Hunter: Start with a prison

Chapter 39 Infer x type x choice

Jin stood up, patted the dust on his palms, and explained: "Generally in ruins, the words left by the builders can point the way for future generations."

“In this case, based on the information gained from words and experience, it seems to me that the companion should be the person who built this place.

"After these people completed the construction task here, they could not go out to reveal the information in the ruins. They could only be buried with the owner of the ruins. This was a symbol of loyalty at that time."

"The so-called guardian should be the direct family member of the clan leader, and he is the kind of person who is extremely trusted and exists as the tombkeeper in the tomb."

Then Jin pointed to the dead body in the coffin and said, "Compare it carefully to see if this person's clothing looks like the people with noble status in the murals at the ruins."

Lien nodded, indeed he looked very similar to the main character in the mural.

"So you chose the left path because those people with noble clothing are on the left side of the picture?"

Lien suddenly realized what he had experienced along the way and told his guess.

Jin Wenyan nodded and said: "Yes, and according to the text, the left side must be the road leading to the interior of the ruins.

"And the people on the right are probably those who are not qualified to enter the interior for burial, that is, the people who built the outer parts of the ruins."

Lien pointed at the ancient corpse and said, "So the ancient corpse in front of us is the guardian of the ruins, and it is guarding the key to enter the ruins?"

"I don't know if it's a key, but it must be the key to entering the ruins."

Jin said solemnly: "Generally when encountering this kind of situation, it can be said that the problems faced by the expedition team may be quite serious."

Lean asked doubtfully: "What problems will we face?"

Jin organized some words and said: "I told you the basic history of Luluke, but I didn't tell you the three most likely crises in the ruins."

"Three crises?"

Lien was completely confused at the moment, but with Jin's current expression and serious tone, he discovered that the ruins Bisgi and the others were exploring this time were not as simple as he thought.

"Yes, there are three types of crises, and they are judged based on the value of the ruins, the possibility and danger of facing crises."

After speaking, Jin explained: "The first type, I call it treasure relics. These relics bury history, money and valuables at that time. The safest and most terrifying ones are just the remnants from ancient times to the present." Just evil thoughts.”

Lien nodded. Ordinary people would be lucky if they encountered this kind of ruins, but for Jin, the history inside might be the most important thing.

After Jin finished speaking, he continued to explain: "The second type is what I call secret relics. This kind of relics can be said to be related to the inheritance of a race. It is full of dangers and uncertainties, which is impossible to imagine. to the dangers you will encounter next.”

"But the rewards obtained after exploration are also extremely huge. If you are lucky, you can harvest some powerful telepathy items, which can change a person's destiny."

"So you think this relic belongs to the second type? The heritage relic of the Luluke clan?" Li En asked doubtfully.

"No, I think it is the third type. I am telling you this to prepare you mentally. After listening to what I have to say, I hope you can go back outside and wait for me. After all, I am not sure about what may happen next. Keep you safe.”

Jin's face was solemn, and his tone was even more serious.

Seeing Jin like this, Lien couldn't help but feel a little nervous. He didn't expect that this was only his first time entering the ruins, and he would encounter the most dangerous type in Jin's experience.

"Listen carefully. The third type I'm talking about below is also the most dangerous type among the ruins."

Jin said seriously: "The third type is sealed ruins. In this kind of ruins, there will be history, treasures, and items with telekinesis abilities.

"But the most dangerous ones are those sealed objects that have been sealed with the power of the clan. Once the sealed objects are released, unimaginable things will happen, some of which are no less than the disasters brought back from the Dark Continent."

After hearing what Jin said, Li En also understood the seriousness of this matter, especially on the same level as the disaster in the Dark Continent. It was scary to think about it.

Jin looked at the brooding Lean and did not disturb him. Judging from the information he had received so far, he felt that it was a bit difficult for him to handle it. He only hoped that Lean could return to the stronghold and wait for his news.

After thinking for a while, Lien asked doubtfully: "Jin, how can you be sure that this is a sealed relic."

"It's very simple. You know the identity of the tomb guard. If you were the leader of a tribe, would you let your immediate relatives serve as guardians, shouldering endless loneliness and responsibility, and always guard this place?"

After a pause, Jin continued: "The most important thing is that the disappearance of the Luluke clan has made me very confused. Judging from the current situation, all the royal families in the tribe have appeared. It seems that we are far away from the original secret." It’s not far either.”

Thinking about what Jin said, it was true that it was the best choice to leave the ruins now and leave the subsequent rescue mission to Jin, but Lien didn't want to do this.

To retreat in the face of a certain danger is equivalent to drawing a line for oneself, and he will only choose to escape when encountering corresponding situations in the future.

This is no longer a matter of not being afraid after becoming stronger, but that this person can only do this to this extent, and he can only do this to this extent when encountering things, and he will gradually lose his spirit of challenge.

The most important thing is that Lien is very clear that this task is taken over by two people. Although it is Jin's idea to retreat now, it can also be regarded as a kind of abandonment. Abandoning a companion out of fear of danger. After this happens, no matter how it happens, Endu can't pass his level.

Taking a deep breath, Lien said firmly: "Mr. Jin, I will explore with you. If you leave such a dangerous matter to yourself, I can't do that yet."

Jin walked up to Li En, patted him on the shoulder and said, "Don't be burdened, maybe things are not as bad as we thought."

Suddenly, Li En seemed to think of something and said, "You're not kidding me, are you?"

Jin laughed "haha" and said: "If you think it is, then it is! But don't let down your guard on our next journey."

Li En shrugged helplessly. Apart from being more vigilant, he didn't take Jin's other words to heart. But seeing the excitement on Jin's face, he knew that there must be something Jin thought was very challenging. Sexual stuff.

Then the two of them walked out of the tomb, and the visibility in the passage was reduced a lot. In order to allow Jin to see the murals on the wall more clearly, Lien turned on the lights above his head and continued to explore the depths of the ruins.

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