"Come out, kitten." Ji Zhui closed the door of the training room, swiped his card to turn on the privacy mode, and then took out the little kitten's elf ball.

"Mi Porphyrin!" is finally out!

The little kitten felt very strange when he came to the new environment and jumped around on the plastic floor.

"This is the reward given to us by Brother Zhuqin. We can play here for an hour every day." Ji Zhui knelt down and touched the little kitten's head.

"Mi Porphyrin?" What is there to do here?

The little kitten tilted his head. It was so empty here and there was no TV??^??

Ji Zhui sighed silently, the little kitten has grown up and is not easy to deceive.

"But I'm with you. Wouldn't it be fun to have me with you?" Ji Zhui pretended to be sad.

As expected, this operation made the little kitten feel guilty. Ji Zhui took it for a run and warmed up, and it cooperated very well.

"Look, kitten, this is prey." The warm-up was almost done, Ji Zhui turned on the moving target.

Next, let’s practice hitting the skill. Compared with the moving target, the flexibility of the automatic ball server is indeed two levels worse. Now the little kitten has no problem hitting the automatic ball.

Ji Zhui started from the simplest level, letting the little kitten use electric light to attack the target.

One hundred thousand volts consumes too much, and it's not worth it just to practice accuracy.

A single moving target or two moving targets are not a problem for the little cat monster.

When the target speed increased, the little kitten gradually couldn't keep up. The high-speed movement of the three targets made the kitten completely unable to withstand it.

And the three targets don't just move in one plane. Now the three disks are surrounding the little kitten, almost leaving an afterimage.

The little kitten tried hard to keep an eye on one of them, but it was too fast and his eyesight couldn't keep up, and soon his head became dizzy.

Upon seeing this, Ji Zhui shut down the moving target, took the little kitten aside, replenished the fruit and water, and took a short rest.

The way the target moved just now was very similar to the way the elf used its shadow clone.

However, if it is an elf battle, the Kitten's ability to see through weaknesses should help it attack the real one among the many fake clones.

Ji Zhui thought that if the little kitten's eyes could be used so well, it should be able to decipher many high-speed strategies.

Seeing that there were about ten minutes left on the clock, Ji Zhui asked the little cat monster to practice the accuracy of one hundred thousand volts.

Now the energy level of the little kitten is different from the past. The electricity accumulated in the body can supply the little kitten to release a hundred thousand volts in an instant.

But there is only one shot. If you want to use 100,000 volts in the same battle, you have to charge it first.

"Mi Porphyrin!" One hundred thousand volts!

The little kitten was running, and a wrist-thick yellow lightning hit the moving target in front of him.

"Power: 85, distance from bull's-eye deviation: -35%"

The light screen above the target instantly analyzed the 100,000-volt message from the little cat monster.

Ji Zhui memorized the data and frowned slightly.

The power of this move of 100,000 volts is lower than the normal data, and the deviation from the target is quite large.

"Good job, kitten, but we still need more practice." However, the little kitten has worked very hard, and Ji Zhui is not going to pour cold water on it.

"When the kitten's error reaches zero, the kitten will be the most powerful kitten monster in the training hall."

"Puppy!" Yes, I want to be the most powerful little cat monster!

The little kitten was still panting.

Ji Zhui feels a little sorry for his son. Training is indeed hard, but career can bring people the most sense of accomplishment. In order to realize his dream, the current hard work is necessary.

After resting and practicing for a while, the one-hour use of the training ground ended in a hurry.

Ji Zhui hugged the little cat and swiped his card to leave. Before leaving, he was very excited about the facilities in the museum that he had not yet had a chance to use.

Come again tomorrow.

There's still sparring time that hasn't been used yet.

Ji Zhui had already planned it. During his break, he turned on his computer and made an appointment with a female sparring trainer named Li.

The reason why I chose her was because she happened to have an electric elf, and this electric elf happened to have the move that Ji Chai wanted the little kitten to master the most - electric field.

Judging from the current skill pool of the little kitten, its main advantage is in special attack. If it can use electric fields to gain electric moves when fighting against strong enemies, the chances of winning for the little kitten will be much greater.

Nowadays, low durability is the biggest shortcoming of the kitten monster. In order to solve this problem, on the one hand, it is necessary to supplement the kitten monster with more nutrients and lay a good physical foundation so that it can accumulate more energy.

On the other hand, it is to improve the means of quickly defeating the enemy. It is best to avoid a war of attrition and kill the opponent instantly.

Now, Kitten's thunder can instantly kill opponents who are seven or eight levels lower than it. If the gain of the electric field can be added, it will not be a dream to instantly kill opponents of the same level.

"Hello, are you Ji Zhui?"

Ji Zhui was waiting for the sparring trainer to come over at the edge of the battle field, when he suddenly heard a clear female voice coming from behind.

"Yes, I am Ji Zhui." Ji Zhui turned around and shook hands with Li Ai in a friendly manner.

"Okay, I understand your needs, shall we start now?" Li Ai took out the credit card machine and waited for Ji Zhui to give her the monthly card.

"Okay, I'm sorry to bother you. The main thing is that I want to learn about the electrical field." Ji Zhui scratched his head and handed her the monthly card to time the clock.

Refresh it again at the end of the session, and the system will automatically deduct the remaining time for the chase.

Electric field seems to require a relatively high level to learn in the game, but games and reality are always different.

After all, there is no rule in reality that only uses four moves.

"Let's have a battle first to test our strength first?"

Li Ai has a teaching goal and is now full of motivation.

She tucked her short hair behind her ears and lowered her head to ask Ji Zhui's opinion.

"Okay." Ji Zhui nodded and walked to the trainer's position on the battlefield.

Li Ai turned on the electronic referee and threw the elf ball, "Come on, my partner!"

I saw a three-in-one magnet monster suspended in the air.

"Kitten, it's your turn." Ji Zhui also opened the elf ball.

"Mi Porphyrin!" The little kitten stood in front of Ji Zhui with his head held high.

As the electronic referee ordered the start of the game, Li Ai, who took the lead, immediately gave the instruction, "Electric field!"

A huge burst of electrical energy erupted from the body of the three-in-one magnet monster, and soon the entire venue was filled with a thin layer of electricity, giving it a golden color.

Do you still use the electric field when you know that my kitty monster is electric?

Ji Zhui thought to himself, but we are not vegetarians either, "Kitten, there's a flash of lightning!"

The little cat monster was running at full speed, so it was not easy to avoid.

The three-in-one magnet monster deliberately raised its height and tried to avoid it, but the sprinting kitten pierced it like a blue lightning. The three-in-one magnet monster could not avoid it and took a hard hit.

"Don't admit defeat! Electric ball!" Li Ai gave the order at a good time.

In the smoke caused by the flash of lightning, a yellow energy ball attacked the little kitten, "Wall of Light!"

Ji Zhui never forgot that the little cat monster has defensive moves.

But some damage still fell on the kitten. If I feel right, the level of the three-in-one magnet monster should be a bit higher than that of the kitten.

"It's our turn, lock down!" Li Ai's voice was sonorous and powerful.

"One hundred thousand volts!" Ji Zhui saw an ominous premonition when he saw the opponent's lock, so he simply used his ultimate move, hoping to kill the three-in-one magnet monster that had already suffered a lot of damage in one move.

Although the power of this move is greatly increased in the electric field, it has no effect if it misses.

When the little kitten saw the failed 100,000 volts, he was shocked, ashamed and angry. The next second, an electromagnetic gun attacked it...

"The outcome has been decided." Li Ai took back the three-in-one magnet monster and walked towards Ji Zhui.

Ji Zhui held the circle-eyed little kitten in his arms, "Let's make a training appointment tomorrow. Today I will take the little kitten to treat his injuries."

After saying that, she ended today's sparring time on Li Ai's credit card machine.

"Okay, you played well. Please try harder in the future." Li Ai patted her on the shoulder. She already had a sense of competition at such a young age, so she was a good prospect.

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