The couple is trapped in endless guilt that they are unfit parents.

Their daughter was sensible and didn't say anything to worry them, so they thought everything was fine with her daughter.

They didn't do anything for their daughter when she was being tortured. She was able to escape only on her own little shoulders.

They wanted to take their daughter for good treatment and tolerate Ji Zhui with love. They thought Ji Zhui needed medical treatment now.

But Ji Zhui said, don't force her.

Only then did they realize that this was what they thought they had, and what they thought Ji Zhui needed.

Whether it was sending Ji Zhui home to practice martial arts, or directly bringing Ji Zhui to the hospital.

They were forcing Ji Zhui.

This was the point that broke the two of them down.

They were crying because of guilt and shame, not because of Ji Zhui's current lack of cooperation.

Ji Zhui's heated mind calmed down instantly.

She had vowed to love her family and cherish everything that was hard-won in her life, but now her parents are crying.

Ji Zhui moved to the car door and looked at his reflection on the car window.

He gently stretched out his fingers to outline his outline, and his reflection suddenly became a little blurry.

Is it because this is a dream?

No, it was just tears that blurred my eyes.

It might also be because of the heavy summer rain falling from the sky.

She opened the car door, stepped out, and ran towards the hospital in the rain.

She has been to this hospital many times and knows it better than anyone else.

Register, go to the psychology department, and open that door.

She is a very familiar psychiatrist. She is still very young now, and she no longer knows Ji Zhui.

"Is it Ji Zhui?" She compared Ji Zhui's information and found that Ji Zhui's body was wet from the rain. She quickly got up and got a dry towel for Ji Zhui.

Ji Zhui's parents called her psychological clinic yesterday.

She suggested that Ji Zhui's parents take Ji Zhui to the hospital for medical treatment. She was usually in the hospital during the day, and if she needed to prescribe medicine, the hospital would be more convenient. There was a psychological counselor she hired in the clinic.

But today I don’t know why only Ji Chai came.

"Yes, my parents are waiting for me outside." Ji Zhui said.

Her parents are not familiar with this place and are probably still lost.

But that's okay, she doesn't know how to face them now.

"Okay." Xu Jiaqi pressed the diagnosis button, and the "Diagnosis and treatment in progress, please do not disturb" signal light immediately lit up outside the clinic.

She took out some psychological scales and asked Ji Zhui to fill them out, "Don't be anxious, think slowly, and fill them out based on your true thoughts."

Then turn on the optical brain and click on a soft piece of pure music.

Ji Zhui was a little nervous.

She had seen this psychiatrist in her previous life, and all her thoughts seemed to be invisible under Xu Jiaqi's wise eyes.

Ji Zhui sighed inexplicably, knowing that he had a secret, so what could he do, as long as he insisted not to tell it.

As a result, Ji Zhui's spirit relaxed a little and he began to fill in the scale attentively.

After a long while, Ji Zhui filled out all the forms, and his hands were a little sore.

Xu Jiaqi took the watches and was not busy checking them. Instead, he changed the music and started chatting with Ji Zhui.

In her conversation, she constantly strengthened the label of herself as a "trustworthy person" in Ji Zhui's mind, implying that Ji Zhui should open up and communicate with her in depth.

Ji Zhui was actually holding some things in her heart, such as the fear when she saw the atrocities of human traffickers abusing children, the panic when an undercover agent was around to test her, and the many crises that could lead to the loss of her life when she just started over. Confused…

But none of these things could be told to others, so Ji Zhui vented his emotions by crying hard in front of Xu Jiaqi for three hours.

The rain keeps falling outside, as if it wants to wash away the helplessness, grievance, despair and pain in people's hearts.

Ji Zhui poured himself into the heavy rain.

The conversation finally ended, and Xu Jiaqi took out the scale again for Ji Zhui to fill in, but this time there were only a few thin sheets.

In fact, these were the important forms that she mainly looked at. The ones she filled out at the beginning were of no use, they were just for Ji Zhui to calm down and clarify his thoughts.

Human psychological needs are so complex that no matter how many tables there are, they cannot fully express them.

"Xiao Zhui, you are actually great, don't worry too much." Xu Jiaqi looked at Ji Zhui tenderly.

Just now, Ji's parents sent a message to her optical brain.

Children who can overcome their psychological barriers and take the initiative to come to her will not have any major problems.

Xu Jiaqi looked at some notes he had recorded during the conversation and sorted out his judgment on Ji Zhui.

She is prone to post-traumatic stress disorder and has a potential borderline personality orientation, but the feeling this child gives her is actually very contradictory. She is exaggeratedly calmer and more mature than any child, and her logical thinking even surpasses that of some adults. people. If it were an ordinary child, she would definitely recommend using stronger methods, otherwise the impact on the character would be lifelong.

Ji Zhui has a frank side and really wants to open up to the world, but he closes himself off because of some issues he wants to avoid.

However, this is understandable. After experiencing being abducted, anyone would want to escape this painful memory. The behavior of the trafficker may have affected her behavior pattern, but as long as she is given a calm environment and Ji Zhui's strong heart , can digest the impact of these memories.

Xu Jiaqi sent Ji Zhui out of the clinic. Ji Zhui's parents were already waiting outside. When they saw Ji Zhui coming out, they stepped forward, held Ji Zhui in their arms and apologized to her.

Xu Jiaqi called Ji Buting and Jiang Yanfei to the side. He did not deliberately avoid Ji Zhui, but communicated frankly about Ji Zhui's diagnosis and treatment results.

Ji Zhui was also listening attentively, but the more he listened, the more confused he became. Doctor Xu's comments... seemed to think that there was nothing wrong with him. He subconsciously avoided certain unpleasant memories, but this was normal in Doctor Xu's eyes. .

"My treatment suggestion is to temporarily not use outside intervention, use relaxation therapy, give her time alone, and help her spend this healing time calmly. Perhaps not being disturbed by others is the best way for her to heal. But be careful not to let her mood fluctuate greatly."

Ji Zhui pondered for a while and thought about the information he revealed during the chat. Did the doctor think that her post-traumatic stress disorder was avoiding the experience of being abducted?

Is it because she always avoids talking about this experience and only talks about her emotions at the time, which is why the doctor misunderstood her.

She also agreed that she had this disease, but she felt that what she should avoid was the matter of rebirth, otherwise thinking about it would make her feel that everything was fake.

But Ji Zhui's borderline personality is really hard to explain.

When she was beating those young men yesterday, she was just a little angry at first.

But when she recalled the news she saw in her previous life, it was as if she had taken away someone else's body and suffered the pain on behalf of the person involved, and a flame of anger began to burn in her heart.

Later, she calmed down completely, calmly waving her fists, and calmly venting violence, as if none of this had anything to do with her, and she was just a bystander, watching the body behave on its own.

Ji Zhui planned to take a look at his main missions when he went back. If a new one came out, he would redeem it, at least to see if he could get some clues about his abnormality.

Ji Buting and Jiang Yanfei finally felt a big stone in their hearts.

The eyes of the three of them were red and swollen, and they must have cried just now.

Ji Zhui looked out the window at the clear sky washed away by the heavy rain. He might have blamed his parents just now. They couldn't understand his pain and instead asked him to do things he didn't want to do.

But now she is relieved.

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