Applying for a union is very simple. It only requires three people to jointly request instructions from the system, and they will receive approval immediately and union benefits will be delegated to the system.

Each union will have a system-rewarded bonus or skill, which is distributed level by level, among which the guild leader naturally has the largest increase.

The effect of this skill or bonus depends on the number and level of the union. We will talk about this later. Anyway, the idea of ​​establishing a union is just a bubble in Jiang Yuan's mind, and he is not ready to take action.

It's nice to be alone, and he likes it too.

What's more, recruiting team members will probably only help him to increase the number of people, which will be of little help. And he will have to deal with most of the affairs of the union, which is a waste of time.

Thinking about it this way, Jiang Yuan probably couldn't find a suitable teammate. After all, he has a deep foundation, upgrades very quickly, is extremely familiar with the game, and even has the absolute confidence to become a god.

With such a foundation laid, others are destined to look up to his back in this life.

There is another point - no one can easily have a close relationship with a thousand-year-old monster, or is worthy of Jiang Yuan to fight with him.

This is a road destined to be lonely.

"By the way, I haven't looked at the dungeon rewards just yet."

Jiang Yuan sat up from the wind and opened his backpack to find the reward inside.

If you ask what is the most joyful (and grumpy) thing in the game, it is definitely the treasure chest.

Without hesitation, open the only bronze treasure chest!

drop! Congratulations to the player for opening the unique treasure chest and obtaining: Ring of Green Spirit (unique bronze), 45 points of free attributes, and True Spirit Staff (unique).

Facts have proved that his luck in opening treasure chests is still very high, and it is estimated that this is only the case with treasure chests.

Like the previous dungeons that he had penetrated, the unique treasure chest had a high probability of awarding free attribute points. Before these points were warmed up, Jiang Yuan evenly distributed them to the other three attributes.

As for his mental value, it has reached the highest stage - 375 points.

Player: [Kradel]

Level: 25

Occupation: [Final silence and forgetting the beginning]

Special physique: Gray spirit body (mutated physique, 98% progress)

Talent: [Heavenly Tree Yuanling]

hp: 10305

mp: 47820 (Physique bonus 100%)

Attack: 14750

Defense: 6134

Free attributes:

Strength: 335 (+320)

Agility: 315 (+3510)

Constitution: 324 (+510)

Spirit: 375 (+2016)

ps: The equipment and physical bonuses are in parentheses, making it easier to check the attributes of naked equipment.


[Somei Wind Sword] [Guardian of the Wind King] [Kihara Magic Ring]



Level: Silver level

Learning requirements: Level 20~35, warrior profession

Consumption: 100 mana points and 300 health points per minute.


The strength attribute is increased by 20%, the agility attribute is increased by 10%, the defense is reduced by 30%, the perception ability is gradually weakened, the temper is bad, and the memory is temporarily reduced. (The attributes improved here are only basic physical fitness and do not count as equipment bonus.)

Note: Players will start to lose their mind after five minutes of activation. After ten minutes, the consumption will double. After twenty minutes, there will be a risk of being unable to stop. Players are advised to use it with caution. In addition, once the player level exceeds level 40, the effect of this skill will be greatly reduced. The degree of weakening depends on the level difference.

Staff equipment is almost useless to Jiang Yuan now, and it is not in line with his profession. Unless it has a power bonus above legend, it will be thrown directly into the trading platform.

The True Spirit Staff, as the only level weapon, is five times more expensive than other equivalent equipment.

The rage in his skill bar was obtained from the previous treasure chest. Just because his career in this life is no longer suitable for the path of magic, and he has integrated the body of the heavenly spirit, so he is ready to move closer to the sword fairy type in the game.

The berserkness is just a foreshadowing for him to learn more powerful berserk skills in the future.

Leaving another ring equipment in the treasure chest, Jiang Yuan checked its attributes and randomly picked a finger to put it on.

After learning about Wang Ning's thoughts on the ground just now, he also paid attention to this aspect and tried his best to add some normal equipment to himself so as not to stand out compared with others.

Anyway, the attributes added by the bronze level are quite good now. The three excellent equipment add up to about 100, so don’t give it up in vain.

drop! It has been detected that the player has been online for five hours. The game recommends that you log off and rest first to avoid excessive stiffness in your real body, which may affect your health.

——If the player chooses to continue the game, he can still play for one hour, please pay attention to the control.

"Well, the helmet equipment is still too restrictive."

Jiang Yuan was not surprised by the reminder in his mind. He had heard it countless times in his previous life. Although the virtual technology and game equipment developed by the company to which "Eternal Sky" belongs are technologies that transcend the present and span tens to hundreds of years, it still does not change the differences.

There is no guarantee of physical safety when wearing a helmet, that’s for sure.

A $1,000 helmet can be used for up to six hours of gaming at a time, while the more expensive game cabins are much more high-end. There is no problem in playing continuously for a week, as long as you have enough nutrient solution.

Of course, that kind of crazy game level may be so intense that it distorts a person's understanding and world view, so the system will remind you every time it lasts for a day and connect it to the player's information network so that they can receive news from the outside world and avoid being distracted. Completely lost in "Eternal Sky".

Although it will eventually come, the immersion and madness now mean very little.

Speaking of this, Jiang Yuan originally bought a game cabin in his room, but because he was worried and thought that Dao Dao would discover his abnormality, he chose to wear a helmet so that he could save himself in time - if possible.

However, he himself also understood that this was just a fluke. Fortunately, the final result was good and getting better and better, much better than the previous life.

Thinking of gaming equipment, Jiang Yuan couldn't help but speculate on the reason why Dao Dao priced the helmets and gaming cabins.

Naturally, it was frighteningly expensive when it was first released. Then a competition was held and the price was reduced for the first time, and then the second time. Now it has become a situation where the helmets cost more than a thousand and the game cabins cost tens of thousands.

Perhaps Dao Dao is also selecting players. Using financial ability as the standard is simple and crude. Although it is unfair, it does include a lot of outstanding talents.

The subsequent price reductions were a sign of Dao Dao's tolerance for other players and the lowering of standards. Finally, when the fact that the game was released was announced, the price of the helmet fell directly below 100, and the game cabin was around a few hundred. Moreover, the government took over the sale, free of charge. Provide to players.

However, the first group of people to enter the game are definitely the ones who have made the most profits, and they have opened up a gap between them and others.

Tut tut...

There is no point in thinking about this now. Jiang Yuan put away his equipment, stopped the storm, and fell into the deep sky in vain, and the cold wind hit him head on.

His body gradually glowed, reaching its peak after ten seconds, almost covering his figure, and then disappeared in a flash, completely disappearing.

Teleport back to the city.

The strong pulling force disappeared, and his own motivation disappeared. Jiang Yuan instantly appeared smoothly around a resurrection point in Chuyuan City.

Exiting the game...executing.

drop! We have safely exited the "Eternal Sky" system and look forward to players returning next time.


In a high-rise building somewhere in the capital, a faint beep from the system could be heard in one of the rooms on the first floor.

Drop...exit the system!


The top cover of the oval game cabin was retracted, revealing a girl taking a deep breath inside. Her long black hair spread behind her, and there was a trace of nervousness in her eyes, as if she was being chased by some kind of monster.

Zhou Mian witnessed a killing with her own eyes, and the culprit even talked with her. Although it was a game, the high degree of reality of virtual technology still made her feel extremely nervous, and she still felt scared after exiting the game.

She withdrew immediately after Jiang Yuan left. She really felt a little uncomfortable, as if she was about to vomit.

"Does anyone really like that kind of picture? Third brother is so addicted to the copy of this game, it's really perverted!"

After lying in the seat for a while, Zhou Mian sat up with his body propped up, slowly walked out of the cabin, fell on the bed wearing pajamas, and subconsciously moved his hands and feet.

She started to enter the game yesterday and only quit at night. With the help of her third brother, she awakened her talent in advance, and it went very smoothly at the beginning.

Until she met that man.

I don't know if it is related to his killing of monsters, but now Zhou Mian has also become sensitive to the blood of monsters, and he can't help but feel scared when he thinks that he has killed so many monsters before.

"This game really...does it have to be so real? Why isn't the blood blocked?!"

After complaining, she immediately thought of the culprit that caused her current discomfort.

"That guy is obviously a bronze player, how can he be so powerful? I have also reached level 23, so I don't think I have any strength to resist."

Unable to figure it out, Zhou Mian randomly picked some clothes and put them on, then walked out of the room and went to the refrigerator in the living room to find something to eat.

Although she is still a little nauseous, she is really hungry, and the nutrient solution will not fill the player's stomach like food.

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