up a quill and hesitantly wrote a question on a blank page of her diary.

"Why do you think so?"

A row of neat black handwriting slowly appeared on the diary.

"It's not what I think, it's how you act..."

The expression on Astoria's face was almost wrinkled, and her lake-blue eyes were filled with uneasiness.

"To be honest, I'm a little scared..."

Astoria whispered softly...

This fear not only comes from this illusory memory, but also from the feeling of powerlessness that I am increasingly unable to control my body.

Even though Draco promised to protect her and stop the person who was not her, Astoria was still uneasy. This feeling like a curse lingering in her heart made her feel painful all the time...

"Leah, anyone can be afraid, but you can't. You are my only one."

Tom called her name and wrote touching and sincere words, but Astoria felt scared...

It's time to destroy this cursed diary


Second floor bathroom

This place that was usually dilapidated and old only seemed more eerie and terrifying at the moment. The cold tile floor reflected the faint light, and the water in the sink was dripping, which seemed particularly abrupt in this silent environment.

Standing in the middle of the bathroom, Astoria held the diary in her hand tightly, feeling the strange aura it exuded. She stared at the diary with distracted eyes, feeling that the ordinary rabbit paw pattern on the cover seemed to become twisted and weird at this moment.

"I know it!" The sharp female voice behind her drew Astoria's attention back. Immediately afterwards, her shoulders were pushed hard, and she hit the table by the pool awkwardly, groaning in pain.

"I knew the diary wouldn't disappear out of thin air." Ginny Weasley was standing angrily in front of Astoria with her hands on her hips. At this moment, the identity of Astoria's thief may be firmly established in her heart...

"You may have misunderstood..." Astoria rubbed the impacted skin on her lumbar spine, her eyelashes trembling slightly, and a trace of grievance and helplessness flashed under her eyes.

"Stop pretending to be pitiful, at least give me the things back!" Ginny's bright brown eyes flashed with a hint of softness, but only for a moment, she returned to her aggressive and unreasonable state.

Ginny said and reached out to grab it, but she didn't expect Astoria's hand holding the diary to move back and hide it behind her back.

"Sorry, you can't take it away."

"Are you crazy? Your safety is more important than the diary! Or maybe you have been brainwashed by that lunatic..."

If someone didn't know better, they might think that Ginny was threatening Astoria with harsh words. But Astoria sensed something wrong from her fierce words...

"You noticed it too, right?" Astoria's lake-blue eyes were filled with starlight, and she looked at Ginny with a burning gaze and some expectant emotions.

"I don't know what you're talking about!" Ginny turned away awkwardly, her orange hair falling down as she lowered her head, covering the dark and unclear emotions in her eyes.

"You know, we can destroy it together, we can get rid of its control." Astoria seemed to see hope, she reached out to brush away the broken hair from Ginny's face, brushed her fingers across her cheek, and said, Let go of the few tears that flowed down at an unknown time.

"I don't want to hurt others..." Ginny's voice gradually choked up, and she looked at Astoria aggrievedly with red eyes.

"I know it. You're an upright, kind girl, I've always known that."

"Can we do it?" Ginny rubbed Astoria's hand uneasily, looking a little nervous.

"As long as we firmly believe, we must try!" Astoria's eyes gradually became firm, and the two looked at each other, as if they found endless power in each other's eyes.

"Hey! Myrtle, maybe you know how to destroy this diary?"

"Diary, diary, why don't you burn it~" Myrtle flew out from the innermost compartment and floated around Astoria and Ginny, making a strange and weird tone from her mouth.

"If burning is enough, I would have succeeded long ago. I've tried tearing it up, burning it, and soaking it in water." Ginny complained dejectedly, staring at the haunted diary fiercely. Just feel bored.

"Maybe a spell, have you tried it?"

"...No, I don't dare to make too much noise in the lounge..."

"You can try those magic spells." Astoria said hesitantly, and the hand holding the wand did not move for a long time.

She turned her head and looked into Ginny's bright brown warm eyes, took a deep breath silently, and finally waved her wand.


The white light shone on the diary in the sink, but nothing changed. It was as if the curse just now was just something Astoria muttered casually.

"How is this possible?" Ginny couldn't believe it. She took out her wand from her sleeve and tried to point it at the diary and recite a spell.

"Incendio" (flame)

Still, the diary was burning in the scarlet fire, making crackling sounds, but the contents of the diary and even the black cover were still intact, as if there was an invisible protective cover.

They then tried many spells, ranging from the destruction spell they had never learned to the magic spell that deformed the diary, but there was no change.

"Enough! I've had enough!" Ginny paced back and forth anxiously, her long orange hair messy and messy. She frowned, stepped forward and threw the diary away as if she was angry.

"Ouch! What are you doing?!" Myrtle turned around angrily and touched Xianxianxian's back, as if she was really hurt by Ginny.

"Sorry, I didn't mean it." Ginny really didn't expect that the diary she threw out would pass through the transparent Myrtle ghost, which made her a little annoyed and a little irritated.

"No, I don't feel sorry for you. Everyone ignores me! Everyone doesn't take me seriously! Everyone hates me!"

Myrtle was also angry because of her long-standing grievances. Her screams were like sharp arrows, piercing the air and piercing people's eardrums, making people feel extremely uncomfortable. The screws of the pool were also loosened by her loud noise, and a steady stream of water poured out like a fountain.

"Uh!" Astoria and Ginny covered their ears in unison, frowning and bending over in discomfort.

"Find the diary!" Astoria repeated these words loudly, and then looked around for the missing diary.

Myrtle's voice was louder and harsher, as if it could pierce the eardrums of the girls at any time and make them faint.

"Someone is coming, leave first!" Hearing the footsteps outside, Ginny pulled Astoria's arm in panic, and led her out of the bathroom in a hurry like a frightened rabbit.

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