Sick beauty loses horse in thriller game

Chapter 86 Happy Community 18

Early the next morning, Sister Hong arrived at Jiang Lai's house on time.

"Hey, sister, it's early enough for you! Is it okay to call me over so early in the morning?" Sister Hong asked.

As she asked, she raised her eyes and looked around Jiang Lai's house. She did not see Mr. Fang appear, so she asked curiously, "Where is your husband? Why didn't you see him? Could it be that you killed him?" Bar?"

"He is not my husband." Jiang Lai shrugged and reiterated.

"You may not believe it, but I didn't kill him, but he killed his wife," Jiang Lai said.

What happened last night was at best a cleanup of junk data.

"Huh? What does this mean?" Sister Hong noticed something unusual and quickly raised her eyebrows and asked.

"The man in your family probably did the same thing, that is...killed his wife." Jiang Lai said: "Time is tight, let's talk while eating breakfast. After eating, we can just drive that guy's car , leave here and go outside to have a look."

"Ah, okay. But I still want to ask, where is your cheap husband? Will he really not show up and affect our actions?"

I haven’t seen Mr. Fang for so long. Could it be that he was really killed by Jiang Lai?

Isn't she afraid of violating the taboo of death by doing this?

"No. The kid ate him."

It's probably all digested now.

Speaking of which, she had to find a way to save more food rations for Jixiang.

If not, let the little guy eat a few more runaway husbands.

But not everyone has her ability to make their husbands so angry that they go berserk and reveal their true colors and turn into monsters.

Thinking of this, a proud smile appeared on her face.

"Child?!" Sister Hong was surprised.

What kind of child can eat the male owner of a villa? !

When Sister Hong was surprised, she happened to see the proud smile on Jiang Lai's face.

Sister Hong:......


There are a lot of strange things in the game copy, and there are also a lot of weirdos.

Today she saw a child who could eat a grown man, and a mother who was proud of the child...

While having breakfast, Jiang Lai told Sister Hong what Mr. Fang revealed last night and some of her own reasoning.

"We don't have much time now. Let's go check on Miss Wu first, and then drive outside to investigate."

If Mr. Fang is just a bunch of data, when his body wakes up, he will probably take some measures to investigate himself who is still in the game.

Therefore, there is not much time left for her.

Sister Hong drove Mr. Fang's supercar, and Jiang Lai sat in the passenger seat. The two went to the hospital first, picked up some supplements, and visited as Miss Wu's friends.

They met Miss Wu's husband first.

According to this man, Miss Wu fainted at home because of weight loss and malnutrition, and was rushed to the hospital for treatment...

When Jiang Lai and Sister Hong went to see Miss Wu, she acted at a loss, as if she had never seen Jiang Lai and Sister Hong before.

Furthermore, she fully agreed with her husband's description of her illness and its causes.

The two of them did not get any valuable clues from Miss Wu.

The only information obtained is that after some special "treatment", Miss Wu has completely forgotten her identity as a player...

Although Jiang Lai couldn't see anything, he couldn't make eye contact with Sister Hong. After seeing Miss Wu's situation, the two reached a consensus on one point.

That kind of treatment is dangerous!

They would rather die than receive such treatment.

Otherwise, they will become Miss Wu, become Xiaodie, and stay in this copy forever...

"Let's go, let's go take a look outside the desert now." Sister Hong said. Sitting on the driver's seat of the supercar, she turned her face, looked at Jiang Lai, and gave her a curved smile, "Sit tight, sister, my sister's driving skills It goes well with supercars!”

While she was talking, she stepped on the accelerator, and the car sped out with a whoosh...

After all, they had gone to the hospital before, and when they set off, they were still a little late, falling behind the husbands who were driving luxury cars and rushing to "go to work."

With Sister Hong’s skills, it’s not a big problem to surpass those people.

However, after discussing it, the two of them followed the other luxury cars at a close distance.

They followed other luxury cars and spent about an hour crossing the road in the middle of the desert.

At the end of the road, they only saw a round glass building...

Apart from that building, there was nothing else in the vast expanse of desert.

Originally, the two women thought that this circular building was where the husbands in the community worked.

However, when the luxury car in front passed by there, it did not stop, but continued to drive forward!

Then, a strange scene happened before their eyes!

I saw one luxury car after another, as if passing through an invisible barrier, with streaks of electric light flashing on the car body, and then, the car and the people disappeared!

"Ah, what's going on?! Sister, do we want to follow and have a look?" Sister Hong asked.

"Don't do this!" Jiang Lai hurriedly stopped him: "We are different from those men!"

It’s not just the difference between players and NPCs.

The most critical question is...

What Mr. Fang said yesterday revealed a message.

The wife in the Happy Community, at least as Jiang Lai, is already dead in the real world in this copy.

She is just a bunch of data.

She guessed that once she left the Happy Community, data like hers would likely dissipate, and the game would be directly judged as a failure.

She estimated that the situation between Sister Hong and other players, and even other women in the Happy Community, was almost the same...

And this is also a pit that the Thorns game, which has always been vicious in its tactics, digs for players, a disgusting pit that can dominate the player's life and death!

After she told Sister Hong her guess, Sister Hong couldn't help but change her face.

"Oh God! This is so dangerous... Fortunately, you are here... I said I would protect you before, but I didn't expect that the real situation is that I am being protected by you..."

"Are you ready? We are going to investigate the domed building. It will be very dangerous there." Jiang Lai said.

As they approached the building, she had already received Xiao Ai's reminder.

"Please note that you are close to the danger zone! According to the evaluation of the actuary's eyes, the risk level of this area is five stars!"

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