"Giant dragon! Is it the flying dragon from Novice City?!"

"What the hell, didn't you watch the video? The one in Chuyuan City was just a western dragon. This one is obviously our Eastern Holy Dragon, and it has five claws!"

"Don't stray away from your focus. The big boss in our group is already here, right on the opposite side."

Looking at the natural disaster scene unfolding in front of them, the gold team couldn't think of a confrontation at all. After learning that the team's reinforcements were arriving, they hurriedly ran around, hoping that it would be safer to stay with the dark gold class.

As a result, the frightened flying eagles in the seats had to set sail again despite their mandatory orders, and circled for more than ten miles before they dared to pass, which was enough to show their fear.

However, just as they were flying halfway, a loud roar suddenly came from the black pillar in the center, causing all the flying eagles to retreat for several kilometers in fear.

"I - kill you!!"

Drok roared into the sky, stretched his body with force, and suddenly absorbed the cold death energy around him. For a moment, it became a special point in the scene, like a balloon filled with death energy. The darkness formed a circle, and his body Almost completely submerged.

"Tsk, what a troublesome power. If it weren't for the fear of the game system crashing, I would have killed you long ago."

This is the truth, after all, no matter how strong he is, he is only a dark gold level, and his own blood volume is his Achilles heel.


Level: 61

hp: 19300


Jiang Yuan tilted his head and played a swordplay casually, thinking in his mind about how to find a more reliable way to send the mummy down. After all, seeing that he was "alone" in this game world and could no longer see his former hometown, then The appearance is quite "pathetic".

The "sympathy" mentality flourishes, and the power in the heart is ready to try.

"Don't worry, I haven't tried a few methods yet, although time is indeed running out."

With a sneer on his face, he raised his head and glanced at the thunderclouds gathering in the sky. That is the calamity that some special professions in the game must face at the level of legend or above. It has already enveloped an area of ​​dozens of miles in radius, and the electric light in it is enough to change the color of the dark gold level, and it will cause death if touched.

Obviously, the rules of this world can no longer stand their nonsense and are about to be "cleaned up".

"Go to hell!!"

Dedlock didn't notice anything unusual in the sky at all. He fell completely into madness in his heart. His rationality was eradicated. Now he just wanted to kill Jiang Yuan immediately.

It was originally unarmed and relied on its Dark Gold-level physique to resist the intrusion of the death energy. However, it mutated due to this. Its body was shattered, and the cracks penetrated into the true meaning of its soul. It became unstable from the very beginning of its existence, even if it did not shatter in the middle. , and can only accept the swallowing of death.

However, at least at this moment it has the power to fight against heaven and earth.

Immediately, a dark blade flickered between his fingers, turning into a raging wave.

Jiang Yuan saw it - the space was shaking.

Death was like a shadow, accompanying him infinitely. Before he could react, the first layer of wind armor in front of him had already disappeared in the darkness. The process was so silent that he almost didn't notice the failure of the protection.

Seeing that the second layer of protection had begun to tremble, he immediately released a trump card.

Ho ho ho! !

The wind demon roars!

An ugly light green face appeared at this moment, right in front of Jiang Yuan. The body was supported by the powerful wind element, but the sound it erupted was like a devil.

The space fluctuated in the roar, and the storm from hell easily broke through the death aura blockade, drawing a rainbow light that penetrated the black pillar in front of it, and finally shined directly on the towering snow-capped mountains, shining its true face in front of all living beings.

However, it was still the same on the battlefield—no harm was done.

"I originally wanted to have a few fights with you, but it turned out to be too early."

Jiang Yuan's expression had changed at this time, the killing intent in his eyes was restrained, and turned into a frightening calmness.

The peace that can destroy life and death.

"Then, if the system crashes, don't blame me. Who asked Dao Dao to find such an opponent for me?"

Drok was still calling in front, and the group of players in the distance had retreated further. At the same time, an aura hidden in the snowy mountains was gradually awakening, but everything stopped at this moment.

Suddenly, they saw, heard, and sensed some unknown and strange changes.

what is that? !

At this moment, Jiang Yuan's pupils turned gray-black, and they were different when he struck out with his sword again.

The sword wind is also a gray and black scene.

The ultimate collision has begun, and all players are excited to shoot live, but the whole world is in chaos as expected earlier.

The catastrophe above our heads suddenly collapsed!

Boom boom boom!

If anyone can imagine the scene of ancient floods coming and the sky screen breaking, then this is the abbreviation of reality.

The originally accumulated power of heaven and earth broke free at this moment, as if a hole had been opened in the sky; this time, what poured out was not water, but pale thunder.

The lightning melted into a ball of water, and the thunder turned into a waterfall. Before the two fierce gods on the ground collided, they fell head-on, covering all the scenes. The light could be seen even in the city hundreds of miles away.

The outcome of the battle is unknown, but the dry moon ice field where it was located was completely destroyed.

A silver and gold-level composite jungle area was thus invalidated.

When the thunder waterfall dissipated, what appeared was still the same as at the beginning, Jiang Yuan standing in mid-air, with the majestic death energy in front of him, rising upwards into the sky.

"This still has no result."

"Who do you think the boss is that fights against the boss? This kind of power is probably not something that this world can possess. Is it some NPC?!"

"Perhaps, players who have reached the legendary level have come down. Didn't they say that they have discovered the figure of the world's ultimate boss?"

The players in the distance didn't dare to have any thoughts at the moment. They were just recording the live broadcast in the hope of posting it online to show off. They would never dare to get closer to take pictures.

Didn’t you see that there were several guys killed by lightning on the ground?

They made various speculations about the situation of the battle, but little did they know that the real leader among them had received the promotion sound of killing.

drop! The player successfully destroyed the Twister in the apocalypse. Because he has mastered the exclusive career clues, he is hereby rewarded with the hidden career (returner) book. We hope that the player will continue to work hard.

drop! Unknown interference was discovered, and the system was strengthened again. We are very sorry for the inconvenience caused to players. At the same time, due to the premature collapse of the catastrophe, the system specially compensated for a mysterious treasure box, randomly issued an A-level talent, and three A-level strengthening crystals for any attribute.

Finally, it’s time to harvest.

Jiang Yuan temporarily put away the reward and looked at the deathly air in front of him again, with hesitation in his eyes.

Although his heart gave a hint of this energy, he was still a little reluctant to really throw himself into it without guarding against it. After all, the last guy who was soaked to death had just been beheaded by him, and it was already extremely miserable.

How to do it? Do you trust your heart or follow your fearful instincts?

Of course - you must go in.

Anyway, the player's attributes have temporarily ensured that he will not die, not to mention that the death energy has been raging for so long without any accidental triggering of the system. I believe it can manage this power.

After making up his mind, Jiang Yuan dispersed the wind armor around him, and with the spiritual wings flying behind him, he was completely immersed in the death aura.

Before he could feel more, a sudden change occurred in his heart, causing him to almost subconsciously devour the power in front of him.

The endless death energy returned to deathly silence, more like they had penetrated into Jiang Yuan's body, gradually triggering another mutation in him.

drop! The body of the incomplete heavenly spirit has been disturbed by death and is undergoing irreversible changes. It is recommended that players do not break away from the source of death and continue to inject power.

Yes, now there is one more reason to embrace death.

Jiang Yuan was always vigilant in his heart and kept paying attention to his physical condition. Fortunately, his body did not undergo any terrible changes. He breathed a sigh of relief and immediately noticed the evolution of his talent and physique.

[Gate of Death]——32%

【Spiritual Body】——49%

Originally, the dungeons and jungle monsters he killed in the novice city only filled up 2% of the progress, but now it has reached 32% with just one puff. I believe that the talent of [Gate of Death] will be obtained here. promote.

In addition, the Celestial Spirit body transformed by the Soul Fusion Heart has also been affected. I don’t know what it will evolve into in the end, but the progress has been increased by half. Maybe he can complete the physical transformation before going offline today, and then he can go again Try awakening talent.

Falling into the aura of death, one perceives chaos. In a daze, Jiang Yuan only felt that the process was very long, and the sword around him was on alert at all times. But to outsiders, when he broke into the death aura, it was like a long river of darkness gathering that suddenly found an outlet. A dark aura rushed towards him.

The situation changed very quickly. Before the players could figure out who won in the end, the Optimus Black Pillar in front of them suddenly disappeared and was absorbed into the air. During this period, several Dark Gold level players took the risk and rushed up, trying to He grabbed a trace of aura, but found that he couldn't touch the death aura at all, and passed through them out of thin air.


Jiang Yuan stayed in the air, feeling the horror gradually condensing in his heart. After absorbing all the death energy, his body also changed completely. He finally completed the ups and downs of his professional mission, and now he has received all the benefits.

It's time to get out of here.

He glanced at the players gathered in the distance. There were hundreds of people, large and small, all of them union members or gold-level experts. The shock this time brought to them was unprecedented, and they could feel their awe even if they were not close.

The gentle long wind enveloped his whole body, and the dragon wings behind him fell into invisibility. Jiang Yuan cast a spell to erase the traces, and his whole person became invisible and flew into the sky above 10,000 meters.

In this way, this earth-shattering professional mission finally came to an end.

"Oh, it's gone? Wasn't it evenly matched just now?"

"The four-winged angel must have won. Didn't you see that he sealed the darkness in the center?!"

"Oh my god, the four-winged angel, that one is obviously a player, I saw it with my skills!"

"Damn it, that's actually a player?!"

The remaining hundreds of high-end players were still indulging in the intensity of the fight just now, and the few thunderous words they released shocked everyone even more.

"That must be a player in the upper level world. This kind of power cannot be achieved by the dark gold level!"

"Have you never heard that players will encounter world blockade after lowering the level? They are all suppressed at the border of level 60. Do you think the golden peak can achieve this ability?"

"What if we have equipment?"

"All equipment and skills will be blocked, and high-level skills will be directly invalidated. How can you play? Equipment directly cuts attributes. Those lower-level players may not be able to beat our dark gold level, let alone this kind of situation. "

"Damn it, this game is really stupid, I learned it."

"It's probably a restriction for advanced players. Otherwise, if they come down to kill us at any time, how can we still play like that!"

"Makes sense."

The player group was excited. After the discussion, they gradually calmed down and followed their respective teams to either go back to fight monsters or return to the city to promote. Of course, some players continued to explore the center of the ice field with the spirit of not being afraid of "death".

Maybe they can find some leftover equipment? Although this idea is very retarded, unless the high-end player is a fool, there are still many people who can't wait to head to the snow-capped mountains. Perhaps most people just want to experience the shock there.

A group of dark-gold-level flying sky flies charged forward, with gold-level flying birds behind them. When they actually entered the fighting area, they finally understood the power of the thunder prison baptism.

The ice field in front of them left a large crater with a radius of several miles. The ice was wiped away for more than a hundred meters, and the ruins covered under it could already be seen.

The Dry Moon Icefield suffered heavy damage! The snow and fog in the sky also dissipated, and the ice and snow that had been blowing for thousands of years stopped at this moment, as if they were aware of the decline of the environment and mourned for it.

A battle directly changes the world. They have seen such a scene in fantasy movies, and among players, only the Yaotian level can display such power. How can it not be amazing to appear in this level of heaven and earth now.

However, when everyone is obsessed with the terror of power, there is always something in the center of the circular pit that attracts their attention.

That was Mol Snow Mountain. It was different from usual times. This time it showed its true colors.

"Look, the foot of the snow-capped mountains is glowing!"

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