Sick beauty loses horse in thriller game

Chapter 46 Longevity Sanatorium 12

The security guard opened his mouth in surprise.

"Isn't it?! This broken door is really broken!"


As soon as Jiang Lai walked around the complex, he saw flashlights shining randomly in the garden.

Along with the light from the flashlight, there were shouts.

"Stop, don't run!"

Not long after, Jiang Lai, with the help of Xiao Ai, learned what happened.

A fat man with nimble movements, with legs as thick as hams, climbed over a railing neatly and ran towards him!

Just when the fat man attracted the attention of the medical staff patrolling outside, his companion walked out of his hiding place and ran into the inpatient building...

Xiao Ai estimated the price of the pair of glasses worth 500 yuan that the man was wearing, and also let Jiang Lai know the identity of the man, Duan Wu.

Jiang Lai squinted his eyes and glanced towards the door of the hospital building. When the fat man ran over, he covered his mouth with his right hand, dragged the fat man into the nearby woods, and took out the assassin perfume with his left hand. , sprayed twice towards the fat man, covering his body weighing more than two hundred kilograms...

Suddenly he was pulled into the woods by a strong force, and his mouth was covered by a pair of thin and cold hands that were aware of it, but he couldn't see anything, which made the fat man feel very panicked.

He subconsciously wanted to struggle, but was dragged deeper into the woods by the irresistible force.

Jiang Lai took the fat man and squatted down in the grass deep in the grove, avoiding the medical staff who were patrolling at night.

In order to prevent the disobedient fat man from continuing to struggle and waste his energy, Jiang Lai thought for a moment, lowered his voice, and said in the fat man's ear: "Don't move!"

"I sprayed an invisible potion on you. As long as you don't move, those people won't notice... They can see the trembling of the grass blades and branches and find our location."

Hearing this somewhat familiar voice, Fatty guessed in his heart that he was lucky enough to meet a good person and be rescued by other players, so he stopped struggling.

The medical staff responsible for the night patrol searched the garden, took flashlights and looked at the woods behind, but found no trace of any disturbance.

Because the weather was dry during this period, there were no footprints on the ground.

There was no trace of the person who ran away.

The NPCs held their flashlights and waved them left and right for a long time with no results, so they had no choice but to leave while cursing.

Ten minutes after those people left, Jiang Lai let go of the fat man. .

"Fat man, I like you very much! Can you lend me your eyes..."

Jiang Lai discussed with him in a low voice in Fatty's ear.

In order to prevent the fat man from being afraid, she deliberately kept her voice very soft, like a breeze blowing through the treetops at night.

Hearing Jiang Lai's lowered words, Fatty was so frightened that he almost screamed loudly.

He thought about the patrolling NPCs, covered his mouth tightly, turned around, and looked deep into the dark woods.

At first, he thought the player might be the one who saved him.

But now... when he heard the other party's whisper, which was like blowing cold wind, he was almost scared to tears!

Isn't the person who saved me just now not the goblin in the woods? !

" eyes don't taste good...I...don't eat me!" the fat man whispered quickly.

Jiang Lai twitched the corner of his mouth when he heard the fat man's voice about to cry.

"Why should I eat your eyeballs?! I don't eat everything!"

How can you eat randomly when you are out? ! Who is responsible for the bad food?

She sighed helplessly.

"I just have inconvenient eyesight, and I want to talk to you about cooperation. What do you want?"

"Didn't you help me when I boarded the ferry boat before?"

After hearing this, the fat man was stunned.

"Come on, miss, is it you?!"

He never expected that Miss Lai, who had poor eyesight, would be so bold as to go out alone late at night!

She just saved herself!

"Ah, it's not just me!" Jiang Lai shrugged.

"So, do you agree to cooperate with me? Don't worry, if you cooperate with me, I will try my best to ensure your safety in the game and let you leave the game alive."

After hearing this, the fat man became obviously excited.


"Of course it's true. Ah, by the way, have you ever taken the medicine that the doctor sent specially at 7:30 in the evening?" Jiang Lai asked.

If you just drank "mountain spring water" and ate "medicinal food", then it wouldn't be a big problem.

If the seed is swallowed into the stomach, it will be a bit hanging.

"Ah, no. Speaking of which, I would like to thank Brother Duan Wu for his help..."

When the doctor delivered the medicine to the fat man, Duan Wu came out to make a mistake and took the "medicine" from the doctor's hand.

After the doctor left, Duan Wu entered Fatty's room, and the two began to plot their cooperation at night.

"Really? Remember, no matter what you do in the game, there are two things you absolutely cannot do. The first is, you cannot take that kind of medicine."

"Um, come on, Miss, is that medicine...poisonous?"

"Worse than poison."

As Jiang Lai spoke, he moved closer and lowered his voice: "That's not medicine at all, but a seed. If you swallow it, a big cabbage might grow on your head... …”

A big cabbage growing out of your head? !

The fat man imagined that scene and couldn't help but trembled all over, his fat face wrinkled up.

"Oh my God! This is terrible!"

He doesn't want cabbage growing on his head!

"Isn't it scary? Even if you eat the food here and drink the water here, it won't be a big problem. But those seeds are really inedible."

Their function is to add nutrients to the seed and encourage it to germinate.

If there are no seeds and you just eat and drink those things, it is probably not a big problem.

However, "mountain spring water" and "medicinal diet" are only auxiliary.

The most important thing is that there are living humans.

The human body is probably not only a container for cultivating seeds, but also the soil for seeds to take root and germinate.

"Ah, of course, you can look at me before you eat or drink food. I said you can eat it, which proves that the food is relatively safe."

She couldn't guarantee that in the later stages of the game, the ingredients in those medicinal meals and mountain spring water would still only contain plant extracts.


Come on, Miss, you said, I will act based on your eyes, are you serious? !

"So... what's the second thing you can't do?" the fat man asked tremblingly.

"Never give an infusion. Whether the medical staff determines that you need an infusion or you really feel unwell, you must never give it an infusion."

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