Hunter: Start with a prison

Chapter 409 Succeed x giant snake x desert

The wandering snakes clung to the knife lock and ran toward Lien at extremely fast speeds.

However, Lien just looked at everything in front of him indifferently, showing no urgency at all.

The next second, Lien began to shake the knife lock from side to side, and a large number of black snakes began to fall.

The black snakes fell like raindrops. Lien felt the gradually increasing pulling force of the snakes and could not help but frown slightly.

At first glance, in this situation, a war of attrition is a very unfavorable behavior for him.

The best way is to kill the little snake as soon as possible and stay away from this place of right and wrong.

Suddenly, the little golden snake that was at the center of the tug-of-war between the two parties spat out a mouthful of golden blood.

The moment the blood dripped, a large number of black snakes seemed to be ignited with anger.

When Lien saw this scene, he didn't know whether this was the little snake's method.

Use your own blood to make the snakes riot.

Or as the center point, it cannot bear the force of pulling, causing blood to vomit from the mouth.

No matter which of the above situations occurs, it is not good news for Lean.

Because of the pulling force of the snakes, they became even more violent.

If you see the consumption continue, you will be in a disadvantageous situation.

While maintaining the balance of power with all his strength, Lien summoned a large number of "Prisoners!"

As the jailers continued to fall, countless high-explosive bombs were detonated.

"Boom! Boom!"


As the bomb detonated, a large number of black snakes in the snake group were blown to pieces.

Even most of the black snakes were blown up and flew up all over the sky.

In an instant, the pulling force in Lien's hand decreased, and he felt that it was time to start exerting force!

"come over!"

With a thought in his mind, Li En tugged hard with his right hand.

The palm of his left hand was holding a knife, which condensed a large amount of thought energy and turned into a sword light to slash at the head of the golden snake.


With Lean's perfect cooperation, the little snake turned into a corpse and successfully pulled it to Lean.

Seeing that his goal had been achieved, Lien directly put the golden snake into the storage room.

Ignoring the crazy black snake on the ground, he was ready to leave here immediately.

At this time, as the black snake continued to riot, the ground on the plain began to tremble continuously!

"has a problem!"

With a bad premonition in his heart, Li En paid the price of burning his mind energy.

Improve Xiaobai's "flying" skill to its ultimate level.

In an instant, Lien turned into a stream of light and flew hundreds of meters away.

Maintaining a super high flying speed, Lien turned his head and looked back.

He was so surprised and speechless by the sight in front of him.

The ground cracked into countless pieces, and a huge black head slowly rose.

As if aware of the current situation, a pair of cold eyes stared at Lien.

Feeling the sight of the giant snake, a chill spread in Li En's heart.

He knew very clearly that this giant snake must be the leader of the snake group.

That little golden snake should be a special individual of a ethnic group.

At this moment, Lien was about 5 kilometers away from the giant snake.

As the thought energy in his body burned, the distance continued to widen.


There was an explosion, and the giant snake's body completely emerged from the ground.

The body of more than one hundred meters made Li En feel incredible.

He didn't understand how such a creature could appear on the imaginary continent.

And judging from the size of the snake group, this race is not yet the strongest group.

Because if the snakes had no natural enemies, they would have unified the entire imaginary continent long ago.

It will not huddle on the plains at all, nor will it let go of the creatures in the first half of the forest.

All these prove that the hypothetical continent is not simple.

"No wonder V5 gave up on this place!"

"They must have known about the living environment of the hypothetical continent for a long time!"

With a secret thought in his mind, Li En's speed did not slow down and he flew towards the west quickly.

In the eyes of the giant snake, Lien only had a blurry image.

But its thermal sensing can easily determine the approximate distance of the enemy.

Immediately, the giant snake swung its huge tail and quickly ran out.

Originally, it slept very comfortably, but unexpectedly it felt the breath of ethnic riots.

Although his sleep was disturbed, the giant snake didn't care at all.

After all, it is the only one in the entire group of snakes that possesses a certain amount of wisdom.

Except for a special individual, they basically rely on instinct to act.

But what it didn't expect was that that outstanding special individual actually sent a distress signal.

This made it completely lose its sleepiness. It was the future of the ethnic group and there couldn't be any mistakes.

When it was ready to take action, it had already entered a state of rage.

Because the giant snake discovered that the hope of the ethnic group had begun to gradually dissipate.

For a giant snake with wisdom, of course it knows what this means!

"The hope and future of the ethnic group are gone!"

The giant snake sprang out violently, its eyes were blood-red, and it went straight to pursue Lien at a speed that left the afterimage.

And Lien, who was running in front, naturally found that the speed of the giant snake was unusual.

Especially the murderous intent in the opponent's eyes was almost taking shape.

Seeing this, Li En increased the burning speed of his mind energy in exchange for a faster speed.

Li En knew in his heart that he had only two ways to face the giant snake.

One is to kill the opponent directly and get rid of it once and for all.

The other one is to run away to avoid being chased by the opponent.

As for hiding in jail? It was completely outside of Lien's thinking.

According to the habits of snakes, they are quite vengeful creatures.

Lean was sure that he would disappear once he was there.

As long as you disappear, the giant snake will protect you.

Unless he gives up exploring the imaginary continent and returns to the human world temporarily.

But this was impossible for Lean.

It took a full twenty-seven days of journey before he set foot on this continent.

Now because of a giant snake, it is nothing more than a joke for him to give up this exploration.

After thinking about it in his mind, Lien decided to kill the giant snake here.

But before that, he had to take the giant snake farther away.

After all, there are almost countless examples of ants killing elephants.

Lien was not prepared to fight against the entire snake group with his own strength.

Already having an idea in his mind, Lien paid attention to the distance from the giant snake while flying farther away.

Ten minutes later, Rean had already seen the edge of the grassland.

What surprised him was that the end of the grassland turned out to be a desolate desert.

This strange phenomenon caught Li En's attention.

You must know that the environment that forms the plains is not due to the lack of water in the land.

It's because of the lack of sunlight that some plants are unable to absorb enough nutrients and cannot perform photosynthesis well.

But the formation of deserts is caused by many factors.

Lack of enough water and harsh natural environment are the main reasons for the formation of deserts.

But the integration of these three environments, forests, plains, and deserts, is very thought-provoking.

As Li En was thinking, the distance between the giant snake and Li En was gradually getting closer.

This is not because Lien's flying speed is slow, but because he intends to do so.

Because this is the burial place Lien chose for the giant snake.

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