Sick beauty loses horse in thriller game

Chapter 31 Orange Blossom Town (End)

There was only a muffled bang, and Princess Mary lay on her back on the floor.

Under her skirt, black viscous liquid flowed from the break of her legs...

Princess Mary completely lost her balance.

Even if her black magic is helping her recover quickly, it will be difficult for her to stand up again in a short time.

This provided an opportunity for Jiang Lai.

She quickly snatched the book "The Witch's Secret Perfume" and the bottle of blood-red perfume called True Love from Princess Mary. She walked backwards and quickly distanced herself from Princess Mary.

"Ahhh! Give it back to me, give it back to me!"

Princess Mary, who had lost her legs, seemed to have lost the most precious thing. She completely gave up reciting the magic spell and screamed in a shrill voice while crawling towards Jiang Lai, trying to catch her.

There were two long, black tar-like marks left on the wounds on her legs.

But Jiang Lai would not give Princess Mary a chance, and took advantage of his quick movements to get farther and farther away from Princess Mary.

Princess Mary saw Jiang Lai holding the two most important things getting further and further away from her, with a ruthless look in her scarlet eyes, and shouted a black magic spell at the top of her lungs.

"Be careful! The BOSS opposite you is amplifying his moves! The risk level of the current scene is super five-star!"

Because of Xiao Ai's reminder, Jiang Lai, who could not see, instantly became alert.

Among the four magic circles, the white one instantly emitted a dazzling white light.

The white light was so intense that Jiang Lai, whose eyes only had a faint sense of light, felt something. He could barely see clearly that Princess Mary's figure disappeared without a trace from her eyes!

It turns out that the white magic circle is used for invisibility.

Now that the BOSS has become invisible, the next step will definitely come towards him!

Jiang Lai didn't hesitate at all and threw a bomb she got from Axun's body.

She doesn't understand black magic. There is no time now to look through the book "The Witch's Secret Perfume" and use magic to defeat magic.

What's more, her eyes couldn't see the words on the book at all.

Unless Xiao Ai helps her turn that book into an audiobook.

In this case, she can only use physics to defeat magic.

Only a loud bang was heard, and the white magic circle was blown up.


The invisible Princess Mary spat out a mouthful of thick black liquid.

However, her hidden figure was not revealed.

She glanced at the last red magic circle.

As long as the magic circle is not destroyed, she still has a chance to make a comeback.

The next moment, her eyes showed shock and panic.


Just when the magic circle started to operate and the light on it changed from red to blood red, the sound of explosion suddenly sounded.

Because... Jiang Lai did not hesitate to take out the last bomb she bought from Axun for zero yuan and threw it at the last magic circle.

She was not interested in studying what kind of magic that magic circle could release.

It is better to take action now and nip the risk in the bud.

"No! dare you!" Princess Mary screamed: "Kill you...I'm going to kill you!"

Although somewhat underdeveloped, she has now grown new legs.

Just like the young girls whose feet she had chopped off and made into whale blubber mummies, there were no feet under her legs, but two cylinders made of solidified black tar.

Although Princess Mary was invisible at the moment, it had little impact on Jiang Lai, who was originally invisible.

She had already heard Princess Mary's extremely angry voice, and also felt the strong wind that Princess Mary brought when she rushed toward her.

Jiang Lai dodged to the side and turned his wrist.


There was a long wound on Princess Mary's side with black tar flowing outward.

Probably because she suffered a big loss due to this reckless attack, Princess Mary began to become cautious.

Because after that attack, Jiang Lai didn't sense Princess Mary's movements for a long time, nor did he catch any breath.

But she knew that Princess Mary must have used that kind of invisible perfume. Like a lurking poisonous snake, she was spying on her in the dark. She could never tell when it would suddenly jump out and bite off a piece of flesh from her body. …

But she must not sit still and wait for death.

Because the longer she delays, the better Princess Mary can use black magic to recover, and even reach her state of complete victory.

Like Princess Mary, she is also waiting for an opportunity...

When he felt a strong wind blowing towards his face, Jiang Lai curled his lips, stood still, and threw a bottle of stuff out...

Seeing a red light flash past her side, Princess Mary actually gave up on Jiang Lai, who was so close at hand, and chased the bottle in the direction of its flight, hoping to catch the bottle before it hit the ground.

Finding that his plan was successful, Jiang Lai slightly curved his lower lip.

The thing she threw out was the bottle of red perfume, True Love, that fell from Princess Mary.

When Princess Mary used her fastest speed to reach the bottom of the bottle of perfume...


Another red light flew quickly. It was another bottle of perfume, red poison, that Jiang Lai aimed at the true love perfume that was about to be touched by Princess Mary and threw it with all his strength.

There was only a crisp sound as the two bottles of perfume collided hard!

The perfume bottles made of transparent crystal glass shattered when they collided with each other, sprinkling the broken glass shards and the two mixed perfumes all over Princess Mary's body.


Another cold light flashed through.

Jiang Lai threw out the last scalpel she bought for zero yuan from Ike Harit.

The goal this time is...

A rope tied to an iron ring nailed to the wall.

On the other end of the rope is a large chandelier that can be lifted and lowered manually with candles burning on it...

There was just a bang, and Princess Mary, who was covered in perfume, suddenly turned into a blazing fire!

The tar inside her body formed under the influence of black magic made her an excellent flammable product that was consistent on the inside and outside.


Princess Mary could no longer maintain her invisibility.

She screamed and fell to the ground, rolling around, trying to put out the flames on her body.

But it has no effect at all.

Listening to the crackling sound of the blazing flames, Jiang Lai silently took a few steps back.

She had never thought of killing Princess Mary simply by using the perfume she refined with black witchcraft.

Her initial plan was to use flames to restrain her...

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