Hunter: Start with a prison

Chapter 457 Leaving x smashing x detonating

Leaving the red earth area, Lien once again went deep into the dense forest.

In the old Warcraft's memory, this dense forest is almost endless.

A long time ago, their ancestors were near human territory, and the two races supported each other.

But after the human race was occupied by gold and silver ingots, the Warcraft clan also moved away.

Today's red earth territory is a safe place that the Warcraft clan has spent countless lives trying to find.

The old monster only knew that the ancient city was within this forest, but it had no way of knowing its specific location.

After countless years of exploration, the Warcraft clan has only explored a small part of the forest.

The reason for this is that none of the tribesmen who explored deeper can return safely.

In the end, it is stipulated within the ethnic group to maintain the existing resource area and steadily develop its own strength.

Lake Mobius on the other side of the sea is their final destination.

And Lien has no intention of continuing to explore and is ready to complete his fundamental purpose of coming to the Dark Continent.

The various rare ingredients that exist in the inner circle are the most valuable things to him.

As for the Warcraft clan living here, he has no intention of annihilating them now.

Currently, Rean is alone in the Dark Continent.

It is a thankless act to deal with an entire group of monsters by one person.

Even if he wiped out the entire Warcraft clan, he would end up injuring a thousand enemies and losing eight hundred to himself in the end.

In this kind of battle between ethnic groups, Li En believed that the two bastards Jin Fulisi and Biyande must not be allowed to sit back and enjoy the results.

But Lien didn't do nothing. Before leaving, he handed the controlled monster a rose.

If that rose can be detonated, it will not only eliminate a powerful enemy for mankind, but also save him some obstacles.

Now, Lien cannot determine the location of the ancient city at all.

The only favorable direction is to head towards the extremely dangerous inner circle.

He didn't have any other thoughts. After hunting enough S-class ingredients, he returned to the human world.

As Lien headed towards the transition zone between the outer and inner circles, the Warcraft controlled by him also began to take action.

In a house where the Warcraft tribe resides.

The wolf-shaped monster took out a barren rose from its clothes.


With a violent swing, Qiangwei was thrown to the ground by the wolf-shaped monster.

Qiangwei was hit hard, and the safety was instantly bounced off after being shaken.

Under normal circumstances, the barren rose will explode instantly, and its power is powerful enough to destroy the Warcraft clan.

It's a pity that Barren Rose didn't react at all after flipping the safety, like a piece of scrap metal.

However, the wolf-shaped monster was instructed to smash the barren rose with all its strength.

This means that the wolf-shaped monster will never give up until it smashes the barren rose into slag.


"Bang! Bang! Bang!"


Under the constant smashing of the wolf-shaped monster, the appearance of Barren Rose began to deform.

The ground composed of stones also became shattered under the impact.

Finally, the sound coming from the Warcraft House attracted some Warcraft to wander outside the door.

"What's going on inside?"

"Are you going crazy if you're afraid?"

"Do you think it got anything good?"

"How about we go in and take a look?"


The monsters outside started chirping.

I have no idea what kind of dangerous operations the monsters inside are performing.

Inside the cabin.

The wolf-shaped monster was still minding its own business, smashing the barren roses.

He didn't pay any attention to the situation coming from the outside world.

Until a lion-headed monster noticed something unusual in the house and was about to come in to check.

The wolf-shaped monster had already begun to use its mental energy, wrapping its energy around the barren rose, and smashing it down hard.

The moment the lion-headed monster opened the door, the barren rose had already fallen to the ground.


Lien, who was far away in the jungle, looked at the mushroom cloud in the distance in disbelief.

There was a hint of surprise in his heart as he watched this scene from a distance.

A mushroom cloud stands in the distance after the explosion.

The moment Li En saw the distant scene, he already understood what was going on.

The person who can cause this situation to occur and is located in the lair of Warcraft must be Barren Rose.

But how it could detonate in an environment like the Dark Continent, Lien had no idea.

As for what happened in the middle that led to such a result, Lien didn't know the reason.

But this is extremely good news for Lean.

The explosion of the Barren Rose in the lair of Warcraft proves that technology is available in the Dark Continent.

Even Lien's guess about v5 must have known about this result for a long time.

That's why they spare no effort to develop technological weapons in an attempt to pose a certain threat to the Dark Continent.

After the Barren Rose detonated, the powerful impact bombarded the Warcraft station into a big crater.

Countless monsters were directly vaporized and turned into corpses.

But among these monsters, there are a few exceptions.

Those creatures that survived were the ancestors of the Warcraft clan, old monsters that had lived for who knows how many years.

The moment the Barren Rose detonated, they had already sensed the danger coming.

With the thought energy protecting his whole body, he ensured his own survival at the minimum cost.

Seeing that the station had turned into dust, they immediately took action to search for survivors.

Feeling the power of the explosion personally, those Warcraft masters had deep doubts.

I speculated in my heart that it was probably a descendant of Warcraft who had touched a huge taboo.

When they saw the scene of no survivors in front of them, they felt deeply powerless.

The countless years of accumulation of the Warcraft clan were completely wiped out.

Not only is there no hope of invading the human world now, but the number of Warcraft surviving has dropped to single digits.

These extremely powerful monsters feel the state of their bodies while searching for traces of survivors.

It felt like swallowing lava on a very hot summer day.

Their bodies began to decay, and eventually they gradually lost consciousness with regretful eyes.

If Lien were here, he would definitely understand the meaning of their eyes.

They died in such an unclear manner, and they were unwilling to let them die in peace with all kinds of reluctance.

But it was too late, after the explosion of Barren Rose.

The animals and plants within this area have been contaminated by viruses and radiation.

Looking at the mushroom cloud gradually dissipating in the distance, a smile appeared on the corner of Li En's mouth.

For him, how the Warcraft detonated the rose was not the most important question.

The important thing is that this weapon of mass destruction can be detonated in the Dark Continent.

That means his biggest trump card, the Barren Rose, can come into play.

While he was secretly pleased with himself, Lien did not continue to explore.

Instead, it continues to accelerate towards the transition zone between the outer circle and the inner circle.

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