Hunter: Start with a prison

Chapter 131 Weird x processing x time

The moment he saw the shop owner, Lien's eyes of judgment clearly saw the sin value in him, but this sin value was really pitiful.

Later, under Li En's questioning, the store owner told him everything he had done, which made Li En a little stunned for a while.

Everything the shop owner does is completely to satisfy his own vanity. Through some high-priced ingredients, some people who want to get them can experience the feeling of coveting them.

In this feeling, the shop owner's vanity will increase exponentially, and on the day when he is satisfied, he will eat the ingredients for show off with great pride to increase the deliciousness he experiences.

After listening to what the shop owner said, Lien wondered: "You are doing this kind of thing near the Hunter Association headquarters. Are you really not afraid of death?"

Hearing this, the shop owner was frightened into a cold sweat, and said tremblingly: "I don't know! I just change places when I get tired of staying in one place, it all depends on my mood, and I usually only stay in the shop , not going anywhere.”

Li En nodded, tentatively agreeing with this statement, and then said: "You said you are a homebody, so where did you get these ingredients? You probably don't have this ability based on your ability."

The shop owner answered honestly: "Actually, I purchased these ingredients at a high price from the official website of the Hunter Association. Although I am also considered a professional hunter, how could I possibly collect them with my own abilities?"

"Oh~ It seems you are rich?" Lean asked with interest.

The moment Lien said these words, the store owner's fat body trembled obviously, and then said: " doesn't!"


With a sneer, Lien raised his fist and asked, "Do you think it's my fist that's tougher or your head that's tougher? I really want to try it!"

It was okay for the shop owner to bully others. He had never seen such a scene before. He struggled in his mind and said helplessly: "My sister was originally a professional hunter. He taught me how to use this power. After she died, she left me a legacy. Big money and then..."

With a look of struggle in his eyes, the shop owner continued: "Then I used the money to conduct various transactions online, and I made a little profit."

Hearing this, Li En approved the answer, and then said: "Okay! Let this matter go as it is! But I will take these two seven-colored peacocks away!"

"Take it away, I don't need that thing at all, just think of it as an apology from me."

After hearing Li En say that the matter was over, the store owner said hurriedly, fearing that Li En would regret it.

"Don't worry! I won't take anything from you for nothing. How much did you spend on these two ingredients?"

Rean asked casually while picking up the ingredients that had been left aside.

The shop owner waved his hands repeatedly and said, "You don't have to pay, you can just take it!"

At this time, Lien looked over and said sternly: "How much?"

"350 million nuns."

The shop owner was obviously startled by Li En's eyes, and quoted the price without thinking.

Hearing this, Lien said: "Idiot, it's too expensive! This seven-color peacock that can only be eaten is only worth 240 million at most."

"I know! But I want to get it, so what else can I do except spend money?"

Hearing this answer, Lien also gave up other ideas, took out 350 million kini from the storage room and threw it away.

"I won't take advantage of you, just treat this money as if I helped you." After saying that, Li En walked out of the store.

Suddenly, Lien seemed to have thought of something? He turned around and asked, "By the way, how much money did you make?"

At this time, the shop owner began to hesitate and hesitated to answer.

Seeing his appearance, Lien was intrigued and walked up to the shop owner carrying the ingredients, his eyes becoming a little cold.

Seeing Lien's appearance, the shop owner panicked and said frankly: "It's not much actually. My sister left 8000 million kiwis, and I only made 15 billion."

Hearing this, Li En looked at the shop owner curiously and asked, "How do you make money? That's a gap of nearly 20 times."

"It's nothing, it's just a simple transaction. This kind of operation is not difficult for me at all, and money doesn't mean anything to me. I still like the feeling of seeing others disappointed and showing off myself."

The shop owner said as if he was resigned to his fate, as if he had lost his resistance to Lien.

The kick he just received was the best in the shop owner's life and will become an experience he will never forget.

Looking at the ordinary shop owner in front of him, he couldn't be more ordinary.

Lean decided to give him a chance. If his expectations were good, this guy should be a talent in some way.

He took out a business card from the storage room and said: "Want to experience the feeling of showing off? This is not a wrong idea. Go call this person and he will guide you on a good path."

Lean put the business card into the shop owner's hand and walked out without looking back.

That business card was of course Ford's. As for whether the store owner would contact Ford, Lien didn't care. He was just curious.

After walking out of the market, Li En carried the ingredients and headed back towards the Hunter Association.

On the way back, Lean told Ford everything that had just happened, and let Ford make arrangements for himself if the guy chose to contact him.

After walking into his room, Lien went directly to the kitchen and dealt with the two colorful peacocks.

Looking at the ingredients that had been processed, Lien had an idea in his mind to prepare a dish that he remembered.

Then, Lien marinated the two ingredients with various spices. After about two hours, he put the ingredients into the vent by the window of the room.

The ingredients in the vents will be exposed to wind and sun during the period of time, and eventually become the main ingredients of cooking.

After roughly estimating the time, Lien felt that with the current weather, it would probably take less than a few days to start production.

Looking at the setting sun on the horizon, Lien was looking forward to tomorrow's meeting. He didn't know what kind of attitude he would take tomorrow to ascend to the top position of the Hunter Association.


While he was deep in thought, there was a sound from Lean's cell phone.

Lean turned on his phone. It was a message from the Bean-faced Man, telling Lean that a welcome meeting would be held at the Hunter Association headquarters at 10 a.m. tomorrow, and he would come to pick him up.

After replying to the bean-faced man casually, a smile appeared on the corner of Lien's mouth. Feeling the breeze blowing out of the window, his eyes unconsciously drifted into the distance.

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