Sick beauty loses horse in thriller game

Chapter 94 Happy Community (End)

Because along with the movements of those hands, a large amount of blood flowed out from the suitcase, and the dazzling blood-red color covered the ground...

More and more blood was flowing out of the suitcase, and the gap between the zippers was getting wider and wider, and a black, round thing was poked out from inside...

Seeing this scene, Li Fu finally collapsed.

He was almost scared out of his mind!

"Ahh! Don't...please, don't...don't come out!"

However, the man in the suitcase was obviously unwilling to cooperate with Li Fu's command.

Or, from getting married to being killed and dismembered...she obeyed her whole life.

Now, she is dead and her enemy is right in front of her.

As the saying goes, if you can't bear it anymore, you don't need to bear it anymore.

At this moment, she is no longer willing to wrong herself and cooperate with others...

A large amount of blood, along with the long black hair soaked in blood, flowed from the partially opened zipper of the suitcase.

Immediately afterwards, a round head rolled out...

In the middle of the long black hair that was soaked in blood and stuck together, a pair of eyes suddenly opened!

The whites of the eyes are blood red.

Just like the day she was killed by him, her blood-red eyes were filled with anger, disappointment, heartbreak, pain, and deep, irresolvable hatred...

It was a head, a head that had been chopped off with a kitchen knife and separated from the body.

That terrifying head turned around in a circle, and finally locked on Li Fu...

The pair of severed, pale, blood-stained arms also emerged from the suitcase, and helped other body tissues to completely open the zipper of the suitcase...

Then the legs, the torso, these body structures that were chopped into pieces piece by piece by Li Fu, crawled out of the suitcase piece by piece, and appeared in front of Li Fu...

Li Fu was soon surrounded by these corpses, and then he collapsed on the ground and watched helplessly as the corpses moved slowly and spliced ​​into a woman's body...

A large amount of blood poured out from her torn body, and she was dressed in a fiery red dress...

That is burning blood, that is the fire of revenge...

The woman who had completed her body reorganization tapped her white toes gently on the ground and slowly rose into the air, overlooking Li Fu from a high position.

Suddenly, she turned her attention to her hands.

When she was still alive, in order to do housework, keep the home environment clean and tidy, and cook clean, delicious, healthy and nutritious meals for her husband, her hands and nails were always trimmed short, clean and round.

At this moment, the blood flowing on her fingertips quickly condensed into long sharp claws, as if she had given her hands a very special set of blood-red, sharp-edged manicures.

She lowered her head and glanced at her nails, then suddenly teleported to Li Fu's side and raised her sharp claws towards him...

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry... I was wrong. It's all me who's sorry for you! I... I shouldn't have cheated on you, I shouldn't have found a lover... I shouldn't have quarreled with you, I shouldn't have killed you, please let me go. Let me go...ahhh!"

The empty, blood-stained suitcase welcomed a new host and guest.

Compared with the time when it contained a thin woman, now the zippered suitcase has become bulging.

Because it contains a man who is 1.78 meters tall...

From being killed by the female ghost, to being dismembered by her, to being packed into a suitcase by her, Li Fu's consciousness has always remained clear.

He clearly felt the creeping fear and bone-crushing pain of being killed and dismembered!

What made him even more desperate was that it didn't end after he was packed into the suitcase!

After his head was stuffed into the suitcase, he felt that the scene around him changed instantly!

What he entered was not a suitcase, but a room.

Light green thick velvet curtains, beige carpets, leather sofas, spotless glass coffee tables...

This familiar and warm environment made Li Fu break out in cold sweat!

He returned to the home he was familiar with, back to the place where he killed his wife, dismembered her body and packed it into a suitcase...


The sound of someone opening the zipper from the inside sounded again...

A perfect, inescapable closed loop is formed...

In the copy of the game, in a desert country dominated by men, all the men who participated in the Happy Community Project fell into a coma at that moment.

They all entered a deep nightmare from which they could never escape and became vegetative people who relied on nutrient solutions to maintain their lives.

For the rest of their lives, they will have to pay the price for the crimes they have committed in an inescapable nightmare.

This endless, inescapable, horrific nightmare, and the pain they endured in it, even surpassed life imprisonment and the death penalty...

"Thank you!"

Mrs. Li, who was wearing a blood-red dress, suddenly raised her head, looked at the sky and said in the gloomy Happy Community.

"Thank you!"

"Thank you!"


Thank you one after another.

"Congratulations on receiving the thanks of 107 undead. The current merit value is 2590" the system prompts.

Jiang Lai, who finally finished everything and vented his anger for the poor dead women, arrived at the dock ferry with Miss Jin and Sister Hong, and boarded the ferry back to reality...

[Thorns Game global broadcast: Player 00009, player 4123151, and player 5010742 in China have cleared the special trial operation copy, happy community. This dungeon is a quasi-epic purgatory level dungeon with a difficulty level of four and a half stars. At present, this copy will be permanently closed in the Huaxia District. 】

[Thorns Game Global Report: The trial operation copy of Happy Community has been successfully run and has passed the testing phase. Coming soon to the world (except China). After this dungeon is officially launched, it will be an epic purgatory level dungeon. Players please be prepared. 】

When the bold fonts of these two game announcements appeared around the world, everyone, including players and non-players, went crazy!

"Oh my God! Boss 00009 actually cleared two dungeons in a row in one day!"

"Those upstairs, please be thorough when speaking! Those are clearly two copies of the epic purgatory level!"

Ahem, although one of them is a quasi-epic purgatory level copy in the trial operation stage.

"How magnificent! Brother Ninth will always be a god!"

"Thank you to Brother Jiu for clearing the Happy Community copy in advance, so that it can be offline before it is launched on the Chinese server."

"Thanks to Brother Ninth, now we no longer have to worry about whether we will get the copy of Happy Community!"

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