So people from the next class also came over to watch Ji Zhui's strange scene.

"Really...?" Ji Guoping's expression was not peaceful, and he looked at An Wenjun in confusion.

"It should be." An Wenjun observed carefully and confirmed this fact with Ji Guoping.

Some teachers from the Wushu Association also came over to witness this scene.

Both Ji An actually have relatively weak waveguides, and they are unannounced waveguide ability users. They are very clear about the status of Ji Zhui and Kung Fu Weasel at this time.

These two guys are now in waveguide resonance. Although they themselves may not be sure how this happened, in this case, they are connected and can communicate at a spiritual level.

Waveguide resonance requires that elves must be an elven race that can master waveguides. This can only be achieved when people and elves are in sync with each other and have one mind.

The Kung Fu Weasel, or Master Weasel, can use wave missiles, which means that this race can have wave guiding capabilities.

This was also discovered by Ji Guoping and An Wenjun after they each trained a master weasel.

At their suggestion, Shao Feng chose Kung Fu Weasel as the initial elf. Later, under the guidance of Ji An and the others, after several years of training, they also figured out their own waveguide.

The couple stood silently in the crowd.

The power of waveguides communicates with all things, allowing esper users to gain a high degree of perception, and also allows esper users to communicate with elves through thoughts, which is quite practical.

But on the contrary, this ability is very enviable and may bring trouble and disaster to the person with the ability.

The reason for Shao Feng's disappearance is unknown, and they cannot rule out the possibility that he was plotted against.

Since Shao Feng disappeared, they decided not to teach others the training methods of waveguide.

But Ji Zhui now...

But it was through a series of accidents that she found her own waveguide.

Everyone's waveguide is different.

Ji Guoping's waveguide is as tough as a mountain, An Wenjun's waveguide is as deep as the sea, and Shao Feng's waveguide is as strong as the wind, which shows his strong ambition.

However, Ji Zhui's wave guide did not cause anyone discomfort, but was calm and indifferent.

Just like her name, she is like a wisp of wind between heaven and earth, as if she has been pursuing something, so even if she travels around the world and cannot find it, it doesn't matter.

The children were also immersed in the distant feeling brought to them by Ji Zhui's waveguide.

Ji Guoping and An Wenjun came to their senses, and now the couple didn't know what to do.

Understanding the wave guide by oneself shows that Ji Zhui's wave guide talent is very high, but if he really teaches her, will Ji Zhui be in danger?

All the gentlemen saw Ji Zhui's strange behavior, and the students who had seen a little bit of the world also guessed what Ji Zhui was doing, and couldn't hide their excitement for a moment.

Sure enough, I had the opportunity to learn waveguide at Ji'an Martial Arts School!

This time in the freshman class, the Ming family, Zhou family, and Qiu family appeared. It can already be seen that the dignitaries of the imperial capital are pursuing this mysterious ability.

Ji'an Martial Arts School will become more and more lively.

As the action came to an end, Ji Zhui and Kung Fu Weasel gradually calmed down their aura.

Stop the trend, "Huh..."

Ji Zhui exhaled another long breath and opened his eyes.

Who can tell her why there are so many people suddenly in front of her?

Ji Zhui looked around in confusion and found his grandparents in the crowd. He got complicated looks from everyone.

What exactly happened here?

An Wenjun asked Ren Feiyang to continue teaching morning classes. Ji Guoping received instructions from his wife and asked a teacher to teach for him, and then the two went to the office together.

They were going to discuss the future training direction of Ji Zhui.

Ji Zhui looked at the two people's backs, curled his lips, and simply returned to the old students' class to continue the class.

The attitude of her classmates towards her seemed to be somewhat different.

In the past, maybe because of Ji Zhui's battle royale, everyone was a little afraid of her, but now they suddenly turned into awe.

Everyone who passed her wanted to bow to her.

Ji Zhui was confused and grabbed Wu Xinyou, Mingyi and Luo Zhao after class, intending to ask what was going on.

"What? You mean I learned the waveguide?!" Ji Zhui almost screamed.

How come she has no impression of such an important thing?

No, it can't be said that she has no impression. She also telepathically communicated with Kung Fu Weasel.

It turns out that mysterious feeling is waveguide resonance...

Ji Zhui was thoughtful.

Wu Xinyou and Luo Zhao were already used to this person's invisible pretentiousness. Ji Zhui's talent was so advanced that they had no intention of competing with her now.

It's better to be friends with this kind of person, as it's easy to lose your temper as an opponent.

After discussion, Ji Guoping and An Wenjun came to the conclusion that Ji Zhui should participate in the Bird special training alone.

Since so many people have witnessed Ji Zhui's wave guiding ability, she can't hide it even if she wants to, so why not let her strengthen herself so that she has a stronger self-protection ability.

From now on, let’s also arrange some teaching content about waveguides in the classroom.

The couple thought helplessly that after Ji Zhui came out, those aristocratic families would no longer be able to find excuses.

During the whole day of training that followed, Ji Zhui's thoughts were in chaos.

She thought a lot about her abilities, her crises, and her future.

She didn't know what God wanted her to do by arranging these things for her.

With more ability comes more responsibility and more pressure.

More importantly, I don’t know when Crisis 3 appeared on the Fragmented World panel.

This matter was like a mountain, weighing heavily on Ji Zhui's heart, making her breathless.

After evening classes, Mingyi found Ji Zhui.

She actually came to Ji'an Martial Arts Hall for Ji Zhui, and maybe she could meet Xu Rendong, so the training during the day was just a simple exercise. The environment here is very suitable for Mingyi's recuperation.

Mingyi could sense that Ji Zhui was in a bad mood, so he didn't say anything reasonable or comforting to her. He just walked around the atrium with her twice.

Ji Zhui has a secret that he cannot tell, and companionship is the best way to comfort him.

"Xiaoyi, thank you for staying with me. I feel much better." Ji Zhui and Mingyi sat on the steps under the corridor, looking up at the stars in the sky together.

"It's okay, we are friends." Mingyi's eyes were shining in the darkness, secretly looking at Ji Zhui's profile.

The two of them had their own thoughts and looked up at the sky together.

The air in the mountains is good and light pollution is not heavy. When you look up, you can see the star-studded night.

"If I said that I would encounter a lot of dangers in the future, would you believe it?" In the silence, Ji Zhui asked abruptly.

"...Letter." Even though he had thousands of questions and worries, Mingyi didn't say it out loud.

"Can you...can guarantee your own safety?"

"I can only try my best, but there is no guarantee." Ji Zhui smiled bitterly. Every crisis seemed like she would lose half her life, and she had a hunch that the third crisis would only be more difficult.

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