Now the elves have an automatic bathing chamber for bathing, which is very convenient. Even for an old manlong, you can get a brand new big mop in less than ten minutes.

The opening song played, and several little ones were already sitting on the sofa in Ji Zhui's room. Ji Zhui thoughtfully prepared some snacks for them to watch TV, then gently closed the door and went back to the bedroom.

She is not interested in TV dramas, but is interested in surfing the Internet, and she has also recently been experimenting with the method of using vests to earn money. She has registered accounts on several mainstream media platforms on the Internet, and takes the time to edit some of the elves' daily routines of training or rest every night.

Although there are only single digits of fans now, Ji Zhui can find out the nicknames of those fans through the details, which shows that they have contributed to the fame value, and also preliminarily verified the feasibility of Ji Zhui's vest method.

The current income from fame comes from the hundreds and thousands earned from playing battles with little cats every day, and secondly from playing games on the virtual training machine before going to bed at night.

Virtual competitions cannot directly increase reputation points like real battles, but as long as you win a lot, you can always gain the admiration of others by being on the leaderboard.

Ever since Little Kitten reached the top three in the rookie level, her aquatic product boss vest has been able to contribute hundreds of fame points to her every day.

Finally, there is her social media account, which contributes about single-digit fame value to her every day.

Elves can also contribute reputation points, but only through real battles. Ji Zhui commands small cats and monsters to fight, and he can make money regardless of winning or losing.

But there was no change when Ji Zhui directed the Kung Fu Weasel to fight. She thought it might be because the Kung Fu Weasel was not her elf partner, so the battle points could not be counted.

Before going to bed, Ji Zhui will take the little kitten into the fragmented world, replace Deoxys with a new meteorite, and talk to it about what happened today, hoping to make Deoxys still alive after being resurrected. Remember her voice and don't kill without mercy.

Of course, it would be nice if you never get resurrected.

The days passed with fulfilling training day by day, and in a blink of an eye it was early November, and winter was about to begin.

At the end of October, Ji Zhui took the time to participate in a national children's fighting competition. With his extraordinary strength, he firmly won the children's championship, which increased his fame by nearly 10 in one go, and also greatly improved the reputation of Ji Guoping and An Wen. Jun's confidence and determination in cultivating Ji Zhui.

During this period, Ji Zhui and the little cat monster gradually grew in strength.

The little kitten has reached level 24 this month with almost no opponents, and its reputation value is increasing at a rate of nearly a thousand points every day.

But none of this is the best news.

The best news is that the third crisis has not been revealed. Ji Zhui does not need to worry about possible dangers in the future and can study and live with peace of mind to accumulate strength.

Because winter is coming, many elves will hibernate in winter, so the rangers will conduct an end-of-year inventory of all secret realms when winter is about to begin, counting the number and health status of all species in the secret realms, and conducting an inventory of the secret realms and the surrounding environment. Ecological analysis.

The Qingcheng secret realm is a small secret realm. Zhu Qin said that it is enough for him to do the year-end inventory by himself, but it is always good to have multiple people to help, so he also invited Ji Zhui to go into the secret realm to help with the work.

Ji Zhui was looking forward to this day so much. It had been more than three months since she last entered the secret realm by mistake. She wanted to go to the homes of some of her elf friends.

"Let me introduce to you. This is the assistant sent by the Patrol Bureau to assist me in the year-end inventory - counting Rotom."

Zhuqin took Ji Zhui to the ranger post, asked her to put on special protective clothing, and introduced her to the assistant who had just arrived yesterday.

Counting Rotom looks a lot like a camera, which is why Zhuqin said it was enough for him to do it alone.

Counting and recording data are all done by counting Rotom. Zhuqin's main job is to bring medicine boxes to treat the elves' injuries.

If the fruit trees in the secret realm are not growing well, then some treatment measures will be taken. Generally speaking, it will be more relaxing.

"Hello, what is your name?" Inventory Rotom gathered a circle of data around Ji Zhui, and also made an electronic sound to talk to Ji Zhui.

This little guy is quite smart.

Ji Zhui watched with some surprise as he counted the Rotoms. It felt somewhat similar to Ash's Rotom illustrated book in the Alola chapter of the anime.

"Hello, Rotom. I'm Ji Zhui. I'm here to assist Brother Zhuqin in his work." Ji Zhui said to Rotom in a friendly manner.

"Data is being entered... Data is being entered..." Counting Rotom hovered in front of Ji Zhui.

"Entry completed, Ji Zhui, gender female, height 160cm, weight 39.5kg, occupation: ranger assistant."

Can even the height and weight be scanned? Ji Zhui couldn't help but give a thumbs up to the counting of Rotom.

Counting Rotom flew behind Zhuqin and hid somewhat shyly. It was rarely praised so directly.

"Okay, let's go." Zhu Qin felt around and took stock of Rotom's metal protective case.

The end-of-year inventory was equivalent to a mountain patrol. The two of them got on a special aircraft and flew towards the entrance gate of the secret realm.

The flying height of this aircraft is very low, maybe thirty or forty centimeters above the ground. Zhuqin's speed is also relatively slow, which makes it easier for them to observe the surrounding situation on the aircraft.

Inventory Rotom started working mode after entering the site, constantly scanning the surrounding environment, while simultaneously entering data, modifying terrain modeling, and comparing data with the same period in previous years.

Ji Zhui looked at the constantly changing display screen for counting Rotoms and lamented even more about the current level of technology.

In the past, it was estimated that rangers would have to walk the mountain step by step and count the numbers themselves. A mountain patrol might take several days, and they might also encounter various dangers.

Now, mountaineering is just like going out for an outing.

Ji Zhui listened to Zhu Qin's explanation of the situation in the secret realm while observing the situation in the secret realm.

"There are relatively few elves living in the place I just walked through, and they are all relatively close races." Zhu Qin suddenly said.

Ji Zhui also found that the surrounding scenery had changed significantly.

The terrain at the entrance to the secret realm is basically grassland, and the elves counted are almost all common and non-aggressive elves such as shuttlecock grass, mountain rat, and walking grass.

The deeper you go into the secret realm, the darker the color of the vegetation becomes, and the road basically disappears. Fortunately, there are aircrafts, otherwise it would be difficult to clear the road.

"Grass-type elves tend not to take the initiative to argue with other elves, so they are less likely to be injured or have unrecovered old illnesses. The eastern area we are going to next is where many bird and insect elves live, which is more dangerous. .”

Zhuqin said as the aircraft slowly but surely headed into the dense forest.

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