The day of the battle.

After the morning class, Ji Zhui and the little cat monster had just had breakfast in the cafeteria.

"Little Junior Sister!" someone shouted.

Ji Zhui recognized Ma Maofan's voice and looked back to see Ding, Ma and Wu calling her.

Ji Zhui could see that the three of them were very excited, but it seemed that they were not the only ones who were excited.

What are the people behind you three excited about?

Even grandpa is joining in the fun, why is he everywhere!

Ji Zhui didn't know that Ding Kui and Ma Maofan would come to Ji Zhui to fight, or they did so with Ji Guoping's secret suggestion.

Without telling An Wenjun, he also designed a training plan for Ji Zhui, but he only trained Ji Zhui according to the way of a professional elf trainer.

He thought that Ji Zhui had a legal elf partner when he was only twelve years old. I don't know how many people would be surprised if he told this condition. It would be a pity not to cultivate the kitten monster earlier. He thinks that the kitten monster has the potential to become the second electric leader. Liu Guixiang’s potential.

I have to say that he and An Wenjun are really in tune with each other.

Some time ago, Mao Mao had trouble with his eyes, so that's all.

But seeing that the little kitten recovered and Ji Zhui was still traveling around leisurely, he became anxious and planned to think of a way to stimulate Ji Zhui.

The day before yesterday, Ding Kui and Ji Guoping finished their competitive hairy crab battle and were brutally beaten again.

Just as he was sighing, Ji Guoping suddenly wandered past him and said: "The closest amateur-level assessment gym to the martial arts gym is the Qianhuang Gym in Peng City. The gym trainers there are good at cultivating electric elves. .”

Ding Kui didn't realize that Ji Guoping had ulterior motives. After grabbing the keyword, he opened his eyes wide: "Electric elf? Then I have to think about countermeasures. By the way! Isn't Junior Sister's kitten monster an electric elf?"

Hearing Ding Kui think of Ji Zhui, Ji Guoping left with satisfaction.

The news that Ding Kui and Ma Maofan were going to have an elf battle with Ji Zhui spread from the old student class. Soon everyone knew about it and had high interest and expectations.

"There are still fifteen minutes until the morning class. Can we fight now? Soon." Ji Zhui looked at Ding Kui's bright eyes and couldn't say the words of rejection. After all, he had already refused once yesterday.

"Okay." Ji Zhui felt that he had just eaten breakfast, which was not suitable for strenuous exercise.

"Yeah!" When they heard Ji Zhui accept the challenge, everyone watching was also a little excited. The most excited ones were the seven idiots.

"I'll be the referee, and I'll give out some prizes to the winner." Ji Guoping volunteered.

The group of people went to the training ground in the front yard together. Ji Zhui touched the little kitten's head and gave a few instructions before putting it into the elf ball.

In regular games, elves have to come out of the ball.

"It is now announced that the one-on-one match between Ding Kui and Ji Zhui has begun!" Ji Guoping took out a small flag and waved it.

According to the referee's announcement, Ding Kui will attack first.

"Come on! Fist-Fist!" Ding Kui shouted and threw a Poké Ball.

Ji Zhui's face was filled with questions. Do you have to shout before releasing the ball?

But she releases kittens and monsters directly.

"Fist fist octopus, use glare!"

Ding Kui gave the order as soon as the fist fist landed on the ground.

As expected of an experienced senior brother, he was very good at timing his orders.

Quanquanchu's light blue eyes worked hard, and a blue-black eye appeared on the body of the little cat monster.

The skill is still being cast, but Fist-Fist has already begun to move towards the little kitten, trying to close the distance between the two parties for close combat.

The kitten trembled.

The glare is effective, and the kitten's defense is reduced.


Ji Zhui decided to let the little kitten replenish its power first. As the fist-fisting octopus was moving, it was difficult to hit with his moves, and using the charging move could also attract opponents to follow him.

"Ji Zhui's style is relatively conservative and steady." An Wenjun was watching the battle outside and couldn't help but comment after seeing Ji Zhui's battle.

Quanquan Octopus moves very fast and has already stuck to the little kitten when it uses the charge.

Coach, I won’t hide from this!

Ji Zhui had trained the little kitten to dodge attacks, but with the Quanquan Octopus entangling him from all directions, the kitten had nowhere to hide and could only passively fall into the fist-quan octopus's arms.

"Tie it tight." Ding Kui felt stable.

Fist-Fisting Octopus is best at close combat. It can lock the opponent tightly and then follow up with a combo of splitting tiles, which can basically kill the opponent in an instant.

Once Fist and Fist gets entangled, there will be almost no suspense in the battle.

When the students in the old student class saw Fist and Fist entangled with the little cat monster, they felt that the outcome was decided.

They are quite familiar with the battle routines of the senior brother, and this entanglement flow is very practical.

Naturally, the freshman class was the one who stood up for the challenge, and it was very worrying to see the little kitty monster at a disadvantage.

"Come on, little kitten! Come on, big sister!" Seven people cheered for Ji Zhui outside the court.

Although Ji Zhui doesn't have his own tactical system yet, he is not someone who gives up easily.

"Kitten, curl up and use bite to accumulate power!"

She clenched her fists and shouted at the two in a stalemate.

The little kitten was almost submerged in Quanquanchu's body, and he didn't know if he was still conscious.

But as the fist and octopus let out a cry of pain, Ji Zhui's eyes lit up, and she knew that the little cat monster heard her words.

"Now, one hundred thousand volts/crack the tiles!" commanded to the two people on the battlefield at the same time.

Ji Zhui and Ding Kui looked at each other and smiled at each other after seeing the fierce fighting spirit in their eyes.

Quanquan Chu released one fist to charge up the force and split the tiles.

The little kitten had some breathing space, but he still bit the fist cucumber.

"Mi! Porphyrin!"

The dazzling electric light spread from the body of the little cat monster and hit the body of Quanquanxu

Not trained to hit, that's okay.

Ji Zhui knew that the fist octopus had to be hit close to the body, so last night he taught the little cat monster to wrap around its body with 100,000 volts.

It doesn't matter if you don't have mature tactics.

After charging to accumulate electric energy, and biting it hard in the mouth to accumulate power, this one hundred thousand volts is not only instantaneous but also amazingly powerful.

It doesn’t matter if you get stuck.

Ji Zhui made the little kitten curl up and arch its body, which dispersed the power of the fist and fist octopus.

Quanquanchu took a powerful electric move and fell to the ground helplessly.

"Fist-Fist Octopus has lost the ability to fight. The winner is Ji Zhui and Little Cat Monster!" Ji Guoping blew the whistle in time.

The audience cheered, Ji Zhui actually defeated the senior brother!

It’s incredible!

"You are very strong." Ding Kui said to Ji Zhui when the players shook hands at the end.

This little junior sister constantly refreshes his understanding of the word "houlang".

In his impression, hadn't he been called a genius since he was a child? But at the same time as Ji Zhui, what was he doing at the age of twelve?

"Thank you, senior brother, I have learned a lot." Ji Zhui also smiled, picked up the little kitten lying at his feet while talking, and walked towards the resident doctor of the martial arts school who was watching the battle.

Formal battles between elves are very important. As long as the elves are exhausted, the winner should be decided.

The elf's body can withstand all kinds of harsh environments. Some attacks that are directly fatal to humans can only scratch the body for the elf.

Moreover, elves rarely suffer serious skin or internal injuries. It is said that this is because elves can mobilize the energy in their bodies to protect their own bodies. Therefore, exhaustion during a battle may be due to the opponent's high damage, and the energy is overdrawn in order to withstand the damage, which is manifested as Temporary fainting will cause circles around the eyes. As long as you stop attacking and replenish energy in time, you will be alive and kicking after a short rest.

But the wild elves may not be so measured in a duel.

Elves advocate force, and most elves want to become the strongest. Even within the same race, there will be competition with each other. When fighting among themselves, they will often beat their opponents to the brink of death, which may result in the death of the elves.

"Mipu..." If I win, I will say that I am the number one kitten in the world...

The little kitten opened its little kitten eyes and looked at Ji Zhui. Even though he was exhausted, he still wanted to act coquettishly towards Ji Zhui.

Ji Zhui hugged it tightly and rubbed the little kitten's forehead with his chin, "It's really great. The world's number one kitten, please take a good rest."

"Thank you for your hard work. You did a good job." Ding Kui also picked up the missing fist octopus, gently put it into the ball and handed it to the doctor.

He felt as if he was competing with his peers. Ji Zhui was too mature and it was hard to imagine what she would be like when she grew up.

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