Sick beauty loses horse in thriller game

Chapter 24 Orange Blossom Town 24

Emma rushed towards Jiang Lai. Jiang Lai seemed to be stunned and stood motionless.

Her body even began to shake slightly uncontrollably, perfectly interpreting the image of a frightened, frail little blind girl.

"How did you get here? Are there your companions upstairs, right?" Miss Emma asked.

Based on the state Jiang Lai showed, Miss Emma could never have imagined that she was a lone warrior who went deep into the tiger's den alone.

Of course, Miss Emma would not know that this hidden lone brave man had been prepared in advance when he rushed towards her.

Just when Miss Emma was only one meter away from Jiang Lai and raised her arm to hold the perfume bottle, Jiang Lai suddenly held his breath and took out a bottle of perfume, moving towards Emma. The lady squirted twice!

At that moment, the relationship between the weak blind girl and the cruel murderer Miss Emma, ​​who had the blood of countless people on her hands, was reversed.

After Jiang Lai finished spraying the perfume, the bottle of perfume in her hand was quickly put into the toolbar as if by magic.

She took out a handkerchief, covered her mouth and nose, and took several steps backward very quickly to distance herself from Miss Emma.

Jiang Lai's series of operations not only shocked Miss Emma, ​​but also made him subconsciously inhale a lot of Jiang Lai's perfume out of surprise.

When he reacted, his mind had already begun to become confused.

The last thought that came to his mind was...

damn it!

The handkerchief Jiang Lai used to cover his mouth and nose seemed to be the one he lost in the villa!

Emma felt her mind becoming more and more confused.

At this time, he heard a very bewitching voice.

"Say your real name." Jiang Lai gave the order to Emma after using the mantra of tears.

"My real name...I am..."

Emma's face showed a twisted and struggling look.

It seemed that just saying his own name made him feel scared and apprehensive.

However, the effects of the props rewarded by the system are very powerful.

Emma only persisted for a short moment and then said: "Ike name is, Ike Harriet!"

Jiang Lai: Σ(っ°Д°;)っ

Who would have thought that Miss Emma, ​​who has always appeared as a delicate woman and is considered a beautiful young perfumer by the residents of the entire Orange Blossom Town, is actually a man!

Still a man who was born at least 150 years ago!

What makes Jiang Lai even more disgusted is that this man disguised as a woman not only murdered countless young women, players and town NPCs, but also... went too far and stayed in the same room with her as a woman for two nights. !


"Where did you learn the method of using young women's body tissues and collected body fragrance?" Jiang Lai continued to torture.

"Are you talking about making incense? That is a magical skill that only gods possess. How can a mortal like me, who is as humble as an ant, deserve to master that skill!"

"So... who is the person who killed women to make incense in Orange Blossom Town?"

Although Jiang Lai asked this, he had already guessed the answer in his heart.

But she needs to know what's going on behind the scenes and more useful information.

"It's my mother, Princess Mary!"

Emma, ​​no, I should say, said Count Ekharrit.

The admiration in his voice was beyond words, like a surging river, continuous, like the overflowing Yellow River, which could not be controlled at once.

Listening to what Aike Harit said, Jiang Lai couldn't help but twitch the corner of his mouth.

What's there to admire about a perverted murderer who uses young women's bodies as spices?

Sure enough, the mother is a crazy person and the child's mind is not normal either.

This is not only due to genetic factors, but also due to acquired influence, training and education.

"Where did your mother learn such cruel incense-making techniques?"

"Mother... owns a sacred book given to her by the Lord God. She learned all her incense-making techniques from that sacred book..."

Jiang Lai:......

Three views shattered!

How could such a murderous thing be some kind of divine book!

Not bad for witchcraft!

"Where is that book?"

"I don't know...where can a mortal like me see the divine book gifted by the Lord God?"

Akharit replied in a humble but yearning tone.

It was as if he desperately longed for that book, but felt that for a humble person like himself, even taking a glance at it was disrespectful to that divine book.

"Is it your mother's intention for you to dress up as a woman?"

"! I'm not a man! I hate smelly men! Ahh! Why am I not a sweet-smelling girl!"

"Tell me where your mother is?" Jiang Lai asked.

If she guessed correctly, Ekharit's mother, Princess Mary, the real incense maker, was the big boss behind the game Orange Blossom Town.

Jiang Lai didn't expect that the question she asked, why Aikharit disguised himself as a man, actually stimulated him so much that he couldn't listen to other questions at all, he just kept repeating them. He hated himself so much. ! Why am I not a fragrant girl?

Ekharit seemed to have suddenly gone crazy. Tang Monk chattered endlessly like chanting sutras, which made Jiang Lai frown. He simply pulled out his sword and opened the heart of Ekharit, which had lost its use value. It was heartbreaking, ending his sinful life controlled by his mother, with blood on his hands.

When Aike Harit's body fell into a pool of blood, Jiang Lai breathed a sigh of relief.

She felt that the whole world suddenly became quiet.


She knelt down and quickly groped and inspected Akharit's body, discovering several perfumes with different effects and three sharp scalpels that he carried with him.

Jiang Lai unceremoniously put all the loot into his pocket.

The three perfumes are poppy flower perfume that has a hallucinogenic effect, datura flower perfume that can make people fall into coma, and a bottle of poisonous perfume that can kill people invisible.

The name of that dangerous perfume is very straightforward, it's called Red Poison.

Jiang Lai also did not let go of Axun's equipment that was already in a box.

She found a few props and took those two props into her bag without any ceremony.

At this time, she heard the sound of the system.

"Congratulations, you have obtained 300% of the clues. The second stage of talent skill divination, deduction (consuming merit points), has been automatically activated. Would you like to perform deduction now?"

Jiang Lai chose no directly without hesitation...

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